Seven days on kefir


  • Useful properties of kefir
  • Kefir diet 7 days and minus 10 kg
  • How to improve the results and exit from the diet
  • Simplified option: kefir – buckwheat diet

Among the diets there are those that involve strict restrictions.
in the diet, and there are lighter options, it is suitable for
people who tolerate the rejection of many products. TO
�”Intermediate” options between hard and light can be attributed
kefir diet. If we consider its “short version” –
three days, then it can be carried out in the “monovariant”, that is, all
three days to use exclusively kefir.

A longer diet – for a week – does not imply such
restrictions. In this case, lunches and dinners will be somewhat more
diverse, because it is necessary to ensure intake
all necessary for the life of micronutrients and vitamins to
in the period of the diet, he did not suffer from their lack.


All the benefits of kefir

What is so useful kefir? In addition to calcium, which is saturated with this
delicious drink, it contains vitamins A, B2, protein
connections. No wonder it is recommended for various diseases
gastrointestinal tract, especially with a tendency to constipation.
True, to cope with this delicate problem, you need
one-day kefir. He perfectly “cleans” the intestines, speaking, you can
to say, in the role of medicine, contributing to the speedy conclusion of
organism toxins and slags. TO тому же кефир прекрасно насыщает.
You probably noticed: in hot weather in summer, when a hot lunch
literally “does not climb into the throat”, it is worth drinking a couple of glasses of kefir – and
the feeling of satiety is provided until the evening. And special
the number of calories (and therefore kilograms), he will not add.

All these properties of kefir and allow you to use it as
dietary product. TOак будет выглядеть ваша неделя на кефире –
what and how to eat in these seven days? Usually recommend
stick to the next diet.

�”Dietary” schedule

The first day is 1, 5 l of kefir (it is possible low, and
normal fat content) and additionally 4 or 5 potatoes.
TOартофель должен быть отварным, без соли и без масла. TOлубни берите

  • The second day – again kefir in the same amount to which you can
    add 100 g of boiled chicken.
  • The third day repeats the second, with the difference that instead of chicken
    You can eat veal.
  • On the fourth day, take a small portion of boiled fish (not
    forgetting about the usual 1.5 liter kefir).
  • Day five is kefir and a tasty salad made of vegetables or fruits.
    (just do not take bananas and grapes – they are too high in calories).
  • The sixth day – maybe it will be the most difficult for you, but
    be fastened: the affair comes to an end. This day will have to eat
    exclusively kefir. Remaining short: only 2 days – and you can
    will gradually return to normal nutrition. TOефира вы должны
    drink a half to two liters.
  • The last, seventh day, in a sense, will be a rest –
    if not for you, then for your digestive tract exactly. AT
    this day can not be at all, but you can drink in any

What drink? At your choice:

  • – green tea;
  • – mineral water;
  • – water.

It is undesirable to use black tea and coffee – these drinks will become
too much load for the body. But allowed drinks and
water can be drunk without restriction. This is a big “plus” because
this way you can fool the stomach a little when it starts
outraged to demand food.

TOак улучшить результат?

From the eighth day you can stop the diet. TOаковы будут ожидаемые
results? Losing kilograms should approach the number of 5 or even 7.
Now the main task of losing weight is not to lose the achievements.
results by lashing out on cakes and chocolates. ATыходить из диеты
it is better to gradually: start eating fully with light food –
fruits, vegetables. Then you can add porridge and soups. The main thing is not
return completely to the former way of life. Desirable forever
get rid of the habit of eating buns and pizza, as well as chocolate
конфеты – в неограниченных quantities. No, a small piece
pizza at a get-together with friends or a few sweets with evening tea
– A completely acceptable departure from the general principle of nutrition after a diet.
The main thing is that such dinners do not become the norm in the future.

To kilograms melted faster before kefir diet
will require training. AT течение нескольких дней перед началом
limit the use of kefir salt, sweet, drink on
In the evenings (instead of dinner) a cup of kefir or yogurt without sugar. So
before the diet you say goodbye to a couple of extra kilograms.

TOак будет уходить вес на диете? AT первые дни – быстро, а затем
a bit slower. This should not scare you: in the first days of the body
loses excess fluid and those “accumulations” that you have accumulated
recently. And then there is a gradual restructuring of the exchange.
substances, the establishment of its proper operation – and the figure gradually
gains harmony.

Despite all the benefits and effectiveness of kefir diet, abide by
it can not all. Do not go on a diet for those who suffer
gastrointestinal diseases tract (at least in acute
form or in the acute stage). AT таком состоянии любое диетическое
food can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Add a little buckwheat

If you feel that you can keep a diet on kefir
hard, try a simplified version – kefir and buckwheat. With such
In the form of food, the feeling of hunger will not torment you. TOак
to cook buckwheat and how to combine it with kefir? Can
do this: taking a glass of buckwheat, pour it in the evening
boiling water and in this form leave until morning. AT течение следующего дня
you can eat this one buckwheat, filling it with kefir. Or make
a little differently: buckwheat separately, and kefir drink separately.
This diet should not be followed longer than 3 days.

TOакой из вариантов кефирной диеты выбрать, вы можете решить
yourself. AT принципе, и тот, и другой прекрасно подойдут для сброса
weight. TOонечно, если вам нужно сбросить больше 10 кг, придется на
this diet sit repeatedly. It is not forbidden to do this, but not
more often than once every three months, so as not to lose with the extra
kilograms of essential trace elements. ATсе-таки любое ограничение
– This is stress, and go to extremes is not worth it. ATосстановив тот вес,
in which you feel comfortable, try further
just stick to the principles of healthy eating – and you no longer
will need to sit on any diets. Soonest you gain

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