Secrets of oriental cuisine: how to cook rice forrolls. What is the difference between rolls and sushi, how to cook rice forsushi

Пн, 12 сен 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Delicious, healthy, healthy, exquisitely beautiful Japanese cuisine
подарила миру роллы и sushi. Many still confuse these dishes, and
not in vain.

They are actually very similar. It differs only way of filing and
the amount of ingredients used.

Rolls are a specially rolled rice-fish
pieces wrapped with a sheet of pressed nori seaweed. Essentially this
просто разновидность sushi — блюда из риса и морепродуктов с
acetic dressing.

В любом случае основу роллов и sushi составляет рис. Its taste and
consistency is different from the product that is used in Russian
or, for example, Uzbek cuisine. Combines rice with any
seafood: fish, seaweed, shrimp, caviar. Rolls
often put fresh cucumbers, sesame, fruit.

Experiments can be carried out any. But the main component of rolls
и sushi — это все-таки рис. To get real pleasure from
еды, важно знать, как варить рис для роллов и sushi. Based on it
You can complement traditional recipes to your liking,
experiment with pouring, each time getting a new taste.


how варить рис для роллов и sushi — общие принципы

Prepare Japanese dishes at home every woman can afford. Today
the kitchen of the island nation is so popular that in any
supermarket there is a rack with all the necessary products:
Japanese rice, pressed noria, rice and soy algae
vinegar, pickled ginger.

Перед тем, как варить рис для sushi, нужно определиться с сортом
grains. Notправильно отваренный рис для роллов или sushi
falling apart as soon as a piece is in a bowl of soy
the sauce. This happens for two reasons:

1. The dish is made from inappropriate rice;

2. rice itself is cooked wrong.

As for the “right” rice, it is not necessary to buy
продукт с маркировкой «японский» или «для sushi». Actually speech
talking about ordinary round grain rice, and overpaying for a “hint”
not worth it.

Of course, you can buy real Japanese rice. But our
Krasnodar quite fit for overseas dishes. All because
what has the right qualities: it is well boiled soft and has
high adhesiveness. It is important that the boiled rice grains be
well glued to each other.

История про рассыпчатый рис — это не для sushi. therefore
long grain rice, including steamed rice, cannot be used. Not
suitable and useful brown, brown, black (wild) product. For
роллов и sushi нужны исключительно белые клейкие grains. Otherwise
case the question of how to cook rice for rolls becomes

Их нужно правильно подготовить: промыть в
several waters (at least seven times). Water must be very
cold and clean. Merged from rice, completely ready to cooking
grain, it must remain completely transparent.

Принципы preparations рисовой крупы

• boil it properly until fully cooked;

• separately prepare the filling (rice vinegar is required,
salt and sugar);

• combine hot rice and vinegar pouring.

Basically, you can just cook rice grain the way you
used to do it, and then pour it dressing and carefully
mix. Or pour the grain into the slow cooker and entrust the process to it.
But for maximum restaurant effect, it’s worth knowing
как варить рис для роллов и sushi. There are several ways to
master them completely not difficult.

How to cook rice for rolls in the traditional way

Идеальный рис — это мягкие, нежные, но не переваренные grains.
Они легко принимают нужную форму, поэтому роллы и sushi получаются
delicious, perfectly keep their shape and are not much different from
restaurant. how варить рис для sushi традиционным способом?


• a glass of round grain (or special Japanese) rice

• one and a half glasses of water;

• half table spoon of granulated sugar;

• half a spoonful of salt;

• 50 ml of real rice vinegar.

Способ preparations:

Prepared white rice grains put in thick-walled
the pan.

Pour rice in a measured portion of water. The proportion of one to one and a half –
perfect ratio of grain and water. Water no salt, no spices
do not add.

Turn on high heat and wait for the boiling water. Cover should
be open.

As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, reduce the fire to
minimum and cover the pan with a lid as tightly as possible.

how варить рис для sushi? Not более десяти-пятнадцати minutes
It is important that the moisture completely evaporate, but perederzhivat rice on
fire is impossible. Overcooked rice grains will spoil the excellent

While the rice is being cooked, prepare the dressing. For этого в сотейник или
Pour vinegar in a small saucepan (you need rice vinegar, not
some other).

Pour sugar and salt into it.

Put the dishes on a small fire and wait for the full
dissolving grains. It is important to stir the sauce so that the sugar is faster.
dissolved and not burnt.

When the grains of sugar and salt disappear, pouring is ready.

Remove boiled rice from the heat and leave under the lid for minutes on

Put the rice grains in a large wide bowl, pour hot
acetic dressing.

Stir in the vinegar-filled rice using
wooden shovel.

When the rice has cooled to a warm state, proceed to
формированию роллов или sushi.

how варить рис для sushi «горячим» способом

Notжный, клейкий рис можно готовить по-другому. In this case, rice
poured into boiling water, and its amount increases. how
boil rice for hot rolls?


• a cup of white round rice;

• two glasses of clean water;

• two tablespoons of vinegar;

• a teaspoon of sugar;

• a teaspoon of salt.

Способ preparations:

Boil water in a suitable volume pot (the amount of rice
will increase about three times).

Wash rice to clear water.

Pour the grain into the boiling water, reduce the fire to a minimum.

Cover the pan tightly, cook rice 15-20 minutes before
full absorption of water into the grain.

Prepare the dressing as described in the first recipe.

Ready rice to remove from heat, sprinkle with pouring and mix with
using wooden chopsticks or wooden spoons.

how варить рис для sushi с водорослями нори

For придания рису особого аромата можно использовать лист нори.
A small piece of pressed sheet is required. Before as
варить рис для sushi, нужно просто положить в воду Важно убрать его
from the pot after boiling water. Proportions are indicated for large
количества rolls.


• four hundred grams of rice;

• half a liter of water;

• a small piece of pressed noria seaweed;

• 50 ml of rice vinegar;

• 30 grams of sugar;

• 10 g of salt.

Способ preparations:

Pour cold water over rice.

Throw a piece of nori into the water, close the pan with a lid.

Turn on the maximum heat and wait for the boiling water.

Remove algae, reduce heat to minimum.

Boil rice for exactly twelve minutes.

Turn off the heat and leave the rice under the lid for another fifteen

Prepare vinegar pouring.

Соединить ее с рисом, mix.

how варить рис для sushi: полезные советы и секреты

  • The maximum cooking time for rice after boiling water is twenty.
    minutes If possible, do not remove the cover. For the first time without checking
    grain on boiling water, of course, is indispensable. Rice can boil
    и через 15, и через 20 minutes Much depends on the characteristics of the plate
    and rice varieties. But over time, experience will come that will ensure
    Grain full peace under the lid.

  • Notльзя ни в коем случае прикасаться к рису ложкой, перемешивать
    and disturb him. We remember one of the commandments: complete peace!

  • Ready rice needs to be cooked right away. Leave it to another
    day, you can not store in the refrigerator. Literally a few
    hours boiled grain will rapidly lose moisture. Rice will become
    жестким и совершенно непригодным для preparations роллов и

  • Dressing and rice should be mixed hot. Fill should not
    boil: she needs to give a few minutes to cool. amount
    refueling should not be too big. The challenge is to give rice
    light aroma and spicy acetic taste.

  • Можно купить в магазине готовую заправку для sushi-rice. She is
    replaces homemade rice vinegar and sugar and salt.

  • Готовить роллы и sushi следует из остывшего полностью готового
    rice. The Japanese use a special fan to fan and
    остужать отваренные рисовые grains. If you want to feel yourself in
    atmosphere of old Japan, you can work like a fan. However it is not

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