Scrambled eggs in the slow cooker – easy! Recipes яичницыin the slow cooker; scrambled eggs, eggs, with tomatoes, cheese, sausage,for a couple

Сб, 23 июл 2016 Автор: Наталья Даньчишак

Scrambled eggs are often cooked for breakfast.

You can fry it in a frying pan, but happy owners
Multicookers often wonder: is it possible to cook
scrambled eggs in a slow cooker?

Sure you may. In addition, the slow cooker allows you to cook
dish using the minimum amount of butter or fat.


Fried eggs in a slow cooker – the basic principles of cooking

Scrambled eggs in a slow cooker will never burn and get tender.
Pour some oil into the multicooker bowl, and better
use a mixture of vegetable and cream. Those who follow
with their figure, they can simply smear the bottom of the bowl with silicone

The bowl is heated in the “Fry” mode and only after that they are driven in.
the eggs. Prepare scrambled eggs under the lid, about three minutes. If you are cooking
then after you have hammered the eggs, they need to be intensively
mix with a wooden spatula until cooked. Scrambled eggs can
приготовить и for a couple. To do this, you will need silicone
molds for cupcakes. Eggs are hammered into them, seasoned with spices and
выставляют в контейнер for a couple. Then the container is placed in
чашу, включают программу «Варка for a couple» и готовят, закрыв крышку,
quarter of an hour.

Scrambled eggs can разнообразить, добавив в нее колбасу,
seafood, vegetables, cheese, spinach, etc. To do this first
stir fry vegetables, sausages or other products. Only
After that, drive eggs and fry until done.

Recipe 1. Fried eggs in a slow cooker. Eggs


  • two eggs;

  • spices;

  • 25 ml of olive oil.

Cooking method

1. Pour olive oil into the bowl of the multicooker. Turn on mode
�”Baking” and wait about three minutes to butter
warmed up.

2. We break eggs into a bowl, trying to make it so that not
damage the yolk, season with spices and close the lid.

3. After the beep sounds, take out the scrambled eggs
on a plate and decorate with fresh greens.

Recipe 2. Fried eggs in a multicooker with tomatoes


  • 20 ml of sunflower oil;

  • five eggs;

  • two tomatoes;

  • 5 g black pepper;

  • quarter onion;

  • 3 g of salt.

Cooking method

1. Wash tomatoes, wipe with a linen towel and chop
tomatoes circles, half a centimeter thick. Cut out the place where
the fruit stem fastened. Put the circles on the board and lightly

2. Shred the onion into small cubes.

3. Lubricate the bottom and sides of the multicooker with oil. Lay on the bottom
slices of tomatoes and sprinkle them with chopped onions.

4. Turn on the Frying program for a quarter of an hour and fry slightly.
tomatoes without closing the lid.

5. Beat five eggs into a deep plate, pepper and salt.
Lightly chop them with a fork.

6. Turn the tomatoes over with a wooden spatula and fill them with eggs.
Close the lid. Put the finished eggs on a plate and serve with
fresh vegetables.

Recipe 3. Fried eggs in a slow cooker. Chatterbox


  • three chicken eggs;

  • spice;

  • 30 ml of milk;

  • a piece of butter.

Cooking method

1. Put eggs into a bowl, add milk, season with spices and
lightly whisk.

2. Turn on the multicooker in the “Frying” mode. Put a piece in the bowl
oil and wait for it to melt. Pour in the milky-barley mixture.
Close the lid and cook in this mode for seven minutes.

3. Cut rye bread into thin slices and fry in a toaster
or in a pan. Put the scrambled eggs on rye toast and serve with
greens and fresh tomatoes.

Recipe 4. Fried eggs in a quail egg cooker with cheese


  • quail eggs – 10 pcs .;

  • salt;

  • milk – a glass;

  • black pepper;

  • cheese – 30 g;

  • butter – 10 g

Cooking method

1. Break the eggs into a deep cup and beat them well.
whisk or fork. Enter the milk in a thin stream and continue.
beat until smooth.

2. Rub the cheese with fine chips and add it to the egg mixture.
Salt it.

3. Activate the slow cooker in the “Baking” mode. Put in the bowl
piece of butter and wait until it melts.

4. Pour the egg-cheese mixture into the bowl. Close the lid and cook.
яичницу quarter of an hour. Put the finished dish on a plate and
Stir finely grated cheese.

Recipe 5. Fried eggs in the sun in the clouds multicooker


  • two chicken eggs;

  • a pair of dill sprigs;

  • two slices of rye bread;

  • spice mix.

Cooking method

1. Eggs are carefully broken down and divided into proteins and yolks.
Put them in different dishes.

2. Add spices to whites and beat them into strong, dense
the foam.

3. On a slice of rye bread spread whipped squirrels. In the middle
make a recess and pour in each yolk.

4. Turn on the program “Baking” on the multicooker and wait for a couple
minutes to warm up the bowl. At the bottom lay out slices of bread with
eggs, and cook with the lid closed, ten minutes. Just before
the end of the preparation sprinkle the dish finely chopped

Recipe 6. Fried eggs in a multicooker with smoked pork neck


  • four eggs;

  • поваренная salt;

  • two slices of smoked pork neck;

  • black pepper;

  • a tomato;

  • sunflower oil;

  • a couple of greens.

Cooking method

1. Cut the pork neck into small pieces.

2. Pour a little bit of sunflower oil into the slow cooker.
Put the sliced ​​pork neck. Activate the mode “Frying”
for five minutes. Fry, periodically stirring wooden

3. Tomato wash, rub and chop finely. Add tomatoes to
bowl and mix.

4. Beat the eggs on top of the roasted tomato with the pork neck.
Переведите мультиварку в режим «Выпечка» на quarter of an hour. Cook
scrambled eggs under the lid. Spread the scrambled eggs in portions and
serve with fresh cucumbers.

Рецепт 7. Яичница в мультиварке for a couple


  • three eggs;

  • соль и spice;

  • a piece of butter;

  • sausage.

Cooking method

1. Three silicone molds for muffins oiled

2. Remove the film from the sausage and cut it into thin slices.

3. In each mold put a few slices of sausage. Above
we drive in one egg. Season with salt and spices.

4. In the bowl of the kitchen appliance pour two glasses of filtered
water. Формочки ставим в контейнер для варки for a couple. Install
container in the bowl multicooker and close the lid.

5. Активируем режим «Варка for a couple» на семь минут. Ready
яичницу for a couple выкладываем, слегка надавив пальцами на бортики
forms, on a serving plate. Served with fresh salad

Recipe 8. Fried eggs in the “Multicooker” Flowers


  • spice;

  • two chicken eggs;

  • 5 ml of olive oil;

  • two milk sausages.

Cooking method

1. We cut each sausage along. Make the sides transverse
shallow cuts.

2. Fold the sausage in the form of a flower. Tips fasten

3. Lubricate the bottom of the multicooker tank with oil. Turn on mode

4. At the bottom lay out the “flowers” of sausages.

5. Separate the whites from the yolks. In the middle of each “flower”
Spread the spoon yolk. Close the lid and cook for about five minutes.
Then we season everything with spices, put it on a plate, and serve with
mayonnaise or ketchup.

Recipe 9. Fried eggs in a crock-pot with bacon


  • three chicken eggs;

  • two cherry tomatoes;

  • 60 g of bacon;

  • two sprigs of parsley.

Cooking method

1. Cut bacon into thin strips. We lay it on the bottom
Multivarki and run the program “Baking” for 20 minutes. Fry
bacon for five minutes.

2. Break eggs over bacon so that the yolks remain
whole Salt and cook scrambled eggs, without closing the lid.

3. Put the scrambled eggs on the plate. We decorate with halves
Cherry tomatoes and serve.

Recipe 10. Puff scrambled eggs in a slow cooker


  • 25 g of ketchup;

  • three eggs;

  • spice;

  • small onion;

  • 5 ml of butter;

  • 5 ml of olive oil.

Cooking method

1. Carefully break the eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks.

2. Add ketchup and spices to the yolks and beat with a mixer.

3. Protein mix well with a fork.

4. Clean and shred the onion. Butter and
vegetable lay out in the bowl and activate the slow cooker in the mode
�”Frying” for five minutes. Put onion and fry it to light

5. Fill the onions with proteins. Multicooker translated in the mode of “Quenching”
and cook for about five minutes until the protein grabs.

6. Now pour the whipped yolks. Activate the program
�”Baking” for four minutes. Serving scrambled eggs with fresh vegetables and

Recipe 11. Fried eggs in a slow cooker in tomatoes


  • three tomatoes;

  • cheese;

  • three chicken eggs;

  • dill;

  • salt;

  • olive oil.

Cooking method

1. Wash tomatoes, rub and cut the top. Neatly
Take out the pulp of the tomato. Hammer an egg into the cavity and season.
spices and salt.

2. Smear the bowl of the multicooker with vegetable oil. Put on
bottom tomatoes with eggs.

3. Turn on Baking Mode for five minutes and close the lid.

4. Rub the cheese. Open the lid, put in each tomato
a pinch of grated cheese and finely chopped dill. Close the lid
and cook the scrambled eggs in the same mode for another ten minutes. Such scrambled eggs
можно приготовить и for a couple.

Fried eggs – tips and tricks

  • Для приготовления яичницы используйте домашние свежие the eggs.

  • From quail eggs you can cook diet scrambled eggs.

  • Cook яичницу на смеси оливкового и сливочного масел.

  • Before you put the eggs in, heat the oil well, so that they
    not absorbed a lot of fat.

  • Do not take out the scrambled eggs immediately, leave it for a few minutes in

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