Salad with beans – the best recipes. How toand tasty cooked salad with beans.

ATт, 23 авг 2016 Автор: Автор: Юлия

Salad – the most useful way to cook beans, because
combination with vegetables, dressing and herbs is much better
digested. Apply pre-cooked,
canned or pickled beans, perfectly combined with
such spices as: allspice, chili, cumin, ginger, cloves,
cinnamon, kalindzhi, nutmeg and shambala.


Salad with beans – general principles and methods of cooking

Because raw beans contain toxic substances, it’s before
eating, be sure to expose to thermal
processing. In salads, it is best combined with vegetables, cheese,
crackers, ham and greens. Tasty with smoked
meat Ready meals can be served cold or hot.
the form.

Bean Salad – Food Preparation

Beans need to soak overnight, rinse and pour cold water
on the finger above the legumes. Boil for about an hour and a half, with a weak
boil without stirring. When the product is ready – salt.

Bean Salad – The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Salad with beans and mushrooms

Both white and red beans are suitable for this salad. AT
Anyway, it will be delicious.


Canned sliced ​​champignons – 1 bank; onions – 1
pcs .; garlic – 1 clove; canned beans – 1 can; vegetable
oil – 2 table. Lies.; mayonnaise.

Cooking method

Cut onion into half rings and fry lightly in butter.
Mix the mushrooms, beans and onions, squeeze garlic, season with mayonnaise.
Salt if necessary and give a little brew.

Recipe 2: Salad with beans and purchased croutons

Salad will be very useful for birthday, for Christmas, and
the arrival of unexpected guests, and a simple family dinner. Plain
the recipe to taste will surprise the most captious gourmet.


Croutons with cheese or meat flavor – 1-2 small
packs; canned corn – 1 can; chicken, ham or
smoked sausage; canned or pre-cooked
red beans – 1 bank; mayonnaise; greens.

Cooking method

Cut meat products in any form. Mix in
corn, beans, meat and crackers in a salad bowl, dress with mayonnaise,
decorate with greens. Immediately apply so that the croutons do not

Recipe 3: Salad with beans for the future

Effort and time spent in the winter will pay off with interest.
Just open the jar, pour its contents into the salad bowl – and
delicious dish is ready.


Tomatoes – 2.5 kg; beans – 1 kg; Bulgarian pepper – 1 kg; carrot –
1 kg; onions – 1/2 kg; 70% vinegar – 1 tsp. lie.; vegetable
oil – 0.5 liters; salt – 3 table. lie.; sugar – 1 cup; black ground
pepper – 2 tea. lie

Cooking method

The recipe is designed for 6 liters. Soak the beans for 12 hours,
carrots chopped on a grater with large holes, Bulgarian
pepper cut into straws, tomatoes – slices, and onions –

Prepared vegetables put in a pan with a wide bottom, add
salt, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil. Mix well. ATарить
with a minimum boil of about two hours, not forgetting all the time
stir because it can burn. Roll up in pre
sterilized cans, wrap well, wait for the full
cooling down

Recipe 4: Bean and Tuna Salad

AT этом шикарном салате все ингредиенты выкладываются послойно.
If you decorate it on top with roses from tomatoes, ringlets
onions and parsley, it will be very similar to the cake.


Canned corn – 200 g; boiled beans – 200 g; tuna
– 1 bank; cucumbers – 3 pieces; tomatoes – 3 pieces; white part of leek – 1
PC. or ? bulb onions; Bulgarian pepper – 2

Cooking method

Tomatoes and paprika free from seeds and along with
cucumbers cut into cubes, and onions – thin ringlets. Tuna
mash with a fork.

On the prepared dish lay out the products in such
sequences: – beans, smear a layer of mayonnaise; – corn,
grease with mayonnaise; – tuna; – onions; – chopped parsley; – tomatoes,
again – mayonnaise; – sweet pepper; – cucumbers.

Top salad and grease with mayonnaise, decorate and give a little
infuse in the fridge.

Recipe 5: Bean Salad with Cabbage

At first glance, light vegetable salad will allow you to be well fed
due to the caloric content of the beans, which in this combination will not bring
no harm to the figure.


Finely chopped cabbage – 3 stacks; boiled beans – 1
стак.;морковь — 1 PC.;лук — 1 PC.;соль;зелень петрушки;оливковое
масло — 2 стол lie

Cooking method

Chopped cabbage pour boiling water, set aside to
completely cooled. ATоду слить, в капусту добавить натёртую морковь,
finely chopped onion and parsley. Season everything with olive oil,
salt as you like, mix well and serve.

Salad with beans – useful tips from experienced chefs

Beans will be much more nutritious and tastier if the water after
first boil immediately drain and then pour cold
water, add 3 table. lie any vegetable oil again
bring to a boil, cook until ready.

Beans are well absorbed with vegetables, a little worse – with fish and


Artem 10/26/2016 I love bean salads are very tasty and healthy,
especially those who play sports. Because the beans contain
vegetable proteins that improve muscle growth and work

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