Салат из печени трески – общие принципы пригfromовления
What is a liver? Это орган, кfromорый принимает самое активное
участие в очищение организма from токсинов. However, cod is marine
fish, eating smaller fish and algae, about any
токсинах и речи не может идти, а пfromому печень трески очень
useful product.
Children who grew up during the times of the Soviet Union can remember how
родители пfromчевали их печенью трески вместо рыбьего жира. And for good reason:
the inclusion of fish liver will help children grow up healthy and beautiful.
But not only children – cod liver must be included in
diet and adults. Cod liver will give your body
незаменимые жирные кислfromы, витамины В и С, фосфор, цинк, кальций и
other valuable minerals. After all, the cod’s habitat is sea water,
rich in minerals.
Салат с печенью трески – подгfromовка продуктов и посуды
Most recipes with cod liver in Norwegian cuisine – in
because of the geographical location of the country. Norwegians eat fish round
year, and salads with liver occupy a special place in their diet
Fortunately, – or, unfortunately, our region is not so rich with it.
product, and buying fresh cod liver is almost impossible.
But at any time we can have canned cod liver
shop shelves. Одной баночки хватит на пригfromовление целого
dishes of delicious salad. To use canned liver
cod you need to drain the liquid from the jar and stretch the liver
with a fork.
В какой посуде подавать гfromовый салат с печенью трески? In such
which one is convenient for you – it can be a batch feed;
deep dishes, or you can lay out the salad in layers on a wide flat
a plate.
Before тем, как вы будете гfromовить салат, пригfromовьте несколько
Bowl for salad ingredients, saucepan, boiling, frying pan,
sharp knife chopping board.
Recipes салата с печенью трески:
Recipe 1: Cod liver salad
One of the most common dishes of Norwegian cuisine is a salad with
cod liver and boiled rice. The advantages of this dish are:
сытности, а пfromому его можно подавать как fromдельное блюдо. Which one
rice to use for this salad? In a traditional recipe
предлагается fromваривать белый длинный пропаренный рис, но вы можете
mix white rice with brown, thus making the salad healthier. But
учтите, что варить белый рис нужно fromдельно from бурого ввиду разного
время пригfromовления этих круп.
Ingredients Required:
- Cod liver 200 grams
- Rice 100 grams
- Egg 2 pieces
- Bow 1 piece
- Cheese 100 grams (any solid variety)
- For dressing – a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream
Способ пригfromовления:
Boil a hard boiled egg (boil for about 8 minutes in boiling water),
яйцо очистите from скорлупы, порежьте его ножом на кубики.
Откройте баночку с печенью трески, разомните ее with a fork.
Отварите рис до гfromовности.
Shred onion finely. Для красfromы блюда можете использовать
red salad onions.
Cheese grate a large grater.
How to serve cod liver salad? You can mix
ingredients or lay them out. Если вы хfromите подавать салат
as a puff, it is best to invest it in this way – rice,
lubricate it with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise, cod liver, dressing,
egg, onion, dressing, grated hard cheese.
Recipe 2: Salad with cod liver and crab meat
In the Norwegian cuisine in one dish often combine several
seafood. One of the most successful examples is a salad with liver.
cod and crab meat. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase
crab meat, you can replace it with crab sticks.
The only condition – check the amount of carbohydrates in
crab sticks, they should not be too much – no more than 5
gram in one hundred grams of product.
Ingredients Required:
- Cod liver 1 can
- Crab meat (silt of crab sticks) 200 grams
- Egg 3 pieces
- Iceberg lettuce 200 grams
- Lemon juice
- Mayonnaise dressing
Способ пригfromовления:
Консервы с печенью трески нужно fromкрыть, сок слейте, пень
разомните with a fork.
Яйцо куриное fromварите, почистите и порежьте a knife.
Crab cracked in small cubes with a knife.
Iceberg lettuce wash and tear finely with your hands.
Mix all ingredients, sprinkle with juice and season the salad with
печенью трески и крабами mayonnaise. But чтобы салат не получился
strongly bold, better mix mayonnaise with sour cream equal
Recipe 3: Salad with cod liver and vegetables
Unusually juicy salad with cod liver will work if
add to it fresh seasonal vegetables – paprika, ripe
Tomatoes and spring greens. To make the salad more satisfying, one
from the ingredients make an egg.
Ingredients Required:
- Canned cod liver 200 grams
- Chicken egg 2 pieces
- Bulgarian pepper 1 piece
- 6 cherry tomatoes
- Fresh parsley
- Ramson
- Sour cream, mayonnaise, salt
Способ пригfromовления:
Консервированную печень трески fromкройте, слейте с консервы сок,
fork mash the liver.
Boil the chicken egg, peel the shell, cut the egg
a knife.
Овощи хорошо помойте, очистите from хвостиков, очистите перец from
seed. Pepper cut into strips, and cut each cherry into two
Parsley and wild garlic, wash well, chop the parsley, and wild garlic
tear your hands.
Mix mayonnaise with sour cream in a ratio of one to one,
salt it.
Mix all the ingredients of the salad, dressing with sour cream dressing.
A salad with cod liver and vegetables will taste better if it is drawn into
refrigerator before serving about an hour.
Recipe 4: Chinese Cod Salad
This salad came to our tables from eastern countries, where it
упfromребляют в качестве основного блюда. Eastern cultures
fromносятся с большим пиететом к дарам морям и едят рыбу и
Seafood every day in various forms. For salad with liver
cod in Chinese is best to use vermicelli quick
пригfromовления, она очень нежная и время ее пригfromовления не fromнимет
you have plenty of time.
Ingredients Required:
- Cod liver 1 jar
- вермишель быстрого пригfromовления 100 грамм в сухом виде
- sea cabbage 100 grams
- 8 cherry tomatoes
- processed cheese 1 piece
- for dressing – sour cream, fatty cream, salt
- for decoration – white and black sesame
Способ пригfromовления:
Open the canned food with the liver, drain the juice and chop with
Cook vermicelli, cool.
Tomatoes thoroughly wash and cut each in half.
Grind the sea kale with a knife.
Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
Смешайте сметану и сливки блендером или миксером, salt it.
Смешайте подгfromовленные компоненты блюда, введите в салат с
cod liver dressing. Before serving, decorate the salad with white and
black sesame – so he will get an eastern look!
Recipe 5: Salad with cod liver and scallops
Another oriental recipe is a delicious salad with cod liver and
scallops. Для этого блюда нужны водоросли «гребешки», плfromные и
juicy, and incredibly useful, as rich in iodine. Salad will be
nourishing due to the presence in the composition of a boiled egg, but not chicken, but
Ingredients Required:
- canned cod liver 300 grams
- seaweed scallops marinated in Korean 200 grams
- quail egg 6 pieces
- 6-7 cherry tomatoes
- Parmesan cheese 10 grams
- for dressing – fat sour cream, salt
Способ пригfromовления:
Open the canned liver, drain the juice and chop the liver.
cod fork.
Scallops cut with a knife, but not finely.
Яйцо перепелиное нужно fromварить (варить 5-6 минут в кипящей
water), peel and cut each egg in half.
Cherry tomatoes, wash well and cut each in half.
Cheese rub on the finest grater.
Mix all the ingredients of the salad with sour cream, mix. Before
подачей гfromовый салат salt it.
Recipe 6: Salad from cod liver “Gentle”
Ingredients Required:
- a jar of green peas;
- black pepper;
- a can of cod liver oil;
- salt;
- five large eggs;
- mayonnaise packaging;
- green onion.
Способ пригfromовления:
Canned food with a liver, open and drain the oil. Can contents
cut into pieces and place in a deep plate.
Drain liquid from peas and add it to the liver.
Cook and chill eggs in ice water, peel and crumble
in small pieces. Put in a plate with liver and peas.
Rinse the onions, dry and chop finely. Add it
in a salad.
Lightly salt and mix all the ingredients with mayonnaise.
Recipe 7: Tuna Cod Salad
Ingredients Required:
- round rice – 200 g;
- mayonnaise packaging;
- can of cod liver;
- three tomatoes;
- tuna in own juice – jar;
- four eggs;
- one processed cheese;
- spring onions;
- 100 g Russian cheese.
Способ пригfromовления:
Помойте и обfromрите салфеткой помидоры. Crush them fine
Промойте в нескольких водах рис, и fromварите его до мягкости,
seasoning with spices. Throw boiled rice in a colander and let drain.
all liquid.
Open the canned food with the liver, drain the oil, and the contents
put in a plate. Rinse the onions, dry and finely.
crumble. Add half to cod liver and mash everything together.
с помощью forks.
Put the processed cheese in a freezer for a few minutes. Then
Remove and rub it on a fine grater.
Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool and remove the shells from them.
Crumble into small pieces.
Open a can of tuna, drain the liquid, and the contents
put in a plate. Add remaining green onions and mix
fork until homogeneous mass.
Russian cheese finely grate.
Сложите салат слоями, промазывая каждый
mayonnaise, in the following order:
– chopped tomatoes;
– two thirds of cooked rice;
– a mixture of cod liver with green onions;
– processed cheese chips;
– half of finely chopped eggs;
– the remaining boiled rice;
– a mixture of tuna with green onions;
– grated Russian cheese;
– the remaining eggs.
Sprinkle the salad with finely chopped green onions. Send
for several hours in the refrigerator for impregnation.
Recipe 8: Cod liver salad with shrimp
Ingredients Required:
- three crab sticks;
- can of cod liver;
- four eggs;
- shrimp – 400 g;
- salad mayonnaise;
- salty cracker – 90 g;
- processed cheese;
- a tomato;
- green onion;
- cucumber;
- white cabbage – 100 g
Способ пригfromовления:
Помойте и обfromрите помидор. Cut halve and remove the seeds.
Мякfromь мелко chop up
Processed cheese rub on a fine grater.
Open the canned liver, drain the oil, and cut the contents.
in small pieces.
Remove from the cabbage top leaves and crumble thin
Boil hard-boiled eggs, transfer them to ice-cold water and cool.
Снимите скорлупу и измельчите на терке с мелкими fromверстиями.
Peel the boiled shrimp.
Rinse under the tap green onions, pat dry and finely.
chop up
Вымытый огурец обfromрите одноразовым полfromенцем и нарежьте
in small pieces.
Крабовые палочки разрежьте вдоль и мелко crumble.
Put the salad on a wide serving dish.
in layers:
– two thirds of salty crackers;
– измельченный a tomato;
– processed cheese chips;
– chopped cod liver;
– мелко накрошенный spring onions;
– the remaining salty cracker;
– Shredded cabbage;
– two thirds of grated eggs;
– peeled shrimp;
– green onion;
– мелко нарубленный cucumber;
– crab sticks.
Every second layer smear mayonnaise. Sprinkle top salad
rubbed eggs and make mayonnaise net. Leave on a few
hours soak up.
Recipe 9: Fantasy Cod Liver Salad
Ingredients Required:
- garlic;
- natural cod liver – can;
- vegetable oil;
- jar of pickled champignons;
- salt;
- bulb;
- fresh greens;
- five small potatoes;
- mayonnaise;
- three eggs;
- крупный a tomato;
- six small pickled cucumbers.
Способ пригfromовления:
Open the canned cod liver and drain the oil. Content
перекладываем в салатник и разминаем с помощью forks.
Отвариваем до гfromовности картофель, остужаем, чистим и нарезаем
straws. Spread evenly on the liver.
We pickle pickled cucumbers from two sides and small ones.
slices. Fold over boiled potatoes and lubricate.
Washed and dried tomato cut in half and remove
the core. Мякfromь нарезаем in small pieces. We spread on a layer
Boiled and peeled eggs are finely crumbled and laid out
even layer on tomatoes.
Open a jar of mushrooms and pour the marinade. Mushrooms cut
plates. We clean the onion and finely crumble it. Fry the onions with
mushrooms to ruddy on vegetable oil. Cool and lay out
even layer on the eggs. Generously grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle
chopped greens.
Leave the salad for at least an hour, and serve as
Салат с печенью трески – секреты и полезные советы from лучших
Cod liver salad will be much tastier if served before
you give him time to stand in the fridge and how to
soak up
How to decorate a salad with cod liver? Use chopped
greens, nuts, flax seed, sesame, milk thistle.
How to fill a salad with cod liver? Этfrom салат любит ирные
refueling, but do not use store mayonnaise. The best thing
mix sour cream with cream, or sour cream with a small amount
store mayonnaise. Add a small amount to the dressing.
garlic, crushed through garlic press, Dijon mustard, flax
or sesame. You can use a small amount instead of salt.
soy sauce – one tablespoon will be enough.