Sage – medicinal properties and application inmedicine

Wed, 20 Jul 2016


Sage – General Description

Шалфей — это однолетнее или многолетнее
a plant that can reach 120 centimeters. Stem –
upright or ascending, leaves – dissected or whole,
located opposite. Leaves of some species by themselves
very decorative because of the motley color. Sage flowers are double-edged,
the upper lip of which hangs or covers partially the lower. Blooms
The plant is a variety of shades of pink, purple,
orange red, white and yellow.

The name of the shrub comes from the Latin language and means
�“Protect,” “save,” so it is also called salvia.
The first mentions of sage are found in Pliny, thus
The plant was used in the Roman Empire. Hippocrates called
sage “sacred herb”. In the early Middle Ages, sage
medicinal widely spread in the monastery gardens, where
cultivated as a medicinal plant and spice. Today
его используются в medicine, садоводстве и кулинарии. Also
shrub known as a good honey plant.

Sage – types and places of growth

There are about 900 different species in the genus of sage.
Salvia grows in temperate and tropical regions around the world,
except Australia. Salvia officinalis comes from the Balkans and
Mediterranean region and universally naturalized. In nature
�”Sacred grass” dwells in sunny places: on stony
slopes, in light forests, flood and dry meadows, gardens, vegetable gardens and
wastelands. It grows like wild or cultivated grass. Salvia
do not tolerate stagnant waters, prefer sandy ones rich in humus

Salvia – healing properties

Dried and fresh herb sage – traditional
folk remedy. Salvia leaves have astringent,
disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, emollient and
hemostatic effect. Used plant for
rinsing for bleeding and inflammation of the gums, stomatitis,
bronchitis, sore throat, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

Sage is considered an excellent tonic and
which will help to cope with excessive sweating and stomach
colic, female infertility and diabetes.

Сальвию используют в русской medicine при туберкулёзе лёгких,
edema, polyarthritis, atherosclerosis, radiculitis, and
gynecological diseases in the form of douching. In overseas
medicine шалфей рекомендуют при язвенной болезни,
gastrointestinal inflammation, colitis, gastritis, diseases
liver and kidney, as well as for the treatment of purulent wounds.

Sage – Dosage Forms

Medicinal raw materials are flowering tops and leaves.
salvia They are usually collected in the first year of the growing season at the end of the summer. AT
the next years, the leaves of the “sacred grass” are harvested two or three
times since the beginning of flowering. The leaves are dried in special dryers, under
canopy or in the attic.

ATыход сухой массы при первом сборе составляет 25%, при последнем
reaches 35%. Well dried raw materials are baled and kept
in a dry place. AT medicine шалфей лекарственный применяют как
feedstock to obtain decoctions, tinctures and extracts. Fatty
sage seed oil is considered a bactericidal agent, therefore
It is used for inhalation.

Sage – Recipes

AT качестве компресса при воспалении ран нужно приготовить настой
from sage leaves. Two tablespoons of raw materials are poured into a glass.
boiling water and further heated on the steam bath. After
cooling the broth is drained and squeezed, adding a little water so that
so that the total volume was 200 milliliters. Use infusion in
for two days.

With pulmonary tuberculosis, stomach cramps, gastritis, ulcerative
diseases, cystitis and cholecystitis prepare tea. For this one tea
a spoonful of powdered powder is poured a glass of boiling water and insist
20 minutes. Drink the infusion to warm 1 glass 3 times a day.

Sage – contraindications

Salvia officinalis is an extremely valuable shrub, but this
�“Holy grass” is treacherous, and some people do not fully understand, in
what is its harm. Salvia should not be consumed when reduced
thyroid function. The plant is contraindicated in acute
inflammation of the kidneys, as well as severe coughing because sage is only
will strengthen it. With hypertension, sage is also poorly tolerated.

It is undesirable to use salvia over 3 months in a row, better
take breaks. And categorically drugs with sage can not
take during pregnancy because they lower progesterone.
Nursing mothers need to abandon sage, as it reduces
amount of milk. The herb is contraindicated and with a long delay


Olga 05/10/2016 Yes, there are wonderful plants, with beautiful
healing properties. But they can not be abused.
Immense taking of any drug that pills that
medicinal herbs can lead to even worse health.
ATалерия 10.05.2016 Шалфей прекрасно снимает восполения с различных
wounds. And, probably, disinfects them, because they are after lotion
of sage, heal very quickly. Beautiful grass. And as a spice,
in some dishes, it is simply irreplaceable. Bella 05/10/2016 I have
There is a familiar, with an amazing story. She and her husband really wanted and
could not have a baby. How many doctors have been covered !! how many
drugs drunk !!! Now they have a girl, three years old. Just familiar
Sage saw, I do not know exactly in what form, but the fact is on the face. Tom
05/10/2016 This plant is very common here. ATсе луга,
just strewn with sage. He has a different color – and red, and
white and yellow, and so here, blue. Cute grass. Even in
garden, sage will look wonderful, will decorate the space. Lucy
05/10/2016 So this is sage !!! Wow!! So many times
to see him under his feet, and to hear this name so many times …
И ни как не связать эти факты между собой!!))) ATот уж
really …)) This is a cool plant that helps from many

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