Russians see their main happiness in the family andchildren

Tue, Nov 22, 2016

Everyone wants happiness. But what is it? Unequivocally answer
complicated. Whole philosophical treatises write about happiness, but its formula
remains a mystery to humanity. Because the answer to the question of
that is happiness, everyone has his own.

Information portal “Women’s opinion” set out to find out
did our compatriots feel genuine happiness as far as
happy they feel themselves and what they need to complete this
the senses.

It is pleasant to note the fact that most of the participants
polls consider themselves to be happy women or have experienced in their
life happiness – they make up 87% of respondents. From the answers
the respondents about what makes them happy, we can conclude
that they are all very different in their attitude towards life, and yet,
The main value for most are children and family happiness,
that is, the presence of a loving husband, the health of parents and children and

So, the biggest happiness in life is 30 percent of the respondents
called the birth of their child (or children). О children женщины пишут
most sincerely and warmly: “… lulled her son in his arms, he fell asleep,
sat looking at him, he slept so sweetly, so handsome, so
sweet, and so small that everything inside me melted away
the feeling was that !!!! impossible to put into words that day I
crying from happiness, I realized that I only need from this life
One thing for my baby to be healthy and happy. “

39 percent of women who answered questions
believe that they are happy because they met their soul mate.
And yet, to the question, what are they missing for complete happiness,
women most often answered that they would like to have a child (this
opinion of 30 percent of respondents). This is how one of these
respondent: “I can call myself happy when I get married and
give birth to a baby. For me now this is one of the main goals in
life. “

15 percent of survey participants believe that for complete happiness to them
not enough of their homes. That is, for women is important
having your own family hearth. And only 4 percent of women in
the missing link to complete happiness
decent work. This confirms that for our women
the main life priorities are still love and
children, and only then – career.

Interesting is the fact that 9 of the survey participants are
happy moments associated with buying a dog. For example, one of
I wrote them: “I remember well the moment when they gave me a dog, on
my 19th birthday I squealed with delight, I cried with emotion. “

However, only 4 percent as a happy moment
remembered buying a car. Also 4 percent of women surveyed
said they were happy, but refused to explain why. Well we
still ready to rejoice for them!

However, among the survey participants there are those who cannot
call yourself happy – 9 percent. You can guess that
these are women suffering from loneliness. One of them wrote:
“Can a loner be happy.”

However, as we have said, from the answers of most women,
who participated in the survey, we can conclude that they appreciate
they look into the future with optimism and hope. And the most
a universal picture of happiness through the eyes of a woman can be presented on
An example of one of the answers: “I feel a sense of true happiness
every time I see my mom, my spouse, when all my
native people next to me. At such moments I feel
protected from all worldly problems and misfortunes, all the hardships go to
second plan”.

It seems that each of us is ready to subscribe to these
words, thinking about your loved ones.

2865 women from 112 cities of Russia participated in the survey. Age
from 20 to 42 years.

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