Running at a place for weight loss: benefits, rules andtips

active lifestyle is one of those indispensable
tools that will allow everyone to excel themselves
feel and look your best.

Now let’s remember how each day begins
us?! Someone sometimes because of the rush does not even have time to normal
have breakfast, another drinks a cup of coffee and considers it worthy
the beginning of the day, and someone doesn’t have enough time for himself: then the children
you need to take to the kindergarten, then throw your wife to work, etc.

Unfortunately, these are the realities of our modern life. We constantly
we are in a hurry somewhere … And how great it would be to start your day not with
hastily eaten breakfast, and with a full morning jog.

However, a reasonable question arises – where do jogging? After all
it is not always possible to find a suitable stadium next door or, for example,
forest park area. And then as an alternative solution
running to the rescue on the spot!

This is a great replacement for the classic run, moreover
It has been repeatedly proved in practice that running in place is not actually
inferior in favor of the usual version, even in the absence of a treadmill
tracks or other similar devices.


Positive properties of running on the site for weight loss

This variant of running has a beneficial effect on the body.
man, since this process is quite energy-intensive. With his
helps burn calories, improves work
cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system,
all muscle groups work simultaneously.

During this fat burning workout, the body is good
warmed, saturated with oxygen, which, along with blood
passes through all vessels, thereby speeding up the processes

Jogging on the spot for the desired weight loss is necessary
combine with a complex of physical exercises and rational
approach to nutrition – then the result does not force itself
wait a long time.

When running a person usually feels excessive sweating,
which means that they leave the body with a stream of sweat
all slags, toxins and excess fluid, which has a positive effect on

Another very important factor for most people is running to
the place will not require from you a large free area and time. For
training will be enough to allocate no more than 30 minutes a day,
without even leaving home. In addition, such classes can be conducted
both independently and in the company of loved ones.


Jogging and running track

Despite the fact that you can even run in the apartment
in front of the TV while watching your favorite show, but better
of all, of course, for this purpose, the use of any treadmill
track, which is equipped with many different programs for

If you still decide to purchase in your own
using the treadmill, then the best place for it will be
balcony, veranda or other spacious rooms that are equipped
windows so that during the class you breathe fresh as much as possible
by air.

Buying a simulator you can not afford? No problem! You can
purchase a monthly subscription to the nearest gym,
which always has good quality treadmills. Also
the coach will help you make an individual plan of your classes for
losing weight, according to which you will need to constantly change
intensity of running so that your muscles do not get used to a certain
the program. In addition, intensive loads burn more

Do not forget about the right choice of shoes and clothing for the hall, that
plays an important role. All accessories must be sporty,
because they are more convenient and designed specifically for physical

For example, high-quality cushioned sneakers will protect you from
unwanted spinal injuries, knee joints and feet.
Remember – running barefoot is strictly prohibited! Clothes should be
Made from natural materials that will not cause
skin irritation when interacting with sweat.

While running on the track do not forget to hold on to special
handrails and do not get distracted. And morally relaxing will help you.
favorite music that can be listened to in headphones.


The main advantages of a treadmill:

1. С помощью специа�”ьного цифрового дисп�”ея, который
installed on all devices, you can clearly see all
your achievements, including such important indicators as the passed
distance, speed, heart rate, and
Of course, the amount of calories burned.

2. Беговой тренажер позво�”ит вам подобрать �”юбую нагрузку
individually for themselves. For example, fast running, walking and
other You can also adjust the speed
on their own.

3. В связи с огромным выбором тренажеров у вас существует
sea ​​of ​​various options for purchase. There is even a folding
tracks, that is, each student can satisfy their
own preferences.

Бег на месте д�”я похудения: tips начинающим

  • No opportunity to start jogging while working
    weekday try it do on weekends or during
  • Invite a friend with you – the two will be significantly
    more fun.
  • Before the start of the run you need to spend a little warm-up.
  • Run for at least 30 minutes, because fat reserves begin
    be actively consumed after 18 – 20 minutes of continuous
  • After running you can complete several approaches.
    squats, pull-ups on the bar and exercises for flexibility.

Remember: regular jogging on the site for weight loss, your
purposefulness and perseverance in this matter will help
achieve incredible results in the first few months of such

Running on the spot: feedback from our readers

Vikusya: “… I have been running at home for a month and for the first two weeks
lost just over 5 kg. To improve the effect, bought food
film in a regular hardware store, wrapped around it, dressing
warm leggings or pants (that comes), top sweater, preferably two,
and start to run to the merry music, raising my knees high … “

Vera: “… I know from my own experience that running on the spot is very cool
thing! Personally, I run every day for 20 minutes in front of the TV.
The legs have become more taut, and indeed blood is chasing well.
to the body. And all this at no extra cost. If there is no goal of losing weight, you can
run as a prevention … “

Lydia: “… At my age, somehow it’s already uncomfortable to run on
the stadium! But I really like to do this at home. Besides,
I have already dropped 3 kilograms, which I fought for over a year (I still
additionally twist the hoop). In general, sport is health, it’s a pity
that so late some people come to this understanding (for example, I) …

Oksana: “… At home I run on the spot under the dub-step Muzychka !!! Де�”аю
это до тех пор, пока по�”ностью не стану мокрой, затем кручу
ху�”а-хуп, который, кстати, раньше крути�”ся по жирку на боках, а
now almost on the bones beats, like this !!! До нача�”а таких
тренировок я веси�”а где-то 59 кг, сейчас вешу уже 54, и на этом не
собираюсь останав�”иваться)))) Да еще, кстати, от мучного и с�”адкого
отказа�”ась, заменяю фруктами и овощами!!! … �”

Анастасия: « … Бегаю уже бо�”ьше 2 �”ет. За первый год потеря�”а 10
кг, потом правда бы�” небо�”ьшой застой, то �”и я с�”ишком бо�”ьшие
нагрузки сразу ста�”а соб�”юдать, то �”и что-то другое, не знаю, но
цифры на весах замер�”и. Но когда я пересмотре�”а свой рацион
питания, немного его подкорректирова�”а, прогресс снова поше�”. I
потеря�”а еще 12 кг, и теперь очень горжусь своими успехами! … �”

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