Rooster fish: care and maintenance at homeaquarium. How to care for cocks out correctly thanfeed

Чт, 18 янв 2018 Автор: Станислав Меламед

Gorgeous, amazing, fabulous, magical, mysterious –
This list of words of admiration can be continued for a very long time. And all of them
belong to one small, but very beautiful fish, which any
self-respecting breeder always wants to see in his
aquarium. And the name of this underwater beauty is the cockerel fish.
Care and maintenance of this chic creation requires certain
knowledge and practical skills. Let’s figure out how to
to care for cockerel fish in a closed system environment.


Description, species of fish-cockerel

The traditional habitat of cockerels are warm ponds.
Southeast Asian region. Males prefer
freshwater reservoirs of the tropical and equatorial belt, having
slow flow or with stagnant water. Therefore, Indonesian
Islands, Vietnam and Thailand – places with climatic conditions,
ideal for the habitat of these fish. Europe met
with cockerels at the end of the 19th century. The first countries where these fish
Germany and France became universally recognized. At the beginning
20th century cockerels hit the United States. It was in this country was bred
The first “color” version of these amazing fish. Russia for the first time
met these creatures in 1896.

Cockerel fishes (Betta splendens) are part of an extensive
Macropod families are labyrinth fishes. Have these
Fish have a special organ – a maze that allows them
use atmospheric air for breathing. Fish do not differ
large size. Their length is only about 5 cm. At the same time
females are a little smaller than males. Fish are different
coloring. It can be either monophonic or it can include everything.
colors of rainbow. During the spawning period, the color of males acquires
especially bright shade. Currently, there are more than 70 species.
these fishes. They all differ in coloring and
shape and size of the fin.

Aquarium arrangement

The volume of the aquarium for the fish-cockerel

Care and maintenance of cockerel fish is not a big
difficulties for the breeder, but has a number of features that
need to perform. Let’s start with the volume of your aquarium. Insofar as
fish is not large, then the capacity of your closed system can be
quite small. It all depends on the number of individuals you are in.
keep it. On one copy about 3-4 liters are required

When equipping your home pond do not forget about
physiological features of this species. Insofar as рыбки являются
labyrinth, then they, from time to time, jump out of the water on
high enough distance from the surface. So they
breathe. So that your pets do not suddenly appear right under your
feet, it is necessary to equip the aquarium with a hinged lid from
transparent material or mesh with a small cell. Such a barrier
time will stop them too high flight, saving both them and
you from additional problems. If the cover is solid, then it is
it is necessary to drill a series of holes through which to pass

Important! Breeders should remember that males
cockerel fish, despite their beauty, have a very cocky disposition
and truly fighting character. Therefore, when sharing content
several individuals in the same aquarium, it is better to distinguish between their range
habitats transparent partitions. This will prevent unnecessary
manifestation of aggression, which very often ends in fights and
injuries. Naturally, for the implementation of this action
the tank should have an appropriate volume capable
to ensure the fish a comfortable life.

Aquarium water requirement

Proper care and maintenance of cockerel fish is inextricably linked to
water quality. It also has certain requirements.
mandatory to comply. Let’s start with the temperature. Optimal
values ​​for this species are 24-28 degrees
Celsius Despite the tropical and equatorial habitat,
cockerels are able to withstand cyclical fall well
температурных показателей до 18 градусов Celsius However should
be aware that systematically finding these fish in too cold
for them, water is fraught with serious health problems.
Therefore, every breeder must have a thermometer in the aquarium and
thermostat. The presence of these devices will help maintain
closed system optimal temperature.

This type of fish is not picky about the composition of the aquatic environment. But
it would be better if the breeder would still stick
certain indicators of hardness and acidity of the aqueous substance.
Water hardness must be within 4-15 degrees of hardness.
Acidity should be in the range of 6-7.5 pH. For correction
water composition and disease prevention can be used
special aquarium salt. Aquarium water change needed
spend every two weeks. If the tank capacity is small
volume then water is replaced every three days. Required
cleaning aquarium from fodder residues.

Important! Males are labyrinth fishes. This feature
implies minimum requirements for aeration of the aquarium. Breeder
it is enough to install a low power filter and in a timely manner
remove bacterial film and excess vegetation with water
surfaces that may cause diving difficulties
fish in the air for breathing. This can be done with
paper sheet, tongs and other specialized

Soil, plants, scenery

Soil for the aquarium can be bought in specialized stores
or use gravel or river sand for this purpose. Before
by placing it in a tank, the soil fractions are calcined or thoroughly
washed in hot water.

It is possible to use both live plants and their artificial ones.
analogs. If the choice is made in favor of artificial plankton, then
It is necessary to choose the copies which are not having the sharp edges, capable
injure the fish. The best option is silk
products. If the choice is made in favor of natural plants, then
remember that they need systematic care. Not
forget to thin them out in time and remove rotten ones

Males love swimming among various obstacles.
Breeder следует позаботиться о том, чтобы в его аквариуме были
various obstacles, caves, pylons of stones. As
improvised grottoes can use flower pots.
The main requirement is that the edges of the products could not
to traumatize your pets and, of course, that they were all
made from environmentally friendly materials. We clarified
main questions on the topic: how to care for cockerel fish.
Let’s conclude by looking at the nutritional issues of these magnificent

Important! Any item before placing it in
The aquarium must be thoroughly sanitized.
Bacteria trapped in a closed aquatic environment can be causes
serious diseases of your pets. Most common
diseases of cockerel fish are dropsy, ichthyophthiriosis,
fin rot!

Meal for cockerel fish

These fish are unpretentious in food. Can say that cockerels
are omnivores. They eat dry, live and frozen equally well.
feed. And yet the breeder is recommended to give preference to it.
live food. Можно feed этих рыбок мотылем, дождевыми червями,
snails, representatives of zooplankton. When feeding should
учитывать и индивидуальные гастрономические предпочтения fishes.
Feed cockerels should be 1-2 times a day. Serving size
determined empirically. If the food is not eaten by fish in
for 15 minutes and settles to the bottom of the aquarium, the portion should be
increase You cannot overfeed the fish, as this may cause
excessive fat deposition in pets, which, in turn, can
cause other diseases.

If you want to learn more about how to care for fish
males right, then watch this video.

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