Relationship with a married man: observations andtips

Thu, Feb 27, 2014

To meet a married man is a matter that requires self-denial.
Not only are the prospects for such a relationship rather vague, so
also nerves can be spent, well, just an unmeasured amount.
Married men are different. There are those who change from
difficult situation in the family, from the burdensome relationship with his wife. Such
men and in meetings, and in bed pull their unresolved home
misunderstandings, unable to completely disengage from them,
enjoying freedom. They periodically fall into the deaf
thoughtfulness, their eyes become hazy, in the eyes of the universe
sadness Not only is a relationship with a man like that
difficult, so such a representative of the “stronger sex” will still try
discuss with you your troubles, completely destroying the joy of
the process of meeting him.

What to do if you got such a good fellow? Well, if you
for some reason we need a relationship with him, try to bring in the process
joy and ease, try to distract him (at least for a while
when you are together), throw your little spoon in the ointment
honey, offering him a pleasant leisure in every sense of the word.
Such депрессивные товарищи вряд ли способны на решительные шаги.
Depression is their thing, so enjoy socializing and don’t wait.

And there are men who make trips to the left as something of a hobby,
who is constantly balancing on the knife’s edge: the wife recognizes, not
find out … And what if he finds out? Yes, already caught a couple of times, got out. AT
Next time I will be more careful, smarter. In the early days,
such men took the girl they liked the phone and did not give
his, thus protecting their health from the wrath of the patient
wives. Today they have several secret mobile phones,
who successfully hide from wives. Often they prefer to combine
job and relationships, not wanting a long search, take what
more or less pretty. Being taught by bitter experience, buy
his wife has the same perfume as her mistress, afraid to smell a stranger
scent and get caught on similar trivia. And yet, such cramped
circumstances do not prevent them from enjoying intercourse with a woman and
give her joy. Humor, unhurried and non-binding sex,
– this is what such a man can give you. And if you are reasonable
will not wish for more and react to the situation sensibly, then
enjoy life, if not for a very long time.
ATедь такие мужчины весьма ветрены. They will be happy
meet besides you with someone else, not really carried away by the question
silent about their blatant polygamy.

AT современном мире, где одиноких (разведенных, несчастных,
unsatisfied) women are much more than men, the question
attempts to remove from the family of the representative of the stronger sex
sharper than ever. On what only women do not go, for the sake of
happiness, which for some reason they saw in someone else’s garden. But wives are not
doze, guarding his spouse, sometimes completely stranded, from
predatory claws of not very lucky women.

AT обществе происходит борьба за мужчин, в которую вступают не
confident women hoping to see in a traitor-prince
the only way to be happy. ATозможно ли это? Sometimes –
surely. True, it may happen that now you are already, and not
abandoned by your chosen wife check phone numbers, search
pockets, sniffing, inspect the jacket’s lapels in search of
light (dark, red) hair. ATам это надо? If for some
the reason you meet a married man, make it a time
enjoyable for both of you, without a second thought, enjoy society
each other. And life itself will put everything in its place.

Text: Irina Sheyhetova


Tangir 03/03/2016 Hmmm … perhaps I should cultivate in myself
sense of polygamy …

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