Recognize your zodiac Shadow. Karmictasks of each zodiac sign

Recognize your zodiac Shadow. Karmic tasks of each zodiac sign

C  раннего детства каждый из нас слушал сказки,
based on a clear separation of “good” and “evil.” Formation
worldview of the world around a child passes under pressure
moral family foundations, schools, societies where it develops and
grows up.
In the adult period of life
there comes the realization that the world is not so simple and is present in it
too many dual phenomena combining both
positive and negative sides. And people in this case
far from exceptions. Once there is a “good”, then always somewhere side by side
there is also evil.

This “evil” is called the Shadow, which is hidden deep.
inside of each of us.


Two sides of the same coin

So, in each phenomenon two polar qualifications are traced.
Here is a simple example where religion plays a leading role:
�”Christians are good, and Muslims are all bad people.” But
because this opposition is already a kind of
convictions, dividing people into conditional categories of “bad” and
�”Good” based on religion.

The same thing happens in our subconscious when
self-identification. But how can we not get away from the shadows,
dropping away from our body, so facing the inner,
created by us own.

Not always can a person recognize his own
�“Shadow” which is reflected in the surrounding

It is not for nothing that in psychology there is a statement: “in our enemies we
we hate that which is present in ourselves “, i.e. like a reflection
in the mirror, from which every time we turn away.

What do the zodiac Shadows contain?

In addition to the “evil” and the dark sides, imprinted in our
souls, shadows carry certain karmic tasks for each
separate zodiac sign.

Knowing your Sun Sign, is the day and month under which the profits in
this world – it is possible to calculate the most important task consisting in
manifestation of the inner “Sun”, hidden talents bestowed with
of birth.

Karmic задачи у каждого зодиака

• The sun of Aries lies in endurance and patience; it is
pioneer with bright charisma war. Тень Овна же
expressed in restlessness, depression and family despotism in
breaks from “good” to “bad” moods.

Тень Тельца заключается в тотальной лености и
no interest in anything except the “meadow” where Taurus and graze
all life. Taurus’s solar task is to become
mighty “Bulls” that pull on themselves beyond everyone except
them important matters.

Теневая сторона Близнецов выражена в
inability to make trusting and long-lasting contacts, replacing
quality – by quantity, and in the absence of a permanent position.
Solar Twins see the real essence of people, and are capable of any
information to distinguish false from true.

Теневая сторона Рака кроется в сомнении в
near future, emotional tantrums and extreme
conservatism. Solar Cancer becomes a true sage
protecting native people, preserving and transmitting traditions
subsequent generations.

Теневая сторона Льва выражена тщеславием,
the claim exclusivity of units and the rejection of those who think
in a different direction. The Sun Lion becomes a “lighter”,
source of inspiration for the people around them, not the consumer

Теневая сторона Девы выражается двойственно:
then put together mystical prejudices, then
the exact opposite is dry skepticism and
rejection of other points of view. Often – as a burning mixture of both
other. The solar task of the Virgin is the “golden mean”
between spiritual and physical, in creating a personal judgment system,
bringing order to thoughts, and an unending longing for

Тень Весов – крайность во всех её
manifestations: from love to hate, from tears to laughter, and invariably
they are in a cyclic circle, repeating every day. The sun
Libra calls for finding that delicate balance within oneself to
subsequently instruct the rest on the right path.

Теневая сторона Скорпиона выражается в
suffering from experiences – from jealousy and overly exaggerated
problems, also in the credulity and inconstancy. Solar
Scorpio – the one who will pass the most difficult trials, discarding
personal motives for achieving a great goal.

Теневой Козерог терзается в самобичеваниях и
complexes, cherishing self-pity with the lion’s share of selfishness and
emotional insensitivity. Solar Козерог преодолел комплексы,
achieves goals and rationally assesses

Теневая сторона Водолея олицетворяется
an irresistible desire to be in the center of universal attention,
achieving this overly eccentric acts. The sun Водолея –
personification of the exclusive freedom of the spirit from its own egoism.

Тень Рыб выражается затяжной депрессией,
weakness and fatalism. They are tormented by chaos in all spheres of life.
The sun предрекает Рыбам стать теми, кто упорно плывёт к своей
dream maybe far and not understandable to everyone, but ideal for themselves

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