Recipes вторых dishes in the slow cooker: из мяса,mushrooms, vegetables, dumplings, cereals. A selection of the best second recipesdishes in the slow cooker

Пт, 12 авг 2016 Автор: Наталья Даньчишак

Today, almost every home has a slow cooker, which
greatly facilitates the life of modern housewives.

No need to think that coming home from work will have the whole evening
stand by the stove. Due to the delayed start it is possible in the morning
lay all the necessary products and come home from work get ready
lunch or dinner


Recipes вторых dishes in the slow cooker — основные принципы

In a slow cooker, you can cook a variety of second
the dishes. If you think that in a slow cooker you can only stew
vegetables, meat or cook for a second porridge, you are mistaken. Multicooker
– the universal device in which it is possible to fry, prepare on
steamed and even cooked spaghetti.

The main thing is to learn how to choose the right modes and be able to

Steamed, you can cook fish, meatballs, meatballs, dumplings,
vegetables, and even scrambled eggs. In stewing mode, the meat is delicious.
sauce and a variety of stews. In the “baking” cooked casseroles,
pies and omelets.

Multicooker позволяет не только приготовить вкусные вторые
блюда, но и существенно сократить время preparations, особенно это
concerns meat.

Recipe for a second dish in a slow cooker 1. Fragrant pork ribs
with potato


  • 700 g pork ribs;

  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;

  • two carrots;

  • drinking water – one and a half glasses;

  • 40 g of tomato paste;

  • garlic – three cloves;

  • 30 g sour cream;

  • 5 g of mustard;

  • 10 g Provence herbs;

  • two onions;

  • salt;

  • greenery;

  • six potatoes.

Способ preparations

1. Peel the onions from the husk and finely crumble. Take off the special
a vegetable peel with a carrot knife, and spend a lot of it.

2. Turn on the device in the “frying” mode for ten minutes. Pour in the oil
and fry vegetables in it.

3. Wash the ribs, pat dry and cut one by one.
Put them on the vegetable fry. Sprinkle finely crumbled.

4. Peel potatoes, wash and cut into cubes. Posting
vegetable over meat

5. In a separate cup, mix the sour cream with tomato paste,
mustard and olive herbs. Salt and dilute received
drinking water mixture.

6. Pour the contents of the container with cream-tomato sauce. Tightly
Close the lid and cook in stewing mode for one and a half hours. Dish not
stir. Sprinkle with chopped greens on top.

Recipe for a second dish in a slow cooker 2. Omelet with mushrooms and


  • five eggs;

  • salt:

  • 200 g boiled pumpkin;

  • greenery;

  • 100 g of mushrooms;

  • 50 g sour cream;

  • bulb.

Способ preparations

1. Turn on the device in the “baking” mode for forty minutes.

2. Crumble the peeled onion finely. In the pot of the device
Heat the oil and fry the onions in it until transparent.

3. Rinse the mushrooms, dry and cut into thin slices.
Add the mushrooms to the onions and continue frying, stirring constantly.
wooden spatula.

4. Rinse the greens, shake and finely shred. Connect
eggs with sour cream, add the greens and pumpkin mashed with a fork. Whip
all until smooth.

5. Pour the mixture with the fried mushrooms and onions. Tightly
close the lid and cook until the end of the mode. Leave an omelet in
the “heated” mode for another five minutes so that it remains magnificent.

Recipe for a second dish in a slow cooker 3. Zucchini, stuffed
Eggplant and Wheat Porridge


  • 160 g wheat porridge;

  • 30 g of green onions;

  • 320 ml of drinking water;

  • two carrots;

  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;

  • two cloves of garlic;

  • salt;

  • two zucchini;

  • two eggplants.

Способ preparations

1. Wash the wheat grits several times in warm water.

2. Shift it into the container of the device, fill it with boiled water,
add salt and add vegetable oil.

3. Activate the function “cereal” and cook porridge for 25 minutes.

4. Chop eggplants along the lengths, oil them
vegetable and spread on a baking sheet, covered with parchment.
Sent to the oven for 20 minutes, and bake at 200 C.

5. Coarsely cleaned carrots. Garlic free from
peel and cut into slices. Fry carrots with garlic on
vegetable oil until soft.

6. Green onions rinsed, shaken and shred rings.
Add to roasted carrots and fry a little more.

7. Take the eggplants out of the oven, cool slightly and chop
slices. In deep dishes mix roasted carrots with

8. Put the ready-made porridge for vegetables and mix.

9. Cut the zucchini in half, take out the core with a spoon and
grease with vegetable oil. Putting stuffing in zucchini and
Put them in a multicooker container. We lower the lid and run
function “baking” for half an hour. We leave in the “heating” still
15 minutes.

Recipe for a second dish in a slow cooker 4. Beans with meat


  • 400 g of meat tenderloin;

  • 200 grams of tomatoes;

  • three multi-beans;

  • 150 g carrots;

  • 4 multi-cups of purified water;

  • 150 g onions.

Способ preparations

1. Soak beans in the evening soak in cold water and leave on

2. Wash the meat tenderloin under the tap, dry and chop
in small slices.

3. Peeled onion finely shred. Carrot clean and large

4. Run the function “baking” for forty minutes. Warm up in
A bowl of vegetable oil and fry the meat in it for 20 minutes.
Salt and pepper. Do not close the lid.

5. Add onions and carrots to the meat, mix and continue
Stir for about ten minutes.

6. Tomatoes are rinsed, wiped, cut and cut in
blender to a state of mashed potatoes. Pour the tomato into the meat. Stir and
simmer for ten minutes.

7. Pour the beans into a container, season with all the spices and put.
two bay leaves. Pour in so much drinking water so she
completely covered the contents of the bowl. Stir. We lower the lid and
We switch the device to the “quenching” mode for three hours. At the end not
forget to salt.

Recipe for a second dish in a slow cooker 5. Dumplings, baked with


  • 350 g dumplings;

  • 50 grams of cheese;

  • 100 g sour cream;

  • 100 ml of purified water.

Способ preparations

1. Lubricate the container of the device with oil and lay out in one layer
frozen dumplings.

2. Sour cream combined with water, mix and pour this
a mixture of dumplings. Salt and season with spices.

3. Cheese three large and sprinkle the top of the dish.

4. Lower the lid, turn on the baking program for 20 minutes.
Serve dumplings with ketchup or any other sauce.

Recipe for a second dish in a crock-pot 6. Banosh with mushrooms


  • mushrooms – 200 g;

  • filtered water – one and a half cups;

  • lean oil;

  • corn grits – glass;

  • salt;

  • small onion;

  • cream – a glass.

Способ preparations

1. Rinse the mushrooms and cut into large pieces. Onion clean and fine

2. The device is turned on in the “baking” mode. Warm up in нем постное
butter and fry the onions with mushrooms for ten minutes.
We shift roasted mushrooms in a plate.

3. Pour corn grits into the bowl and fill it with water and
cream Salt and cook in quenching mode for an hour. Unfolding
corn porridge on plates, put fried mushrooms and onions on top
and served with sour cream.

Рецепт второго блюда в мультиварке 7. Овощная запеканка с cheese


  • 200 g Chinese cabbage;

  • vegetable oil;

  • 2 carrots;

  • 50 ml of drinking water;

  • a small bunch of green onions;

  • salt;

  • five cloves of young garlic;

  • 80 g of flour;

  • three sprigs of fresh mint;

  • two eggs;

  • 120 г сыра suluguni.

Способ preparations

1. In a deep bowl, mix raw eggs with water. Salt and
whip. Add flour and continue to beat until it works.
homogeneous mixture without lumps.

2. Peking cabbage is thinly chopped and added to the egg
mixture. Here we send the peeled grated carrots.

3. Rinse green onions, shake and shred rings.
Mint finely crumbled. Cut the garlic into thin slices. Greens and
we send garlic after carrots. Stir well.

4. Capacity of the device is covered with parchment, we grease it with lean
oil and lay out the vegetable mass.

5. Suluguni cut into small pieces and spread over
egg-vegetable mass. Lower the lid, turn on the baking program
and cook the casserole for 20 minutes. We take out, pulling the edges of the parchment,
cut into slices and serve with ketchup or sour cream.

Recipe for a second dish in a crock-pot 8. Baked fish in


  • Half a kilo of fish fillet;

  • spice;

  • 150 g onions;

  • 400 grams of tomatoes;

  • 150 g carrots.

Способ preparations

1. Лук чистим и мелко shred Очищенную морковь крупно three
Put the vegetables on the bottom of the bowl, smearing it with vegetable oil.

2. Wash the fish fillets and dry them with napkins. We cut
slices. Spread the fish on top of the vegetables and season with spices.
You can sprinkle with lemon juice.

3. We interrupt the tomatoes until mashed in a blender. Tomato salt
and pepper it. Fill them with fish.

4. Lower the instrument cover and fix it. Enable the function
�”Baking” for 35 minutes. With the help of a wide shovel spread fish
on plates and served with potato or rice side dish.

Recipes вторых dishes in the slow cooker — хитрости и советы

  • If you are cooking in a multicooker casseroles, cover the container
    parchment. So the finished dish will be easier to get.

  • Preheat the oil well before frying.

  • If the multicooker does not have any modes, you can always
    one to replace the other. For example: instead of the “frying” mode you can
    use baking, etc.

  • The finished dish is recommended to leave for some time in the mode

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