Recipes супов для похудения из сельдерея

  • 1 Benefits of celery slimming soup
    • 1.1 Is it possible to lose 7 kg in a week?
    • 1.2 Calorie meals
    • 1.3 Can celery soup harm the body?
  • 2 Recipes
    • 2.1 Simple Diet Soup
    • 2.2 Celery, onions, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes
    • 2.3 Dish in a multivariate
    • 2.4 soup puree

Most diets fail due to the usual hunger. Person
is under constant stress due to lack of saturation. Starving
the body is depleted and weakened. To avoid this, it is important
to approach the process of losing weight.

One of the most benign to the body and very
эффективных методик считается «жидкая» диета. In her
basis is the use of soups.

Самый популярный метод «жидкого» похудения — диета
on celery soup.
She gives a feeling
насыщения, нормализует обменные процессы, а также снабжает
the body is rich in vitamins and essential fiber.


The benefits of celery soup for weight loss

Despite the fact that the taste of celery does not like everyone, in his
benefit can not be doubted. В состав продукта входит
множество витаминов
и необходимых для нормальной работы
организма элементов: А, С, Е, D, каротин, фосфор, цинк,
железо, калий, кальций
и др.

Большое содержание в нем витамина В12, который
almost not found in plant foods, makes
The vegetable is especially popular among vegetarians.

Inclusion of this product in your daily diet.
нормализует высокое давление и оказывает
beneficial effects on the nervous system. According to some
исследованием растение предотвращает заболевания
oncological nature and lowers sugar in

Celery soup also has a diuretic effect, which means
will help not just lose weight due to low
calorie content, but also to clean the body of accumulated toxins.

Its periodic use flushes the kidneys, removes excess
fluid from the body. It relieves puffiness and significantly improves
appearance. In the period of exacerbation of viral infections, the dish is noticeable
повысит иммунитет: основной ингредиент обладает
anti-inflammatory action.

Is it possible to lose 7 kg in a week?

Unusual properties of vegetables help to achieve stunning
results in the shortest possible time. Is it possible to lose 7 kg per week
using celery soup?

7 pounds per week diet – quite a real figure. Achieve
such a result is possible by applying an integrated approach. For this
it is important to eat fractional, eliminate fasting and keep an active image
of life.

Залог успеха похудения на сельдерейном супе в
the right choice of recipe. It is important to choose such a method.
cooking, which would make the dish tasty and pleasant to taste.
The diet will pass quickly and imperceptibly only if
the diet will start you like.

Питаться по такому принципу вам придется 3 раза в день:
for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Supplement your diet, in addition to celery

  • dietary meats;
  • fruits (except highly sweet);
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • egg white;
  • beans.

Any canned food, flour, confectionery, sausages and pastries
should be excluded. Most nutritionists also recommend cleaning.
from the diet of potatoes.

В обязательном порядке нужно соблюдать питьевой
: выпивать достаточное количество воды равномерно в
throughout the day, besides broth.

The system is based on a combination of carbohydrates derived from the main
dishes, with proteins that you have to pick yourself
to your taste. Give preference to boiled, stewed and baked
products. All fried and fatty must be deleted.

If you follow the simple rules, losing weight on the soup from
сельдерея позволит похудеть на 5-10 кг.

Calorie dishes

Сельдерей имеет калорийность всего 16
калорий на 100 грамм веса
. This makes it one of
few unique products that promote weight loss. So
way the human body spends on its processing more
calories than was eaten.

Калорийность супа из сельдерея примерно 27,6
калории на 100 грамм веса

Do not be afraid to add vegetables to the broth. Their calorie content
almost never high. But using cream and
сметаны нужно быть аккуратным: суп может увеличить свою
calorie almost doubled.

Can celery soup harm the body?

A diet of celery soup can harm the body in that
If you use the product thoughtlessly. First, do not
exclude other dishes for a long period, secondly, you need
to enrich the broth and other components, then the body will
experiencing minimal stress.

Eating celery soup not

  • Pregnant (especially in the third trimester) and lactating;
  • With epilepsy;
  • When kidney stones (taking vegetables in food can start the process
    their movements, the output of which will be only an operation);
  • With problems of the digestive tract (ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.);
  • With individual intolerance.

A diet of this nature is not recommended for people with severe
exercise during the day. When used alone
carbohydrate muscle mass is lost. It is necessary to complement the dish
proteins: low-fat meat, eggs, dairy products.


There is a mass of a wide variety of recipes that can
use on a diet. Cooking celery soup is not at all difficult,
the main thing is to know what products it combines more

Celery soups are prepared both from one product and from
several. Their composition may include various vegetables, which
enrich the dish with healthy microelements. What recipes especially
relevant for losing weight, consider below.

Simple diet soup

Диетический суп из сельдерея

Simple diet soup из сельдерея — отличный вариант для
losing weight The dish is easy to prepare and contains a minimum

Суп диетический подразумевает
use of the most fortified ingredients in
minimum calorie.

Recipe number 1 

To prepare the root clean. Boil in vegetable broth
with carrots and onions for 10 minutes over high heat.
To torment as much. Add greens and spices to taste.

Recipe number 2

It is necessary to cook together with celery shoots of young nettle,
half a head of cabbage, green onions, greens. Add to ready
a dish of some olive oil.

Celery, onions, cabbage, peppers, tomatoes

Овощной суп с сельдереем

Суп для похудения из сельдерея, лука, капусты болгарского перца,
tomatoes – a great option for those who like hearty food.

This recipe contains a set of healthy vegetables that will improve
the work of the digestive tract and normalize metabolic processes. The dish is great
nourishes and enriches the body with essential vitamins.


  • celery – 200 gr;
  • half white cabbage;
  • carrots – 3 pieces;
  • tomatoes – 3 pieces;
  • Bulgarian pepper – 2 pieces;
  • onions – 2 pcs;
  • greenery;
  • spices and salt.

Cooking method:

Chop all the vegetables, chop the greens. Grate the tomatoes through
grater. Next, pour water over the vegetables and set on fire. Salt
After the soup boils, boil it for 10 minutes on
high heat and simmer another 7 minutes on slow.

This dish is the most intense and satisfying. It collected
most vegetables. For taste you can add to vegetable
broth a spoonful of tomato paste, spices and a little sour cream 15%.
Drink 3 times a day.

Dish in a multivariate

Суп из риса и сельдерея

Чтобы приготовить суп для похудения из сельдерея в мультиварке,
вам понадобятся такие ингредиенты:

  • celery – 200 gr;
  • carrots – 2 pieces;
  • broccoli;
  • spinach;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking method:

In the bowl multicooker pour 1.5 liters of water. Next, drop into it already
pre-washed and peeled celery, as well as carrots, sliced
Bulgarian pepper and broccoli. Multicooker put on mode

Soup puree

Суп-пюре из сельдерея

Soup puree из сельдерея — прекрасное дополнение обеденного
ration. This dish contains many ingredients and has
the highest calorie compared to the above

This soup is incredibly healthy and tasty. It creates a long
feeling of fullness, nourishes and enriches the body with nourishing
substances that people especially need during

When losing weight, the body is depleted to prevent it,
It is important to fill the stomach with nourishing, wholesome food.


  • celery root – 1 pc;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • nonfat broth – 300 ml;
  • 100 grams of cream;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • greenery;
  • salt, spices.

The cooking method is designed for 30

  1. Finely chop the carrots and onions. Stew them in the pan.
    Next, add chopped garlic and chopped
  2. Peel the potatoes and add them to the vegetables. All this
    extinguish and mix well.
  3. After that, the resulting vegetable consistency mixed with broth
    and boil for 5-7 minutes.
  4. The resulting mass must be whipped with a blender, pour into
    pan and let boil.
  5. After that, add the cream and cook stirring for 3 minutes.

Celery soups can get rid of extra pounds,
while not harming the body. In the period of weight loss people
gets the necessary nutrients and is not exposed
stress that occurs during normal fasting.

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