Recipes печенья: овсяное, лимонное, имбирное,almond, nuts

Thu, Jan 2one, 20one6

Homemade cookies are always a pleasure to please your children and
enjoy the most. We offer you some simple tasty recipes.
homemade cookies.

Recipe: Lemon Shortbread Cookies

These shortbread biscuits are crumbly, they are tender.
taste. It is also very high in calories, but sometimes you can be pampered.
yourself yummy!


Ingredients for Lemon Shortbread:

one. butter – one50 gr., 2. sugar – one00 gr., 3. flour – one00
gr., four. grated lemon peel – 0.5 tbsp. l., 5. lemon juice – 0.5 tbsp.

Lemon shortbread cooking method:

one. Mix the softened butter with sugar and, adding there
sifted flour, zest and juice, mix until smooth
masses.2. Lubricate the baking sheet with butter and pour dough into it, smoothing
spoon surface. After heating the oven to one80 degrees, we bake in
her cookies until golden brown, about half an hour. Cool the cookies,
cut it into pieces of various shapes.

Recipe: Gingerbread Cookie

The first ginger biscuits were pleased by the English monks, and
Now cookies with this beautiful spice are popular throughout
the world.

Ingredients for Ginger Cookies:

one. flour – 2 glasses, 2. butter – one00 gr., 3. sugar – one
a cup, four. one egg, 5. разрыхлитель – one ч. l, 6. 2 корня имбиря,7. one
ч.l ground cinnamon, 8. one ч. ложка молотой гвоздики.

Method of making ginger cookies:

one. Смешиваем муку с разрыхлителем. 2. Peeling Ginger and Rubbed
it on a fine grater, mix it with flour, ground cloves and
cinnamon. Thoroughly mix the butter with sugar, add an egg,
flour mixture and knead dough.four. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out
dough, then cut out the “hearts” with a mold, sprinkle with sugar or
ground almonds. Grease a baking sheet with butter, gently lay out
печенье и выпекаем около получаса в духовке, разогретой до one80

Recipe: Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal is not only an extremely healthy product and
an essential part of a healthy diet, but also a great ingredient
for baking wonderful cookies.

Ingredients for Oatmeal Cookies:

one. овсяные хлопья – 200 gr.,2. flour – 200 gr., 3. сахар – one00
gr., four. мед – one00 gr., 5. сметана – one00 gr., 6. one яйцо,7. butter –
one00 gr.,8. сода – one/2 ч. l

Cooking method for oatmeal cookies:

one. Масло растираем с сахаром добела, постепенно смешивая его с
honey, sour cream, egg, oatmeal, passed through
grinder, flour and soda.2. Knead the dough for about 2 minutes,
roll out thinly and cut out the figures. 3. Выпекаем печенье около one5
minutes in a well heated oven.

Recipe: Cheesecake

This cookie allows you to combine tasty and healthy. Special
mothers whose kids do not like cottage cheese will appreciate it, because these are cookies
they will eat up to the last crumb!

Ingredients for Curd Biscuits

one. творог – 250 gr.,2. margarine – 250 gr., 3. flour – 250 gr, four.
сахар – one00 gr.,5. soda, powdered sugar.

Method of making curd biscuits:

one. Тщательно разминаем творог. 2. Melt the margarine and
Mix it with flour, soda, quenched with vinegar, cottage cheese and
knead the dough. Скатав из теста шар, помещаем его на one час в
fridge. four. Then roll out the dough and cut it into pieces.
different shapes and bake in a well heated oven near
half an hour, then ready to sprinkle with powdered sugar and cool.

Recipe: Cookies “Nuts with condensed milk”

For many years, this cookie has remained a favorite treat in many
families. It is distinguished not only by its excellent taste, but also by its original

Ingredients for Nuts with condensed milk:

For the test:

one. 2 яйца,2. сахар – one00 gr.,3. масло сливочное – 250 gr., four.
flour – 3 cups, 5. salt on the tip of a knife, 6. soda, vinegar quenched –
0,5 ч. l7. очищенные грецкие орехи – one00 gr.

For filling:

вареное сгущенное молоко – one банка.

Method of cooking nuts with condensed milk:

one. Растопив масло на огне, добавляем сахар, соль, соду,
extinguished with vinegar, eggs, flour and mix. Knead the dough
until smooth consistency. We fill them with special molds for
Cookies “Nuts” and bake in a moderately heated oven. four.
Mix condensed milk and walnuts.5. Fill the baked
halves of nuts with a mixture of condensed milk and nuts, glue
their condensed milk.

Recipe: Almond Cookies

Very exquisite delicacy that your whole family will love,
and cooking it is very easy!

Ingredients for almond cookies:

one. миндаль – one20 gr.,2. sugar – 200 gr., 3. мука – 50 gr., four. 3
the eggs.

Almond biscuit preparation method:

one. Миндаль размалываем в мелкую крупку и смешиваем с сахаром и
squirrels. 2. We warm the mixture until sugar dissolves and add 30
gr. flour.3. Knead the dough and bake on our baking sheet our cakes.
при температуре около one90С в течение 20 минут.

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