Recipes безалкогольных коктейлей – самые вкусныеand helpful

Пт, 23 дек 2016 Автор: Лилия Стрижева

All non-alcoholic cocktails are prepared mainly from
milk, drinks, ice cream and, of course, all sorts of juices and
FRESH. The most commonly used are orange, lemon,
peach, pineapple, pomegranate strawberry and many, many
other juices. Below are the recipes for the most delicious non-alcoholic
cocktails that you can make at any time for yourself and

Non-alcoholic cocktail “Safe sex on
the beach “

Few have heard the screaming name of an alcoholic cocktail.
�”Sex on the beach”, its non-alcoholic version is called “Safe
sex on the beach. “

For its preparation we need: 50 ml of peach juice,
40 ml of pineapple juice (in the presence of canned liquid
pineapples can use it), 30 ml of cranberry juice, 20 ml of juice
pomegranate, ice.

The process of cooking itself is extremely simple. Carefully all
mix in a shaker or blender. If a blender is used, then
on the bottom of the glass are additionally laid out pieces of ice.

Non-alcoholic cocktail “Cherry”

Ingredients: 150 ml of milk, 50 g of ice cream, 20 ml
cherry juice.

The ingredients are whipped with a mixer for about two minutes to give
mixture of uniform consistency. Then it all pours out into the glass.
Serve with a scoop of ice cream.

Non-alcoholic cocktail “Pink Bunny”

You will need: 150 ml of canned banana juice, 50 ml
mineral water, 20 ml of banana syrup, half fresh
banana, 5 strawberries.

All the ingredients with ice are placed in a blender, bring
until smooth. Cocktail served with banana decorations or

Non-alcoholic cocktail “Smesharik”

The structure includes: half of the fruit of a ripe pear, 20 ml of pear
syrup, 100 ml pear juice and mineral water.

All ingredients go straight to the blender with ice,
где взбиваются until smooth.

Non-alcoholic cocktail “Tropic”

Mix in a blender: 400 ml of milk and fresh orange
(you can just juice), 3 overripe bananas, sugar to taste, ice.

Non-alcoholic cocktail “Worm”

Ingredients: 20 ml vanilla syrup, 50 ml mineral
highly carbonated water, 150 ml of apple juice.

Add to the Sheker ice, syrup and juice, mix thoroughly.
Pour the contents into the glass, pour mineral water on top, again
mix it up. This time with a spoon.


Lena 06/15/2016 what is fresh and where to get syrups

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