Reasons for not coming outget married

Reasons for not coming out get married

Единственной причиной get marriedества в кино или красивом
romance can be great, strong and pure love. In fact,
причиной get marriedества часто служат другие, куда более прозаичные
the reasons. It is very, very often the case that a marriage concluded by
these very reasons, ends with a divorce in the first few months.
When should not rush to go down the aisle?


There can not be late!

In the past, it was believed that at twenty
the verge of “shelf life”, and marriage was considered the norm even before
the onset of age, which is now considered the age of majority.
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preserved in the minds of women, that many matters are reminiscent of
this daughters and now. And daughters, where to go, blindly believe it –
because the mother does not advise the bad.

Not so rare cases, and the reverse situation, when the daughter, in defiance
рано вышедшей get married матери, тянет с get marriedеством до последнего, что
also wrong.

Indeed, with age, the chances of having a strong family
they are falling, but the peak is not at the end of the second ten.

From a biological point of view, the optimal age for
get marriedества – от 25 до 30 лет.

Ironically, it is precisely in this gap that neither
adherents of old traditions, nor those who violently them
confronts. Не спешите выходить get married за первого встречного,
перспективы такого get marriedества в описании не нуждаются.

Do not catch a chance

Another reason a girl can accept offers
first comer is the banal fear that “a second chance
will be “, and the partner, having heard the uncertain answer or the request
wait, immediately changes his mind.

In such a situation, it turns out that the woman consciously chooses
the role of the slave, and after a few months when
a few will fall in love
partner deficiencies.

The outcome of this is almost always obvious – a divorce.

Calculation may be wrong

No less promising and marriage for the money. In fact, buy
sincere love is impossible, and everything else is that
really easy to buy – just as easy to replace.

It may happen that the faithful will find “for those
same money “replacement, which is a little better, and will show proper
successful people pragmatism.

Nevertheless, according to experts, marriage of convenience is far away.
not a bad option. The main thing is to choose a partner correctly. One thing
business when a woman has a personal liking for her future husband and
respect, and quite another – when a man just buys her, not
experiencing at least some attachment to him. However, for
men the difference in this situation is not always noticeable, but for
women live in such conditions is not easy.

Mom got it, and the husband – is freedom?

Many young girls want as much as possible to escape from
parental home.

Paradoxically, but now, when there are more ways to do it,
what existed half a century ago, many girls for some reason
предпочитают, скажем, карьере, именно спешное get marriedество.

And, oddly enough, the family, which the girls at the same time create,
almost always sounds like a parent. The result is that
the feeling of changing the situation is false, and soon, without
satisfaction, women themselves initiate divorce.

 Need a father

It often happens that the future husband is chosen according to the principle
�”A good father for children.” In general, in terms of biology such
The approach is absolutely natural.

But a marriage such, as it should be natural, will justify its
natural purpose and will soon fall apart – if a woman
considers the husband only as the father of the future child, then the one
fulfilling its biological function, will soon leave the family. Or no
leave but hardly be satisfied with such
marriage, so that divorce is not ruled out by the initiative of her husband.

It is better to be alone than with anyone

And finally, the most trivial reason is that a girl is simply
tired of living alone.

The reason is not even in motivation, but in the means – in this situation
the girl again often rushes to the first comer
which is not always combined with her emotionally.

It is especially sad if you get rid of loneliness.
both partners want – then the so-called
�“Passive marriage” in which both spouses are unhappy, but both
afraid to change anything.

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