Rating reasons that push men totreason

Mon, 16 May 2016 Psychologists have identified several major
factors that push men to cheating. First place
occupied global problems in the family. If quarrels in marriage take
permanent, the mechanism of destruction is triggered. The man
stops experiencing positive emotions and faces
choice: escape from problems or fight. Mistress searches
side – it is a necessary measure to help a man forget about
home conflicts. The second reason is boredom. Many men
oppresses the routine, so they seek a new woman and a new
relationships, which, oddly enough, feed the marriage. On the third
place are sexual experiments. Sex with one woman
annoying men who want a variety of intimate life.
People who change for this reason usually change constantly, and
with different women. Treason can provoke and emotional
dissatisfaction. If a woman does not pay attention to her husband,
preferring to engage in career and children, he is emotionally
exhales. A sense of security disappears, and asking for sympathy is not
allows pride. This is what causes change with
colleagues or superiors – people who consider them successful and
realized. Not the last place is occupied by children’s experience. The man
can consider treason as usual if his parents cheated on each other
to a friend. Of great importance is the pattern of relationships with girls in their youth.
For example, if a man in his youth was used to having several passions
at the same time, he may well return to such
behavior.It happens that cheating men have unfaithful wives. AT
In this case, the main motive is revenge. Sometimes men openly change
to get a divorce. Last place in the ranking took
needing to be needed. ATсё просто: если мужчина жене не
need, be sure there is another woman who will be in it
to need.


Bastt 04.02.2016 AT общем, все верно. ATывод один – страховки от
no cheating. Those who want to change will do it sooner or later. Only
an intelligent man will make it so that nobody
will guess.

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