Рагу с курицей в multicooker – сытноеdietary dish. Как приготовить рагу с курицей в multicooker,preserving the benefits of vegetables

Пн, 08 авг 2016 Автор: Наталья Даньчишак

Рагу с курицей в multicooker получается сочным, и при этом,
This cooking method allows you to save everything
vitamins. Vegetables with meat languish simultaneously, soaking with juices
and the scents of each other


Рагу с курицей в multicooker — основные принципы

Chicken is a tasty dietary meat that is suitable for both.
baby food, and for those who seek to lose weight.

For stews, you can use any parts of the chicken, but still better,
if it is fillet or breast. Meat washed, pruned with all
excess and dried with napkins. Then the chicken is cut

Vegetables can use absolutely any. The main ones are
onions and carrots. In addition, mushrooms are added to the stew. Vegetables peel and

В multicooker разогревают масло и обжаривают в нем мясо, затем
add onions, carrots and stew until the vegetables are soft. Then
lay them in the bowl, starting with those that prepare longer.

To keep the stew dry, you can add a little
broth, sour cream or tomato juice. It will be enough half a cup,
так как овощи в процессе preparations выделят свой сок.

Well, it’s over, where without spices and greens. Can use
your favorite spices, and spicy stew will add finely chopped
garlic or chilli.

Рецепт 1. Рагу с курицей и зеленым горошком в multicooker


  • pound of chicken fillet;

  • 60 ml of vegetable oil;

  • four potatoes;

  • salt;

  • small zucchini;

  • black pepper;

  • bulb;

  • 100 g sour cream;

  • крупная carrot;

  • 250 g fresh or frozen green peas;

  • large tomato.

Cooking method

1. Peel the bulb and chop finely into cubes. Lay the bow
into the bowl of the instrument. Включите программу «жарка» на полhours Fry
лук, помешивая, на протяжении пяти minutes

2. Wash, dry and cut chicken fillet into cubes. Send
sirloin to the onion, mix and fry everything together for another 20 minutes,
stirring from time to time with a wooden spatula.

3. Peel the zucchini and cut into two pieces.
centimeter thick. Put it in the bowl.

4. Peel the carrot and finely crumble. Send вслед за
цуккини, перемешайте и продолжайте обжаривать пять minutes

5. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and place to the rest.

6. Cut the tomatoes in half, remove the seeds, and cut the flesh
straws. Send томаты в чашу. Put green peas in here
and sour cream. Season with pepper and salt. Stir.

7. Start the quenching function and cook the stew by closing the lid,
45 minutes

Рецепт 2. Царское рагу с курицей в multicooker


  • chicken breast;

  • purified water – 100 ml;

  • four white mushrooms;

  • salt;

  • two potatoes;

  • fresh dill and onion;

  • 50 grams of green peas;

  • sunflower oil;

  • средняя carrot;

  • two cloves of garlic;

  • onion head;

  • mushroom seasoning.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the chicken meat, pat dry with paper towels, and
нарежьте slices. Put in a plate, salt and mix.

2. Rinse the mushrooms under the tap and chop thin

3. Clean and wash all vegetables. Onions, potatoes and carrots
порежьте не слишком толстыми in chunks. Chives garlic miss
через пресс или натрите на самой fine grater.

4. Run the frying program. Pour vegetable into container
масло и запустите таймер на полhours Warm it for
пяти minutes

5. Put in the heated butter chicken and fry from all sides,
stirring until brown crust.

6. Add onions and continue frying, stirring, until
the end of time. Do not close the lid.

7. Переведите прибор в режим «тушение» на 45 minutes For meat
Arrange carrots, potatoes, green peas and garlic. Above
Season everything with mushroom spice. Stir periodically. Ready
Serve the stew by sprinkling with spring onions and decorating with sprigs

Рецепт 3. Рагу с курицей и цветной капустой в multicooker


  • spices for chicken;

  • 500 g chicken fillet;

  • salt;

  • 700 grams of potatoes;

  • ground pepper;

  • three tomatoes;

  • 10 g parsley;

  • 300 g frozen or fresh cauliflower;

  • 60 ml of vegetable oil;

  • 300 grams of frozen green beans;

  • carrot;

  • onion head.

Cooking method

1. Wash the chicken fillet, dry it with napkins and chop
крупными in chunks. Put the meat in a plate, season with salt,
spices and pepper. Перемешиваем и оставляем на десять minutes

2. Pour oil into the container of the device and activate the function
�”Frying”. Put in her pieces of chicken fillet. Fry chicken until
education appetizing crust. During frying the lid is not
we omit.

3. Add onion and finely chopped half rings to the meat
chopped carrot. Mix and steam with chicken a couple
minutes Отключаем режим �”Frying”.

4. Put in the container peeled and chopped potatoes,
slices of tomatoes, disassembled into cauliflower buds and
frozen pods beans.

5. All pepper and salt, add chopped parsley and
mix gently with a wooden spatula. We lower the instrument cover
and run the function “quenching” for an hour. Reserve for another half an hour
insist in heating mode. Serve with chicken in
multi-cooker with Borodino bread.

Recipe 4. Ragout with chicken and frozen vegetables in


  • 300 g chicken fillet;

  • salt;

  • Half a kilo of frozen mixed vegetables;

  • spices for chicken;

  • five tubers of potatoes;

  • 30 ml of olive oil;

  • bulb;

  • 80 ml of 20% sour cream;

  • carrot;

  • a bunch of fresh greens;

  • 5 ml of lemon juice.

Cooking method

1. Vegetable mix is ​​slightly defrosted. Fresh vegetables clean and
flush. Wash my chicken breast under the tap and dry it. We cut
medium sized chunks.

2. Lay the chicken in deep dishes, season with pepper,
spices and salt. Pour over lemon juice and mix. Reserve
meat marinate for half an hour.

3. Cut the carrot into medium slices. Activate the slow cooker
in the “frying” mode. In the capacity of pouring oil and fry in it
carrots, stirring with a wooden spatula, for about ten minutes.

4. Add shredded onions and pickled chicken.
Stir and fry for another five minutes.

5. Rinse the greens and finely crumble. Peeled Potatoes
cut into pieces.

6. Put potatoes in a bowl and fry, stirring, minutes
five. Switch the device to the program “extinguishing”

7. Pour out the vegetable mixture, season with spices and mix.
Pour the vegetables with meat sour cream, sprinkle with fresh herbs, and
we lower the lid. Готовим рагу с курицей в multicooker на протяжении

Рецепт 5. Рагу с курицей и баклажанами в multicooker


  • two chicken breasts;

  • six tomatoes;

  • onion head;

  • six potato tubers;

  • 4 eggplants;

  • carrot;

  • a quarter of the head of cabbage.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the chicken breasts under running water, dip them
napkins and cut into small pieces.

2. Peel and wash onions and carrots. Finely chop the onion.
Coarse grated carrots.

3. Turn on the frying function for 20 minutes. When capacity
heat up, pour in the butter and place the chicken pieces. Fry
mixing with a wooden spatula, eight minutes. Then add vegetables
and cook, stirring, until the end of the regime.

4. Remove the skin from the eggplants with a knife for vegetables
slice. Salt and leave to get rid of bitterness.

5. Cabbage thinly shred. Peel and rinse the potatoes.
cut like a soup.

6. Put fresh vegetables in a container with chicken, pour a glass
water, pepper, salt and run the function of “quenching” at forty

7. Rinse the tomatoes, wipe and cut in half. Rub on
fine grater. Throw away the skin. Put the tomato puree in a container for
five minutes until tender, mix and tightly close the lid.
Ready рагу с курицей в multicooker оставьте в режиме подогрева на

Рецепт 6. Рагу с курицей и сыром в multicooker


  • 120 ml of broth;

  • 500 g chicken;

  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;

  • half a pod of red bell pepper;

  • dill and parsley;

  • salt;

  • onion head;

  • 50 grams of cheese;

  • carrot;

  • 120 g sour cream;

  • young garlic – two heads;

  • curry;

  • a quarter of a cabbage;

  • ground pepper.

Cooking method

1. Wash the chicken, dip it in napkins and cut into large
in chunks. Salt and pepper the meat. Готовьте его в multicooker на
mode “frying”.

2. Add to the roasted meat peeled and cut into strips
carrots, red peppers and onions. Cut young garlic thin
slices. Put the vegetables to the chicken. Pour all the broth, tight
закройте крышку и запустите режим «тушение» на четверть hours

3. Chop the cabbage as thin as possible, salt and crush it.
by hands. Put on top of vegetables with meat. Cheese finely grate and
combine it with sour cream. Mix thoroughly. Water
cheese and sour cream cabbage.

4. Close the lid tightly, start the “baking” mode and cook
рагу с курицей в multicooker еще десять минуть. Before serving
Sprinkle the stew with green onion rings.

Рагу с курицей в multicooker — хитрости и советы

  • You can combine vegetables based on your taste. Also
    the most relevant for spices and herbs.

  • Experiment using different sauces and feeding methods.

  • Too small vegetables should not be cut, otherwise it will not
    stew, and porridge.

  • If you are a fan of little, you can add pepper or
    chili sauce.

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