Pyometra in cats – causes and treatment. howdiagnose pyometra in cats, can it be cured at homeconditions?

Сб, 17 мар 2018 Автор: Виктория Банникова

Pyometra in cats – common and very dangerous
a disease that can occur in any home pet. So,
pyometry in cats – what it is and how it is
to treat?

This disease is a type of purulent endometritis,
that is, it is an inflammation of the uterus that proceeds with the accumulation of pus. it
very dangerous for the animal, without proper treatment can lead to
lethal. Danger threatens all unsterilized
cats. It used to be that if a cat is over five years old or already
gave birth, then she can not get such inflammation. However now
it has been proven that one can only protect oneself by sterilizing a cat,
when both the uterus and both ovaries are removed.


Causes of pyometra in cats

The main cause of pyometra in cats is a hormone disruption.
system. But also the owners themselves can trigger the disease.
The following options can cause inflammation:

1) Urogenital diseases that were not cured before
The end and in the form of complications give inflammation of the uterus.

2) Endrometritis, if not provided proper treatment.

3) Long-term use of hormonal drugs. To them before
in total, there are “stop-sex” means aimed at controlling
in heat.

4) Mating with an unhealthy cat or lack of any control in

5) During estrus the cat was in unsanitary

6) Injury or infection during childbirth.

7) Infection of bacteria like cocci into the body

Symptoms of pyometra in cats

The first symptoms usually appear a couple of months after
estrus in a cat, since during this period the most
favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

Symptoms depend on the nature of the inflammation. Allocate the form
pyometra when the cervix is ​​open. Then you can highlight the following

1) copious discharge from the vulva, can be easily identified by
brown spots left behind by a cat;

2) the cat licks off very often, almost every 15-20 minutes;

3) temperature increase;

4) refusal to eat and increased thirst.

The second form is with a closed cervix, it flows much
more difficult and more pronounced, as the pus accumulates inside.

1) there are no discharge or almost insignificant;

2) a strong increase in the abdomen, it becomes painfully large and

3) temperature increase;

4) refusal to eat and increased thirst;

5) increased urination and bowel disorders;

6) apathy and difficulty breathing, lack of response to external

The difficulty in determining pyometra in cats is that
the disease can be very rapid or prolonged. These
extremes are very dangerous and most often fatal,
since symptoms do not have time to manifest. So a couple of days can
accumulates up to a liter of pus inside the uterus or, conversely, weakly
pronounced character does not allow to determine the disease before it
ruin the animal.

Diagnosis and treatment of pyometra in cats

At the first signs of the disease, immediately contact
the nearest veterinary clinic!

Ultrasound is used for the diagnosis and a blood test is taken.
Ultrasound may show an increase in the uterus in
size and thickening on the surface of the walls.

All treatment can be divided into two types – it is an operation and
drug treatment. Operation is the safest way.
спасти pet Although many owners fear surgical
intervention, in this case, it is just necessary. Surgeon
removes the uterus and both ovaries with the laparoscopic method and
intracutaneous sutures are applied. The forecast is usually
positive if the case is not too running.

After surgery, the animal recovers within 10-14 days.
It is necessary to use a postoperative primer so that the cat does not
was able to hurt fresh seams. Also, droppers are sometimes put, and in
home conditions need a special diet. The first day is not worth
give food, just plenty of water. Next days let’s
only soft foods, for example, in the form of pies or soup.

There is also a drug treatment method. Via
doctors are trying to clean up antibiotics and hormones
uterus from pus. However, I want to note that the chance to cure a cat –
only 15%! At the same time, of these 15%, half the cats will get sick again
at the first heat! You should think about sterilization as
the only reliable method of treatment.

Drug treatment can only be due
the need to preserve the ability to reproduce and only on the initial
stage of inflammation. Most often, doctors prescribe the following

1) drugs to reduce the uterus, they help the removal of pus,
for example, oxytocin or prostaglandin. They should be applied extremely
Careful, since their effect on the uterus can be devastating!

2) the drug Alizin is an antagonist of the hormone progesterone.

3) Ceftriaxone antibiotics

4) immunoprovoting drugs and vitamins

Herbal decoctions are used as folk remedies. as
helper thing that relieves inflammation. Chamomile decoctions and
calendula tinctures help speed up the recovery process, and
nettle – reduces blood loss. It is important to remember that it cannot
cure the animal and without surgery / antibiotics the animal can

Preventive measures

Так as было доказано, что даже рожавшие кошки болеют пиометрой,
then the main way to avoid such inflammation is in time.
sterilize the cat! It is best to carry out such an operation in the first
year of life of the pet, after the first heat (about 8-9 months).

If you breed cats or do not wish to sterilize, then
обязательно следите за здоровьем pet Once a year is worth passing
Ultrasound and general examination by a veterinarian, sometimes appointed
antibacterial drugs for prevention. In no case
you can’t use hormones
permanent basis. it помогает сдвинуть или заглушить течку, но
detrimental to the pet! Watch your pet during heat, not
let’s leave her clean room and strictly follow

При появлении любых признаков и появлении выделений — as можно
show your vet more quickly, because every day can be worth it
the cat of life.

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