Puppies have grown up and their teeth are changing. howthere is a change of teeth in babies and how to help them

Вс, 01 апр 2018 Автор: Екатерина Егорова

Healthy teeth in dogs is an indicator of well-being.
Therefore, the change of milk teeth in puppies for permanent need
be prepared: pay special attention to health and take care of


When puppies grow milk teeth

Little crumbs are born blind, absolutely
defenseless and toothless. Only towards the end of the first month of life
their milk teeth begin to erupt.

Dwarf and ornamental rocks will be the exception. They
become toothy only at the age of one and a half months.

By the end of the third month, the number of first teeth is exactly 32.
(16 above and below). There are no molar teeth in puppies.

When puppies change teeth

All dogs, almost in the same time period,
there is a change of milk teeth to permanent ones. It happens in
three months old.

The very first changing incisors. At the root of the milk tooth begins
to form and grow a permanent tooth. As he
grows, the milk root is destroyed and the old tooth falls out.

At the age of four months, the premolars change. And in half a year
aged fangs change and indigenous begin to grow.

If the puppy is healthy and develops correctly by the end of 9 months
he must have all 42 two healthy, even and white teeth.

Regular inspection of the mouth

In order not to disturb the formation of the jaw and bite in the dog,
every caring owner is simply obliged to inspect the mouth daily
your pet.

Large breed dogs change their teeth faster. In small and
short-faced dogs the size of the gums is small, chewing
musculature poorly developed. They питаются мягкими кормами. All these
factors slow down the loss of previous teeth. It turns out that
Constant grows not instead of milk, but next to it.

Therefore, the owner of the little dog should help the puppy during
change teeth. If the old cutter is loose, you need to use a bandage
or a piece of gauze to take a tooth and gently unscrew it.

The old tooth is removed only after it starts showing.
crown new. Then she will quickly rise to her permanent place.
If the crown has not yet appeared, do not interfere with the natural
process, it will only aggravate the situation and prevent the correct

There are cases when the previous teeth sit firmly, and new ones already
begin to deform. This is unacceptable for dogs that
participate in exhibitions or kept for breeding.
Therefore, you must immediately contact your veterinarian dentist.

If you leave everything as it is, the animals form a raid on
teeth, caries and tartar develop, retention and other
dental diseases leading to premature loss
teeth. They also cause other diseases of dogs.

General malaise of the puppy’s body

Each dog individually carries such a period. These months
are stressful for a dog because the immune system is weakened
system. The animal becomes lethargic and weak, it deteriorates

There is a general malaise of the whole organism, it rises
fever, possible diarrhea. Therefore clean and fresh drinking water
the baby should always be.

It is necessary to walk four-legged three times a day.
pet However, do not load the puppy while walking
active fun or workouts. It is necessary to ensure the dog
comfortable living conditions and ensure that it does not
overcooling or not overheating in the sun.

During the change of teeth in a puppy, veterinarians do not recommend doing
any vaccinations. This needs to be done either before or after two
weeks after. By that time, the pet’s body will recover and
will get stronger.

How can a puppy be helped during a tooth change?

In some, this happens almost unnoticed. Others on the contrary
will gnaw everything that will be in their way – furniture, shoes and so
Further. Even if your favorite slippers suffer, you need to be tolerant and not
to punish the puppy, he is now so hard.

To avoid this, you need to help your child cope with itching.
и болезненным состоянием десен во время прорезания новых teeth.

The animal needs to massage the gums every day.
greatly facilitates his condition. Special will come to the rescue
toys massagers, dried skin bones, rye crackers and
various cartilage. They должны быть полумягкими, эластичными, без
corners and notches, so as not to injure the jaw in addition

It is not allowed to “scratch the teeth” with ordinary tubular bones. Puppy
will gnaw her hard, until a piece breaks off, which
can be deadly to health.

You should not make travels or give the dog for some
time to others unfamiliar to him. Should not be drastically changed
the diet goes from freshly prepared food to feed
blends or vice versa. Such actions will further stress.

Proper nutrition

Great attention must be paid to correct and balanced.
nutrition puppy. After all, it plays a special role timely change
dairy teeth permanent and strong.

The feed should contain minerals and microelements.
(calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and fluorine). Therefore, fermented milk
products – kefir, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese. Vegetables, meat and cereal should
be present in the dog’s diet daily. Many dog ​​breeders on
stages of active growth of pets, and especially during the change of teeth
give soaked warm water gelatin, one glass per day
mix in feed.

Add to the food sea buckthorn oil, fish oil and beer
yeast. It is mandatory to take fortified

Good nutrition will not only contribute to a quick change.
teeth, but also the correct formation of the skeleton of a growing organism

Oral Care

The fact that the animal’s teeth have completely changed does not mean
what’s the deal done. Hygienic oral care is very important.
cavity. Enhance the enamel and prevent the appearance of stone, special
mineral bones and crackers.

Next, veterinarians disagree. Some advise once
week to brush the animal’s teeth, the latter say that it is not
of necessity.

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