Psoriasis – causes, symptoms, diagnosis,treatment

Wed, Apr 27, 2016

Псориаз представляет собой распространенную
a form of chronic dermatosis, which is characterized by the formation of
scaly papular lesions on the skin. From psoriasis can
suffer any part of the body, however, most often it manifests itself on
scalp, elbows, knees, palms, soles, less often – on
nails, soft tissues of the mouth and genitals. From 15 to 20% of people who are sick
psoriasis, suffer from inflammation of the joints, which is called
psoriatic arthritis.


Psoriasis – causes

To date, experts do not name the exact reason
psoriasis, however, it is believed that the development of this disease
is due to impaired functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems,
metabolic processes, especially disorders of fat and carbohydrate
exchange, foci of chronic infection, diseases and disorders
normal liver function. It is also known that predisposition to
psoriasis has a hereditary nature.

Psoriasis – symptoms

Usually, psoriasis appears dry, red, elevated
the surface of the skin is stained (psoriatic plaques), covered
loose silver-white scales; although sometimes the disease is not
accompany no visible skin lesions. First psoriatic
plaques appear on limited areas of the body, localizing
mainly in the scalp, on the extensor
the surface of the elbow and knee joints, in the region of the sacrum, etc.
Plaques are clearly distinguished from healthy skin and have hot pink
or saturated red.

Psoriasis – diagnosis

Diagnosing psoriasis is usually not difficult, in its
basis lies the characteristic appearance of the skin. The situation is more complicated
differential diagnosis of arthropathic psoriasis with rheumatoid
polyarthritis, especially when it is not accompanied by skin
rashes. For the correct diagnosis of psoriasis is very important
is information about the presence of his relatives. Sometimes for
clarifying the diagnosis of psoriasis conduct a skin biopsy.

Псориаз – treatment и профилактика

Treatment of psoriasis depends on the localization of its manifestations, the degree
severity, patient history, and tolerability
drugs. При легкой форме псориаза проводят местное treatment; at
наличии большой пораженной поверхности местное treatment дополняют
ultraviolet light therapy (UVA therapy). When
lack of effect from local treatment and UVA therapy, is prescribed
системное treatment. An important part of treating psoriasis is diet,
which involves limiting animal fats, carbohydrates,
spicy dishes, and the exclusion of alcohol.

In the progressive stage of psoriasis, it is advisable
atменение антигистаминных препаратов (супрастина, тавегила,
phencarol), as well as hyposensitizing agents (gluconate and
calcium chloride, sodium hyposulfite, magnesium sulfate injections),
vitamins (B6, B12, A, C), sedative therapy in the form of drugs
брома, валерианы, элениума и др. Наружно atменяют
corticosteroid ointment.

At the stationary stage, psoriasis is treated with autohemotherapy,
Pyrogenal, staphylococcal toxoid or antiphagin injections
(if there are foci of chronic infection), ultraviolet
by irradiation. Наружно показано atменение кератопластических мазей:
Ichthyol, sulfur-tar, naphthalan with corticosteroids.
Хороший эффект дает курортное treatment на сероводородных и радоновых
источниках, а также atнятие солнечных ванн и морские купания.

Тяжелые формы псориаза требуют atема внутрь кортикостероидных
hormones and cytotoxic immunosuppressants. Modern methods
treatments for psoriasis are represented by photochemotherapy, hemosorption,
plasma exchange.

Prevention of psoriasis is carried out with the help of dispensary
observation and maintenance therapy in winter and early spring


Borisova 12.12.2016 My mother had psoriasis, and with age
I also had skin problems that the doctor diagnosed
like psoriasis. I take all the exacerbations of the disease with the help of a spray
skin cap, which greatly facilitates my life, contactless
the application is very convenient, and the remission comes noticeably faster than
at использовании других негормональных препаратов. Pauline
10/11/2016 And I treated psoriasis with a skin cap. And not particularly tense)
I bought an aerosol (as recommended by a doctor), underwent a course of treatment and
I enjoy life to this day. They say – caught in time. So would
I suffered probably Zarina 05.11.2016 Before, when not
atдерживалась диеты, по выходным – то бутылку красного вина, то
champagne, yes you have a smoke … And then you wonder why psoriasis
strengthened and even more spread through the body! Since autumn 2013
года перестала пить спиртное вообще, начала atдерживаться диеты по
Pagano, I use Rederm ointment for plaques on my body (the doctor said that
This is a new dermatological and well helps people with skin
проблемами), atнимаю солевые ванны (400 гр морской соли на ванну)
15-20 minutes and after not wiping. Remission achieved for me it
progress, I think my sacrifices were worth it. рана 13.03.2016 Pauline
I totally agree with you. I am a doctor too aerosol skin cap
назначал, так сейчас я его и сама atменяю at обострениях, а
due to the fact that I have become a skin cap use my aggravations
have become less common. Елена 03.03.2016 Pauline I totally agree with you. To me
врач тоже aerosol skin cap назначал, так сейчас я его и сама
atменяю at обострениях, а благодаря тому, что я стала скин-кап
использовать обострения у меня have become less common.

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