Prunes for weight loss

chernosliv-dlya-pohudeniyaUnlike many other sweet
fruits, such as pineapples, oranges, peaches or apples,
prunes may not be at the top of your list
favorite delicacies that you can enjoy.

However, prunes contain much more antioxidants,
than in any other fruit – and this may already be sufficient
reason to add it to your daily diet.

Plus, prunes are a great source of many
nutrients necessary for the full activity of your
of the body, including dietary fiber and a number of vitamins and

And if you decide to lose weight – eat every day
prunes, and you are surprised to find that to achieve positive
The result can be much faster.


Nutritional value of prunes for weight loss

Prunes are a rich source of vitamin A, beta carotene,
calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, folic acid, phosphorus and

A portion of five prunes contains:

  • chernosliv-dlya-pohudeniya17 mg of calcium
  • 0.37 mg of iron
  • 16 mg of magnesium
  • 28 mg of phosphorus
  • 293 mg of potassium
  • 0.2 mg vitamin C
  • 2 mcg of folic acid
  • 158 mcg beta carotene
  • 312 IU of vitamin A
  • about 6.2 grams. fiber
  • almost 2 grams squirrel
  • 12 gr. natural sugar
  • and only 82 calories.

Glycemic index of prunes for weight loss

The glycemic index (GI) is a numeric value that allows
estimate how much a certain product or drink affects
blood glucose level. Most products have GI within
from 56 to 69 units and have a moderate impact on the amount
blood sugar

The index GI prunes without stones is 29 points
(plus or minus 4), which allows it to be attributed to products with low
index that have minimal effect on glucose levels and
insulin in the blood.

Prunes are the perfect choice for those who want to eat food.
rich in antioxidants without sudden surges in the amount of sugar in
blood. It is worth noting that prunes contain much more
antioxidants, and it has a lower GI, compared to
apples, oranges, pears, peaches, bananas, watermelons and

The benefits of prunes for weight loss

Weight loss

High fiber content in prunes can help you
lose weight. According to researchers, high volumes
fiber способствуют регуляции уровня сахара в крови и понижению
insulin that helps keep your weight under control. Use
в пищу fiber также заставит вас дольше чувствовать насыщение
food, reducing the desire for something to eat.


Benefit for health

  • Heart diseases. Soluble fiber in the composition of prunes
    able to block the “bad” cholesterol in the intestines, preventing
    its entry into the bloodstream by binding fatty acids and removing
    it is excreted along with processed food. Otherwise
    its oversupply can clog your coronary arteries that
    significantly increases the risk of heart attack or stroke. So
    By reducing cholesterol levels, prunes improve
    performance of the entire cardiovascular system.
  • Diabetes. Consumption of low GI foods, for example,
    prunes, improves overall body control over glucose levels
    blood in people with diabetes. Soluble fiber in
    prune binds all the fluid, forming a gel in the intestine. it
    the jelly substance slows down the digestion and absorption of glucose,
    so it enters the blood more slowly and evenly, which causes
    более стабильный рост уровня blood sugar
  • Arterial pressure. Potassium in the prunes will help
    protect the body from the development of hypertension, maintaining normal
    blood pressure by regulating water-electrolyte balance.
    No wonder doctors often advise people suffering from hypertension,
    consume foods high in potassium.
  • Constipation. In other words, it is a rare or uncomfortable chair.
    Чернослив содержит большое количество растворимой fiber,
    which acts on the body as a natural laxative
    remedy, allowing softening of the stool and promoting improvement
    intestinal peristalsis.

Also read: “Cocktails for weight loss” and “Fish oil for
losing weight.


How to take prunes for weight loss?

Selection and storage

Prunes can be bought at most supermarkets and
food shops of the city. You can choose prunes with
or pitted, depending on your preference or on
how do you plan to use it. Give advantage to prunes
with dark, round, shiny and moldless skin.

Also read the label carefully to
make sure that it was not used for its preparation
preservatives, for example, sulfites. Keep the prunes in an airtight
container in a dark, cool cabinet or drawer.

Preparation and use

For successful weight loss your daily rate of prunes should
be about 6 fruits – it will also allow you to bring in
feeling the entire gastrointestinal tract, and will contribute
increase the protective functions of the body.

We also recommend periodically conducting fasting days on
based prunes. To do this, the fruits are steamed in a water bath and
used in small quantities (about 10 – 15 pieces at a time)
throughout the day every 3 – 3.5 hours.

Additional strategies

You can also use prunes as an accompaniment.
to meat. For this, grilled, lean pork
mix with diced braised prune fruits that
will bring your dish extra healthy monounsaturated fats
and fiber.

Other uses of prunes include the use of its fruits.
when baking, adding berries to yogurt or ice cream.

Side effects

Prune causes very few side effects, although excessive
its use can cause the following problems:

Bloating. Reception of a large number of fruits can lead
to the appearance of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, such
like bloating and increased flatulence.

Diarrhea. Possessing powerful laxative properties, prunes
potentially can cause not quite the right reaction of the body.
Daily use of fruits for a long period
time can lead to chronic diarrhea.

Intestinal addiction. Since prunes contain an ingredient
which has a pronounced laxative effect, then long-term
its use can lead to your addiction
digestive system from prunes for normal promotion
food through the intestines.

Interesting information: “How to lose weight in the gym?” And
�”How to lose weight by 25 kg: tips lazy.”

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