Procrastination – what is this condition and what iscan it be made? How to force yourself to act and seekgoals

Пт, 08 июн 2018 BUTвтор: Ольга Шапошникова

If you can’t get together and pull yourself together,
to do some important things and things for you, but constantly
postponing them for later, then you have procrastination. You have goals
but they seem so complicated and unattainable that you just don’t
understand where to start. You do something else and do
some minor things to justify in their own eyes
your idleness, why don’t you take on the really important
things that can affect your life.

For example, you need to prepare for exams. Here are the exams
nose and you know that this is your first priority. But
since it seems difficult to you, you do not want to do this,
all the time, postponing preparation for later. When you are not sure
a positive result of what you are going to undertake,
often procrastination occurs.

К прокрастинации склонны люди, у которых проблемы с
For example, if you need to go to study
or to work, then everything is extremely clear – you have a schedule and
you follow him. But not everyone works at home because
that self-discipline in many disagreement.

Sometimes you need a kick from someone to remind someone
the transience of time and its value because it happens
difficult to handle. If it seems to you that your relatives are putting pressure on you,
look at the situation from the other side. Perhaps it will go to you
for the benefit, perhaps you need someone to spur you on.

Прокрастинация и лень — абсолютно разные вещи.
Lazy people don’t want to start anything at all, they will be better
to have a rest, than to do some business. And people prone to
procrastination, intend to do something, but it is difficult for them to force themselves
to take up work because they do not understand where to start,
afraid to make a mistake, afraid of failure or even success.


What is the danger of procrastination?

A person can be sucked and he will stew in it for a very long time.
Since a person is under stress all the time, this is very
depletes the body. He will constantly feel like
psychological and physical fatigue. This may lead to
serious illnesses. In addition, a person may miss a lot
different possibilities.

Less talented and intelligent people can achieve much more.
just because they are goal-oriented and they do not prokrastirut. BUT
a person caught in the trap of procrastination may miss a lot
opportunities and not realize their potential.

How to deal with procrastination?

If you understand that you are coloring, then this is already half the problem. Neither
one you are, many people are in a similar condition. Interior
imbalance and disharmony from the fact that a person does not know himself, not
understands what is happening to him. When you start to understand yourself,
then life becomes simpler and clearer.

Often you can not take on some important task, because
it seems so difficult and difficult for you to do that
you understand what to take in the first place. BUT начинать нужно с

Procrastinators usually like to plan, they have a lot of plans, but
the problem is that these plans are too general. For example, there is a desire
put the body in order or open your own business. But
no specifics. This is the main problem because it is important.
plan properly. Each goal must be painted on the set
steps. If you describe everything in detail, then your volume task
will cease to seem so difficult and impracticable.

Не забывайте о том, что нужно правильно расставлять

When you do at least one important thing, you will see how
it makes it easier for you to breathe like a stone from your shoulders. To the next case you
proceed with great inspiration and enthusiasm.

Sometimes there is a lack of support from relatives. Tell us about
what is bothering you and what do you want for your loved ones. If your family will
support you, it will greatly help you to believe in your

Communication with successful people is also very helpful, it is incredible.
inspires and charges. If someone can, then you can too.
All people have equal opportunities, the main thing is to have the desire and

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