Potatoes with mushrooms in a pot – for everyday andholidays! Different recipes of potatoes with mushrooms in pots

Пт, 18 ноя 2016 Автор: Марина Выходцева

In pots, you can cook a variety of dishes for everyday life and
holidays, lunches and dinners. Especially well they get
potatoes with mushrooms. Maybe add to them chicken, meat or pour
cream? Yes! Here are all these and many other recipes from
Potatoes with mushrooms for pots.


Potatoes with mushrooms in a pot – general principles

Potatoes are used raw, but can sometimes
require pre-frying in a pan. Mushrooms also
can be put raw, if it is mushrooms. But the dish
It turns out more tasty if the product is slightly fried in a skillet. it
can be done simultaneously with other ingredients.

What else is added:

• vegetables;

• meat;

• bird;

• legumes.

Pour the ingredients in the pots with broth, sour cream or
cream, tomato, mayonnaise. For taste add different spices.
Often they put cheese in pots. It can be cut into cubes and
add immediately with potatoes or rub and spread in the
late, when the dish is almost ready. In this case, the cap
clean, cheese crust roast until ruddy color.

Potatoes with mushrooms in a pot (in sour cream)

A simple roast of potatoes with mushrooms in pots. Highly
aromatic and hearty dish. Recipe for 2 portions of the pot.


• 4 potatoes;

• 200 g boiled mushrooms;

• 2 tbsp. l butter;

• 4 tablespoons sour cream;

• 1 onion;

• spices.


1. Cut potatoes into slices, mushrooms arbitrary
slices, and onions thin half rings.

2. Put the mushrooms in a pot with onions and potatoes.
The last (that is, the first from the top) must be

3. Put a spoon of butter.

4. Mix sour cream with the same amount of water, salt and
we pepper You can add to the pot already ready spices for potatoes
or any other dishes.

5. Divide the mixture in half, pour into pots.

6. Close.

7. Cook in the oven for 40 minutes. Making the temperature 200, at the end
check the potatoes for softness.

8. When serving under the lid of each pot, you can add
garlic or a bit of chopped greens.

Potatoes with mushrooms and chicken in pots

The recipe is very nutritious potato dishes with mushrooms in
potted. It also adds chicken fillet. Can take
turkey With her, too, everything will turn out fine.


• 300 g of mushrooms;

• 2 onions;

• 500 g of potatoes;

• 1-2 fillets;

• 1 carrot;

• 30 g of oil;

• 200 g sour cream;

• 2 cloves of garlic.


1. We cut both onions in any way, we spread on
frying pan with oil, fry.

2. Add the chopped mushrooms to the onions and also slightly pass.
We spread in a large bowl.

3. Clean the potatoes, cut them into pieces, shift them to

4. Wash chicken fillet. Quantity at its discretion. We cut
dice 2 cm, put in a bowl to the rest

5. Peel the garlic, chop it and pour it too.

6. Cut the carrots into slices to make the dish look
more beautiful. Combine with the rest of the ingredients.

7. Fill with spices, add sour cream and carefully
stir the dish.

8. Spread the pot, close the lids.

9. Sent to the oven. 45 pots will be prepared
minutes The average temperature is 180-190.

Potatoes with mushrooms in a pot with cheese and cream

For this dish uses champignons. Fry in advance
no mushrooms needed, which further reduces the time


• 1 kg of potatoes;

• 500 g of champignons;

• 2 bulbs;

• 250 g of cream;

• 150 grams of cheese;

• salt, spices;

• greens at will.


1. Clean the potatoes, cut into slices and lay them on all
pots first layer.

2. Лук режем, посыпаем potatoes.

3. Wash fresh mushrooms. If champignons are small, then
cut in half. Large copies in 4 parts. Laying on top
potato, almost to the top.

4. Cream must be heated. We add salt and other spices to them,
stir until dissolved. Spread evenly over all

5. Накрываем, ставим в духовку, запекаем блюдо 40 minutes

6. Grate the cheese large.

7. Take out the pots, remove the caps. During this time, mushrooms
released juice in the dish settled. Sprinkle with cheese. At his request
can be mixed with chopped dill.

8. Return the pots back to the oven, fry the cheese
корочку в течение 10-15 minutes

Lenten Potato Potatoes

The recipe for lenten potatoes with mushrooms in pots,
which will also appeal to vegetarians. To fill
used mayonnaise without eggs.


• 500 g of potatoes;

• 300 g of mushrooms;

• onions and carrots;

• 120 g of mayonnaise;

• 30 ml of oil;

• 1 sweet pepper;

• spices, garlic, greens.


1. Onions cut large, also carrot and lightly fry on
skillet in oil.

2. We take fresh mushrooms, if it is mushrooms. If forest mushrooms,
then they need to boil for half an hour.

3. Add the mushrooms in the pan to the vegetables and also slightly

4. Cut the potatoes, mix with mushrooms and vegetables.

5. Bulgarian pepper cut into cubes, add to the rest

6. Season it all with garlic, salt, mayonnaise,

7. Раскладываем продукты по pots.

8. Pour 50 ml of water into each. Do it from the side so as not to wash it off.
with products mayonnaise layer. Instead of water, you can use the mushroom
broth or vegetable, the dish will be even more delicious.

9. Cover the pots, put in the oven.

10. Готовим при 180 градусах 45 minutes

Potatoes with mushrooms and meat in a pot

For this dish you can take any meat. If it will be
used beef, then the pieces are desirable to repel either in advance
замариновать, что ускорит время preparations.


• 300 g of meat;

• 5-6 potatoes;

• 2 bulbs;

• 250 g of champignons;

• 200 ml of broth;

• 100 ml sour cream;

• oil, seasonings.


1. We cut мясо брусочками, выкладываем в сковородку с маслом,
fry until brown crust. We shift in a bowl.

2. Onions and mushrooms are also cut. You can use a carrot.
Together we shift to the pan after meat and quickly
fry on the biggest fire.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut into plates.

4. Putting the ingredients in pots. Put meat on the bottom
then comes a layer of raw potatoes, on top fried mushrooms with

5. Sour cream combined with broth or with ordinary water. Salt and
pepper, throw any seasoning to your taste.

6. Fill the pots with the prepared mixture. Desirable
distribute evenly between all portions.

7. Put in the oven.

8. Prepare this dish from 50 to 80 minutes, depending on
used meat.

Potatoes with mushrooms in pots (in tomato)

For a bright and appetizing dish in pots, tomato is used.
paste. But you can take pure juice. In this case, it is not necessary
dilute with water.


• 300 g of mushrooms;

• 500 g of potatoes;

• 80 g of oil;

• 2 bulbs;

• 1-2 carrots;

• 50 g of pasta;

• spices.


1. We cut грибы, выкладываем на сковородку с маслом, жарим пару

2. We cut лук, отправляем к mushrooms. Fry together minutes

3. Очищаем клубни, нарезаем potatoes.

4. Heat up some oil in an empty pan, lay out
fry until golden brown, but do not cover with a lid
need to.

5. Lay out in pots layers of potatoes and fried
Mushrooms. Periodically pour the chopped carrot.
The sequence of packing ingredients any. Number of layers

6. Mix tomato paste and 300 ml of water, salt to your taste,
season with seasonings.

7. Sprinkle the dish with tomato mixture, cover the pots, set in
the oven.

8. Cooking tomato potatoes for 35-40 minutes until soft.
Served with herbs, garlic, bacon.

Potato mushrooms (with meatballs)

Рецепт очень аппетитного блюда с фрикадельками в potted.
Meat balls can be made independently or buy in the store.
Sour cream can be replaced with mayonnaise, which is more like.


• 4 potatoes;

• 500 g of champignons;

• 15 meatballs;

• 5 tablespoons sour cream;

• 1 carrot;

• 2 bulbs;

• oil, spices;

• 150 grams of cheese.


1. Peel the potatoes, cut into small cubes of 5-7 millimeters,
visually divide in half and scatter one part to 5

2. We cut морковку кружками, раскидываем поверх картофеля.

3. Onions and mushrooms cut, fry in a pan.

4. Put 3 meatballs on a carrot in each pot. If a
meat balls are small, then you can add more.

5. На фрикадельки кладем обжаренные с луком Mushrooms. Also
распределяем по всем pots.

6. Spread the remains of potatoes on top.

7. Put spices in each pot and pour hot on top.
water, but not more than half the pot.

8. Put a spoon of sour cream (mayonnaise).

9. Close, cook 35 minutes at 180 degrees.

10. Cheese rubbed large.

11. We take out the pots, lay out the cheese on top, again put in
the oven.

12. We add temperature to 200 degrees. Cooking about 10 more
minutes, but you can and longer, until the cheese is well roasted.

Potatoes with mushrooms in a pot – useful tips and

• Potatoes can be cooked not only with fresh mushrooms, but also
dried You need to soak the product well, better in
cold milk, then the dish is prepared according to the recipe.

• Serve the dish in the same pot in which it was cooked.
Перекладывать картошку в другую посуду неneed to.

• Instead of a lid, you can cover the pot with a piece of unleavened dough.
At the same time get a great replacement for bread.

• Картошку необязательно готовить в порционных potted. If a
there is a big earthen pot, then you can use it, a dish
get even more delicious.

• Instead of a pot you can also use a small pumpkin, in this
In this case, the whole dish will be edible, except for the most

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