Potato casserole in a slow cooker – different!Recipes картофельной запеканки с фаршем, сыром, грибами,fish

Вт, 19 июл 2016 Автор: Наталья Даньчишак

Potato casserole in a slow cooker – a nourishing, appetizing dish,
for the preparation of which does not need to spend a lot of time and effort.
This dish is prepared with various fillings, or without them, using
only spices and aromatic herbs. Potato casserole can
feed the whole family, preparing it from the products that are in
any fridge.


Potato casserole in a slow cooker – basic principles

Prepare a mashed potato casserole, as well as boiled and
raw potatoes, sliced ​​into thin slices or grated.
Often the housewives cook this dish from the potatoes remaining from
holiday feast or dinner.

As a filling, you can use mushrooms, meat, sausages
products, seafood, crab sticks or fish.

To keep the casserole in the form, add mashed potatoes
eggs, cream, flour, or milk. Sometimes potato casserole
cooked with sauce or pouring.

Potatoes can be boiled with spices or white
wine, in this case, the casserole will get fragrant.

At the bottom of the bowl lay a layer of potatoes or mashed potatoes, lay out on top
the filling and cover with a second layer of potatoes.

The meat or mince for the filling is pre-fried with onions.
Fish can be used both raw and boiled or fry
her pre.

Время preparations запеканки зависит от того, в каком виде
used products. If potatoes and stuffing have undergone
pre heat treatment, then half an hour is enough. For
сырых продуктов время preparations увеличивается вдвое.

Recipe 1. Classic potato casserole in


  • vegetable oil;

  • six potato tubers;

  • salt;

  • four cloves of garlic;

  • freshly ground black pepper;

  • two onions;

  • 3 g ground sweet paprika;

  • 125 ml of olive oil;

  • a glass of milk;

  • 10 g thyme.

Способ preparations

1. Clean and wash onions and potatoes under running water. Obsushivaem
vegetables. Cut the potato in half and chop into thin slices.
Boil the potatoes to half-cooked and recline in a colander.

2. Cut the onion into half rings. Peeled chives we skip
through the garlic press. Fry garlic and onion in olive oil until
golden hue.

3. A bowl of multicooker grease with olive oil and lay out
a layer of potatoes. Sprinkle with salt, thyme and pepper. Above
lay out garlic-onion fried. So we post
layers of whole potatoes with roasting. Salt and season each layer.

4. Pour the casserole with milk and sprinkle with paprika. Put the bowl
in the unit and activate the mode “Baking”. Cooking a casserole forty
minutes At the same time the lid should be ajar. Baked Casserole
Remove from the bowl and sprinkle with finely chopped fresh herbs.

Рецепт 2. Картофельная запеканка в multicooker с сыром


  • mashed potatoes – half a kilogram;

  • 30 ml of vegetable oil;

  • salt;

  • minced meat – 300 g;

  • flour – 75 g;

  • onion head;

  • three eggs;

  • hard cheese – 100 g;

  • mayonnaise – 100 ml;

  • freshly ground pepper;

  • butter – 20 g.

Способ preparations

1. Melt butter in a pan. Peeled onions
Shred and fry it until transparent. We spread
fried onions on a plate.

2. In the same pan, lay the minced meat and fry it until
half ready. Add onion to it and continue to fry more
about ten minutes on low heat.

3. Boil the potatoes and mash it by adding butter
and salt.

4. Put mayonnaise into separate dishes, add flour and eggs
and mix everything until smooth.

5. We spread на дно смазанной маслом чаши мультиварки половину
mashed potatoes. Over it a uniform layer distribute the stuffing
and pour the mayonnaise-egg sauce.

6. Cheese large three and pour on the stuffing. Above выкладываем
the remaining puree and sprinkle with cheese. Cooking Casserole Mode
«Выпечка» на протяжении 35 minutes

Рецепт 3. Картофельная запеканка в multicooker с грибами


  • flour – 80 g;

  • mayonnaise – 250 g;

  • four eggs;

  • mushrooms – 450 g;

  • onion head;

  • minced meat – 300 g;

  • vegetable oil;

  • five tubers of potatoes;

  • salt and spices.

Способ preparations

1. Put mayonnaise in a separate bowl, add flour and
we drive in eggs. Slightly salt and whisk whisk until smooth.

2. Mushrooms and peeled onion finely crumbled and fry until golden brown.
Shift the fried mushroom on a plate.

3. In the same pan lay out the stuffing and bring it to
readiness Mix the stuffing with mushrooms.

4. Peel potatoes, wash them and cut into plates.

5. Spread half of the potatoes in a multicooker bowl, smearing it
oil, leveled.

6. Water the potatoes with mayonnaise-egg filling. Unfolding
evenly minced with mushrooms. Cover it with another layer of potatoes.
Pour all remaining fill and close the lid. Activate
режим «Выпечка» и готовим на протяжении часа и 15 minutes

Recipe 4. Potato casserole in multicooker с fish


  • five potatoes;

  • salt;

  • 400 g fish fillets;

  • spice;

  • onion head;

  • 10 ml of olive oil;

  • 50 g sour cream;

  • 70 grams of cheese;

  • 3 g ground paprika.

Способ preparations

1. Peel and wash the potatoes. Cut it thin

2. Onion peel and chop rings.

3. Add onion to the potatoes, season with salt and paprika.
Add sour cream and mix well.

4. Wash the fish fillets, dip them in napkins and cut them.

5. Put a layer of potatoes and onions in a greased bowl.
Lay the fish fillets on top of it. Cheese coarsely grate and
sprinkle them casserole.

6. Place the bowl in the kitchen unit and turn on the program.
«Выпечка» на сорок minutes Baked Casserole вынуть и разложить по
serving plates.

Рецепт 5. Картофельная запеканка в multicooker с мясными


  • 250 g minced meat;

  • black pepper;

  • 600 grams of potatoes;

  • ketchup;

  • bulb;

  • Cherry tomatoes;

  • carrot;

  • 80 ml of vegetable oil;

  • two eggs;

  • bunch of dill;

  • three cloves of garlic;

  • salt;

  • 75 g semolina;

  • 5 g of mustard;

  • 100 g of mayonnaise;

  • 5 g saffron.

Способ preparations

1. Мясной фарш приправить солью и spices. Form out of it
small balls.

2. Peel and wash the potatoes. Grate it on the smallest

3. Finely chop the onion. Carrot and garlic finely
to rub.

4. Pour a spoonful of oil into the multicooker bowl. Enable Fry mode
на десять minutes

5. Put onions in a bowl, add carrots in a couple of minutes and
garlic. Stir and fry. A couple of minutes before the readiness to add
Saffron and mix.

6. Add mustard and mayonnaise to potato mash. Mix it up.

7. Add semolina and eggs. Pepper and salt. Carefully

8. Introduce vegetable frying into the potato mass and

9. Pour a spoonful of butter into the bowl. Launch mode “Fry” on a quarter
hours Put the balls of minced meat and fry, stirring. Share on
a plate.

10. Wash bowl. Rub it dry and oil it. Posting
in her potato mass and smooth. Over it spread meat
balls and cherry tomatoes, slightly pressing them. Lubricate the surface
ketchup Activate the “Baking” mode and cook for

Рецепт 6. Картофельная запеканка в multicooker с индейкой


  • 150 g of hard cheese;

  • one and a half kg of potatoes;

  • 700 g turkey fillet;

  • egg;

  • 200 ml of coconut milk;

  • salt;

  • 5 g curry;

  • a piece of butter;

  • bunch of green onions;

  • 30 ml of olive oil;

  • three cloves of garlic;

  • 80 ml of soy sauce.

Способ preparations

1. My turkey fillet, dry and cut into small
slices. We spread мясо в мисочку. Pour over soy sauce and
mix it up. Оставляем индейку мариноваться на полhours

2. Clean potatoes and garlic. Tubers cut into slices.
We spread картошку с чесноком в чашу мультиварки. Chives
we lay the whole.

3. Fill the contents with boiled water, salt and boil.

4. Heat the deep frying pan well and pour in the spoon
olive oil. We spread индейку и обжариваем, перемешивая,
until the meat changes color.

5. Добавляем карри и обжариваем еще пару minutes Pour in
coconut milk, mix, cover and bring to
ready for slow fire.

6. Remove the lid, pour five spoons of juice from the meat. Increase
fire and cook until all the liquid has evaporated. Then add
finely chopped green onions, mix and keep on steam a couple
minutes Remove from heat.

7. Drain broth from potatoes. Potatoes are poured by adding a slice
butter and turkey juice.

8. Bowl my multicooker, wipe dry and grease with oil.
We spread половину пюре, разравниваем и раскладываем сверху
turkey pieces Cover with mashed potatoes. Above посыпаем тертым

9. Activate режим «Выпечка» и готовим запеканку полhours
We take out the finished casserole, cut into portions and serve with sour cream
or sauce.

Картофельная запеканка в multicooker — хитрости и советы

  • Putting layers of casseroles in the bowl, shake it slightly to
    there were no voids between them.

  • Before you get the casserole from the bowl, cool slightly

  • Pour over the filling sauce based on mayonnaise, broth or cream,
    so it does not get dry.

  • You can lay out the bottom of the multicooker parchment, so the casserole
    it will be easier to take out.

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