Porridge “Friendship” in a multi-cooker of two or morecroup. When all the side dishes become boring – we prepare the Friendship porridge inmulticooker

Ср, 24 авг 2016 Автор: Марина Данько

There is no limit to perfection – a phrase familiar and beaten, but
absolutely correct. Someone got the idea to cook a dish from
a few croup – maybe for the sake of curiosity, and maybe out of economy. Well
but in fact turned out great porridge with a good name –


Каша «Дружба» в multicooker — общие принципы preparations

• A lot of famous porridge “Friendship” is prepared from two or more
видов croup. Rice and millet are most commonly used. But
Often the dish is prepared by combining rice with buckwheat, corn grits and
pearl barley.

• Grains are mixed in the same proportions. Before use
they must be sorted out, washed and dried thoroughly from
residual water. The cooking time for each cereal is different and therefore
certain types of them require preliminary preparation. So,
barley before cooking it is desirable to soak for at least 2 hours, a couple
time changing the water. When cooking rice with corn grits, to speed up
cooking process, it is also recommended to soak both types in
one tank per hour.

• Druzhba porridge is predominantly a sweet dish that is cooked
on milk or replace it with water. For the preparation of dairy dishes
It is best to take non-fat pasteurized milk. Him
recommended fat content should not exceed 2.5%. If they take
the more fatty product is then diluted with water. Dairy
sweeten the porridge and salt it at your discretion, add
butter. Milk porridge “Friendship” is often boiled with pumpkin or
raisins, which, if desired, can be replaced by dried fruit.

• Very often porridge from rice and buckwheat on the water is cooked with mushrooms
or meat (lean minced meat).

• Готовят кашу «Дружба» в multicooker, используя режимы:
�“Milk porridge”, “Buckwheat”, “Pilaf” or “Porridge”. Mushrooms, vegetables and mince
fried on the options “Baking” or “Frying”.

Молочная каша «Дружба» в multicooker — пшено с рисом


• 1.2 liters. pasteurized 2.5% milk;

• half a cup of ground wheat;

• half a cup of round grain rice;

• 2 spoons of sugar;

• 20 gr. unsalted butter.

Cooking method:

1. Sort out the grains, scrub the millet with scalded water and rice.
rinse in cold water, it will help get rid of bitterness.

2. Dry the washed grits well on the sieve and put in
cooking bowl.

3. Salt, add some sugar to taste. Lay down
butter and pour all the milk. If milk is fat –
dilute with drinking water.

4. Stir well and prepare to cook by selecting auto mode.
�”Milk porridge.” It takes 40 minutes to complete.

Каша «Дружба» в multicooker на молоке из пшена и риса с


• 250 gr. fresh juicy pumpkin;

• 100 gr. millet;

• 90 gr. polished rice;

• 700 ml of homemade, not skimmed milk;

• three spoons of sugar refined sugar;

• 50 gr. �”Peasant”, natural oil;

• cool boiled water – 1.5 cups.

Cooking method:

1. Millet and rice sort out separately. Wash large rice
the volume of running water, and millet for 10 minutes pour boiling water. After
Rinse well and dry.

2. Cut off the peel from the pumpkin, try to grab and greenish
pulp under it. Choose sunflower seeds with fibers and chop
pumpkin pulp in small cubes.

3. Put the washed cereals and pieces into the multi-cooker bowl.
pumpkin. Add pieces of butter, dilute the milk with water and pour to
cereals. Sweeten, salt to your taste and thoroughly.
Stir the contents of the bowl.

4. Set the timer to 50 minutes and turn on the multicast in
режиме «Крупы» или �”Milk porridge.”

5. After окончания preparations не открывая крышки, выдержите
dish half an hour on the heating.

Каша «Дружба» в multicooker из кукурузной крупы и риса с изюмом
and walnuts


• 200 gr. corn grits;

• half a cup of rice (about 100 gr.);

• medium-fat milk – 700 ml;

• boiled water, drinking – 2 tbsp .;

• creamy 82.5% butter – 60 g;

• a small pinch of ground cinnamon powder;

• 0.5 Art. l beet sugar;

• liquid honey – to taste;

• a small handful of seedless raisins;

• walnut kernels – 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Soak the washed raisins for a quarter of an hour. Rinse, dry
and cut in two.

2. In a deep bowl, pour the enumerated rice and corn grits.
Fill with specially cooled water and leave for one hour, then
rinse well. It is more convenient to do this in the sieve. Water will merge
through it, and small cells will not allow to slip out a single
grains. Leave the washed cereals for a while on a sieve and
place a bowl under it to drain excess liquid into it.

3. Transfer the dried rice with corn grits to the cooking
bowl, put the raisins and fill with cold milk. Add sugar,
mix well and lightly prisolit.

4. Slice butter into small pieces and spread
evenly on top.

5. Cook porridge under the lid on the option “Cereals”. Set timer
for 40 minutes. This is enough to make the dish steamed well and
has become crumbly.

6. Crush walnut kernels and sprinkle with crumbs.
laid out porridge. Sprinkle with honey and serve.
Additionally, you can add a little oil to each plate.

Каша «Дружба» в multicooker из гречи и риса на молоке


• rice grain quality – 0.5 st .;

• half a cup of buckwheat;

• three glasses of low-fat 2.5% milk;

• a glass of drinking water (boiled);

• one and a half tablespoons of sugar;

• a small piece of oil “Peasant”.

Cooking method:

1. Without mixing, sort out from the litter and interspersed cereals, rinse
each individually. Strain the liquid as best you can.

2. Put the rice in a bowl, cover with water and start the slow cooker on
options “Rice” and cook a quarter of an hour.

3. Then add the buckwheat, put the butter and pour in all the milk.
Sweeten, add a small pinch of fine salt and fine
stir all ingredients.

4. Translate the multicooker to the “Multipovar” mode and set
timer for 15 minutes.

5. Soak the cooked dish in the disconnected appliance at
lid closed 10 minutes.

Тройная каша «Дружба» в multicooker из перловки, гречки и риса
with mushrooms


• 90 gr. barley;

• half a cup of buckwheat;

• 100 gr. polished rice;

• a glass of frozen sliced ​​champignons;

• one onion;

• 550 ml of filtered water;

• two garlic cloves;

• 40 gr. frozen vegetable oil;

• some branches of young greens (dill or curly

Cooking method:

1. Two hours before cooking, soak the barley cold
Water, rinse well and dry in a colander.

2. Carefully sort and wash the rice with buckwheat, dry,
no need to soak.

3. Run the multicast on the option “Frying”. Pour into the bowl
oil and warm it for about 3 minutes.

4. Put chopped onion into oil and advance in advance.
thawed mushrooms. Immediately add ground in any way.
garlic. Stir well and cook for 20 minutes on the set.
mode. Do not forget to mix.

5. To fried mushrooms with onions, add all the cereals. In its own way
salt and add finely chopped greens. Pour water and
stir the contents of the bowl so that all ingredients are distributed

6. Preparing a dish in the auto-mode “Buckwheat” under the lid closed.
Additionally, stand by turning on the “Heating” function for 10–15
minutes after the execution of the main program.

Каша «Дружба» в multicooker с фаршем, из риса и гречки


• a glass of round grain rice (polished);

• one glass of roasted (dark) buckwheat;

• a pound of any low-fat minced meat;

• bitter onion head;

• filtered drinking water – 6 st .;

• small carrot;

• Frozen oil – 2 tbsp. l;

• one large tomato or a spoon of thick, uncultivated

Cooking method:

1. First of all, prepare the cereals: carefully look through them,
rinse and dry by placing on a sieve.

2. Chop the onion in small pieces and rub the carrot into a large
shavings. Cut the tomato into small cubes. Lay out
chopped onion, tomato and carrot in the bowl, pour in the oil and
fry on “Baking”.

3. When the vegetables soften well, lay out the mince and
mash it with a fork. Continue cooking for another 20 minutes without changing.
set mode.

4. Put buckwheat and rice in the bowl, pour in water and do not forget

5. Stir, lower the lid and turn on the “Pilaf” option. After
the end of the automatic program carefully stir the contents
bowls. You can withstand some time in a ready dish
heating, but not more than a quarter of an hour.

Каша «Дружба» в multicooker из риса, гречки и чечевицы


• 50 gr. green lentils;

• buckwheat – 100 gr .;

• polished round grain rice – 100 gr .;

• refined oil (sunflower) – 2 tbsp. l;

• small carrot;

• half of the average bulb.

Cooking method:

1. Separately, reassemble the cereals and rinse each well.
cold water. Strain from moisture.

2. Shred small slices onion, carrot – fine

3. On the “Hot” 2 min. warm the oil and lower it into it
chopped vegetables. Roast, stirring constantly to

4. When the carrot gets a rich color, and the onion is slightly
redden, spread lentils to vegetables and add a little

5. Bring to half-ready and add buckwheat with rice.

6. Pour in enough water to cover the cereal only slightly.
Salt lightly and season the porridge with ground pepper.

7. Transfer to the “Pilaf” mode and cook until complete

Каша «Дружба» в multicooker — полезные советы и хитрости

• Try to get polished millet of bright color. Him не
it is necessary to pour boiling water or soak in it. Such croup itself
do not taste bitter.

• To make a barley dish quicker, use
shredded cereals.

• The more thoroughly you wash the cereal, the more crumbly it will turn out.

• If there is no time to soak the croup, fill them with half an hour
boiling water.

• Druzhba porridge cooked in recommended regimens
It turns out crumbly. If you want to get more viscous,
cook it on the “Quench” option for one hour.

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