Pork with cheese and tomatoes – independentdish and addition to the side dish. The best recipes for pork and cheesetomatoes

Пн, 05 сен 2016 Автор: Наталья Даньчишак

Свинина с сыром и tomatoes — отличный способ приготовить мясо
for lunch, dinner or holiday table.

It’s easy to make such a dish, but the taste and the result
will surprise.


Свинина с сыром и tomatoes — основные принципы

For this dish take pork ham, spatula, loin or
brisket The meat is washed under a tap, dried with napkins and
cut into arbitrary pieces. Then pork salt, pepper and
оставляют на half an hour.

Baking or heat-resistant form oiled and spread
on the bottom of the pork pieces.

Tomatoes ополаскивают, обтирают салфетками и нарезают by circles.
Tomatoes are better to take fleshy and dense. Tomatoes режут кружками или
ломтиками и выкладывают over the meat. All plentifully sprinkled with grated
cheese Bake the pork in the oven for half an hour.

In addition to tomatoes and cheese, other vegetables are added to the dish, and even
Exotic fruits.

Свинину можно запечь целым куском, нашпиговав его tomatoes и

The dish is baked in the oven, cooked in a pan, grill or

Tomatoes сделают мясо сочным и нежным, а расплавленный сыр
will give the dish even more flavor.

Рецепт 1. Свинина с сыром и tomatoes


  • nine slices of pork;

  • 50 g of flour;

  • three eggs;

  • sunflower oil;

  • two fresh tomatoes;

  • kitchen salt;

  • bunch of parsley;

  • 150 grams of hard cheese.

Cooking method

1. For this dish take pork neck. Lightly sliced ​​meat

2. Whisk eggs with a whisk with salt, add flour and continue
beat until smooth. Omit slices of pork in batter,
Stir and leave for two hours in the refrigerator.

3. Now fry the meat in hot sunflower oil with
both sides until ruddy.

4. Cover the pan with foil and lay it on each tightly.
to a friend fried pork slices.

5. Tomatoes моем и обтираем салфеткой. Cut in half and
cut into thin slices. Spread tomatoes over pork.

6. Rinse greens, shake off excess liquid and finely
shred Посыпаем мясо зеленью и тертым cheese Covering up with foil and
send in the oven for 20 minutes. Готовим свинину при 200 С. Serve
with a side dish of vegetables or cereals.

Рецепт 2. Свинина с сыром и tomatoes гриль


  • one and a half kilograms of lean pork carbonate;

  • garlic;

  • three tomatoes;

  • parsley;

  • 500 g of mozzarella;

  • a handful of basil;

  • 500 g of feta cheese;

  • vegetable oil;

  • 100 ml of natural yogurt;

  • chilli;

  • 50 g of tomato paste;

  • rosemary.

Cooking method

1. Wash the carbonate, wipe dry and cut into length
thin slices, half a centimeter thick.

2. Tomatoes моем под краном, обтираем салфеткой. Mozzarella and
cut the tomatoes into circles, a centimeter thick. Feta cheese cut
in bars.

3. Now prepare two marinades. For the first, mix tomato
pasta with yogurt, add rosemary, finely chopped chili pepper,
pepper and salt. For the second parsley and basil
rinse, dry and finely crumble. A couple of garlic cloves
skip through the garlic press. Chili peppers finely crumbled.
We shift the prepared ingredients in a jar and pour
vegetable oil. We interrupt everything with an immersion blender until
homogeneous consistency.

4. Put a slice of pork on the table. Put a slice of feta on the edge and
wrapped roll. Lubricate the marinade from yogurt. Farther
rolls do, putting a circle of tomatoes and mozzarella. We cover them
marinade with basil.

5. Rolls are placed on the grill and grilled with two
сторон до formation of golden brown.

Рецепт 3. Свинина с сыром, tomatoes и картофелем


  • eight potato tubers;

  • ground pepper;

  • 600 grams of pork;

  • salt;

  • orange;

  • vegetable oil;

  • two kiwis;

  • a piece of butter;

  • medium onion;

  • 200 grams of hard cheese;

  • two carrots;

  • 100 g of mayonnaise;

  • large tomato.

Cooking method

1. Wash pork tenderloin and dip with napkins. Cut the meat
put in a bowl, pepper, squeeze the juice out of it
one orange, salt. Kiwi peel and finely
crumble. Add kiwi to the meat. Put mayonnaise and
mix it up. Cover the dishes with meat lid and send to forty
minutes in the fridge.

2. Peel potatoes, wash and cut into cubes. Half
fry potatoes in heated vegetable oil, salt and
peppered, half-ready.

3. Put the second half of the potatoes in a deep heat resistant
form. Take the meat out of the fridge, squeeze it from the marinade and
обжарьте на смеси растительного и butter. Pork must
cover with a delicious crust.

4. Peel and grate the carrot. Lay on top
potato Spread roasted pork on the carrot. Above
fried potatoes.

5. Peel the bulb and cut into half rings. Fry until
ruddy and put on potatoes. Fry the second grated carrot
до румяности, поперчите and salt. Lay on top Luke.

6. In a glass of water, add a spoonful of mayonnaise and shake well.
Pour the mixed vegetables with meat. Put sliced ​​on top
straws sweet peppers and slices of tomato. Make a thick grid of
mayonnaise, and plenty of sprinkle with grated cheese. Spread the pieces

7. Cover with foil and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C.
half an hour. Serve as a separate dish with vegetable salad.

Recipe 4. Pork with cheese, tomatoes and pineapples


  • 800 g pork;

  • allspice;

  • a jar of tinned pineapple rings;

  • kitchen salt;

  • three medium tomatoes;

  • mayonnaise;

  • two bulbs;

  • 100 g of hard cheese.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the pork under a tap, pat dry and cut
slices, two centimeters thick. Beat each piece, pepper
and salt.

2. Slices lay tightly to each other in a deep refractory
form. Peel the onions, rinse and chop thin
by circles. Put them on top of the meat and brush with mayonnaise.

3. Wash the tomatoes, wipe and chop them just like onions.
Spread tomato circles on top of the onion.

4. Put the tinned pineapple rings on top of the tomatoes and
smear with mayonnaise again. Sprinkle all over with plenty of fine
cheese shavings. Поставьте форму в духовку на half an hour. Bake at
180 C. Serve the pork with a side dish of potato or pasta

Recipe 5. Pork with cheese and tomatoes “accordion”


  • half a kilogram of pork;

  • allspice;

  • 200 grams of cheese;

  • salt;

  • two tomatoes;

  • garlic – three slices.

Cooking method

1. Cut the cheese into plates, three millimeters thick. Tomatoes
rinse and cut into circles. Peel the garlic cloves and
chop into thin slices.

2. Cut a piece of pork into chunks, without cutting to the end, thick
per centimeter. Grate the meat with a mixture of salt and pepper. Pierce the pork in
put a plate of garlic in several places.

3. Put cuts on a slice of cheese and a circle of tomato.
Put the pork on a sheet of foil and wrap tightly. Put on
baking sheet and bake for an hour in the oven at 180
degrees Then unfold the foil and bake another ten minutes to
formation of golden brown.

Recipe 6. Pork with cheese and tomatoes in Roman style


  • 700 g pork pulp;

  • sunflower oil;

  • three medium tomatoes;

  • kitchen salt;

  • 250 g of champignons;

  • 100 grams of cheese;

  • 200 ml of 20% cream;

  • 200 g boiled ham;

  • 30 g of ketchup;

  • 5 g oregano;

  • 5 g thyme.

Cooking method

1. Pork pulp wash and wipe with a napkin. Cut the meat
in large pieces and fry in heated vegetable oil to
it grabbed.

2. Tomatoes ополаскиваем, обтираем салфеткой и делаем на каждом
cruciform incision. We pour tomatoes with boiling water and remove thin

3. Put the pork in a deep refractory form, salt and
we pepper Cut half of the boiled ham into cubes and lay out
over the meat. From above we spread the slices peeled from the skin

4. Wash and cut the halved mushrooms. Spread over
Tomatoes. Sprinkle with the remaining ham.

5. Combine cream with ketchup. Season the mixture with salt,
thyme and oregano. Lightly whisk and pour the contents over the sauce.
forms. We cover with a sheet of foil and set for an hour in preheated to 220
degrees oven. In half an hour we take out, remove the foil sheet and
Sprinkle with grated cheese. Served as a gravy with
mashed potatoes or boiled spaghetti.

Recipe 7. Pork with Caribbean Cheese and Tomatoes


  • kilogram of pork;

  • freshly ground pepper;

  • large eggplant;

  • salt;

  • two onions;

  • cheese – 150 g;

  • two large tomatoes;

  • garlic – two slices.


1. Мякоть свинины нарезаем ломтиками, толщиной per centimeter.
Each piece is pepper and salt.

2. Баклажан моем, обтираем полотенцем и нарезаем by circles.
Присыпаем солью и оставляем на half an hour.

3. Lay the pork slices on a buttered deco. Over the top
put each onion rings.

4. Rinse the eggplants, dry them. Spread over

5. На баклажан кладем кружки tomatoes

6. Grind cheese on a fine grater. Squeeze slices into it
garlic and mix gently. Sprinkle plenty of each piece.
meat with vegetables cheese. Выпекаем минут сорок при 190 degrees Serve
hot with vegetable salad.

Pork with cheese and tomatoes – tips and tricks

  • To cook this dish you can use any variety.

  • Tomatoes берите мясистые, спелые и плотные.

  • To make the pork tastier, pre-pickle

  • Cheese can be finely grated or cut into thin slices.

  • To make the pork juicy, lightly fry it before

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