Poisoning in cats: causes and symptoms. howsave your favorite cat when you are poisoned by household chemicals orsubstandard food

Вт, 13 мар 2018 Автор: Сергей Рогожин

Cats can be considered one of the most diversified and
curious pets, they are literally interested in everything that
comes across them on the way. Therefore, sometimes it happens that
face poisoning in a cat. This small review will be
dedicated to the reasons that can lead to such sad
consequences, as well as symptoms and ways to effectively rid
from this dangerous disease.

Cat poisoning is dangerous following complications. Often
these animals may be sick after drinking poisonous substances
chronic hepatitis. And this is quite a serious disease, which
almost until the end of the animal’s life requires constant monitoring
a specialist – veterinarian and supportive care.


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Poison can be ingested by only two
in ways. Non-food poisoning may result from
inhalation of any vapors or toxic gases. But with this
poisoning toxic substances can enter the body not only
through the lungs, but also to penetrate the mucous membranes and skin

Poison can contribute to food poisoning in a cat.
caught in the body at the same time with food or water. Wherein
toxins gradually saturate the blood, causing irreversible changes in
many vital organs.

About the causes of poisoning in cats

Sometimes the cause of severe poisoning can be extremely banal.
We are talking about eating spoiled cat food. After all
most lovers of these pets tend to
leave for them food all day or night. It is possible that
Especially in the heat of the cat dish can elementary spoil and become
cause severe poisoning. Another case is the fault itself.
an animal. If the cat is constantly on the street, then surely it can
it happens that she does not disdain to eat something
yummy garbage can, garbage can or just pick up
anything on the street.

Cats who are active hunters and constantly walk
in basements or other habitats of rodents may be threatened
poisoning with rat poison. Wherein животное может отравиться как
directly by the preparation itself, and after eating the rodent,
who has previously consumed poison.

Unfortunately, cats suffer from household poisoning.
chemistry It happens that caring owners try very carefully
take care of your pet’s personalized dishes and forget well
rinse detergent. But then his cat will smell,
lick or even nibble. The same goes for casually left.
bottles or bottles of household chemicals.

It happens that the poisoning of a cat happens due to the use
any drugs. Sometimes “caring” hosts,
noticing the slightest affliction, they diagnose the cat and begin
self-medicating her. As a result of overdose
the animal may suffer from poisoning. Therefore, you can not assign
medication animals at your own risk, it should only do

Cats are not always indifferent to the surrounding flora, which can
harbor various dangers, both at home and on
nature. But there are even indoor plants that
are unsafe for cats. Therefore, before you start in the house
plant you like, you should find out how it can hide
threat to pet.

There are many other sources that can trigger
severe poisoning in cats. These include:

• means to combat cat parasites, including

• various poisonous insects;

•paints and varnishes;

• fertilizer.

The classic symptoms of poisoning in cats

In most cases, the sick animal begins to suffer.
drooling, he develops diarrhea and vomiting. If poison
provoked damage to the nervous system, then there are signs
paralysis and very frequent breathing.

Separately, it should be said about the symptoms that declare themselves in
case of poisoning with rat poison. Cats may have a belly swelling,
the animal reacts painfully to being touched. Mucous membranes
shells are extremely pale. Poisoning is accompanied by bloody diarrhea.
and vomiting, and the animal itself is very weak and behaves passively.

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In order to make a decision about treatment methods, it is important to know the reason.
intoxication. If the poisoning is non-food, then treatment may be
only one thing is the use of an antidote. Moreover, it should enter
exclusively a specialist – a veterinarian, as only he can
correctly determine the drug and dosage.

Food poisoning therapy begins with gastric lavage.
This procedure can be done only in a veterinary clinic,
as the special equipment is required. Before rinsing
the animal must be given crushed coal, which absorbs
toxins. If it works, you should induce vomiting in the cat. For
This prepare a solution of one spoon of salt. in a glass of warm water and
forced into the mouth.

For нейтрализации отравляющих веществ следует как можно раньше
start applying activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per
10 kg live weight.

For сильно ослабевших животных могут потребоваться внутривенные
glucose infusion. With notable respiratory impairment
Atropine or its analogs must be administered. To fast
rid the body of the poison cat prescribed diuretic

If the poisoning is of non-food origin, then act in
depending on the cause. When insect bites first thing
apply ice to the bite site, then the poison will be slower
absorbed into the blood. After that, you should immediately go to
to the vet.

If the poisoning of the cat has occurred through the skin, then it should
redeem immediately, and, the more abundant, the better. Self-medication
it is extremely dangerous here and if an antidote is needed, it should be followed without
delay go to a professional doctor.

If the cat is poisoned through the respiratory system, it should be immediately
bring to fresh air, induce vomiting and water laxatives

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