Почему собака часто трясет ears что делать,how to help a pet. Symptoms of the disease and methodstreatment

Вс, 20 май 2018 Автор: Екатерина Егорова

It happens when a playful and healthy dog ​​suddenly
starts to scratch his ears convulsively, sometimes even screaming. Such
symptoms can not be ignored, these are obvious signs of illness
organs of hearing.


Почему собака трясет ears возможные причины

Четвероногий питомец вдруг начинает трясти ears махать головой
and even get lost for a while, these are symptoms of the disease,
maybe not one.

The reasons for this behavior may be

• A dog may get liquid in the auricle during

• Maybe the dog is shaking his head and scratching his ears due to injury
which received during a walk from another dog;

• Allergic reaction to food causes itching

• pet hypothermia;

• Intolerance to the smell of tobacco, this can happen when
the dog is close to the smoking person;

• Otodektozom disease (ear mite);

• Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media);

• Chlamydia infection;

• Bacterial and fungal diseases.

Symptoms of ear disease

Если животное часто трясет ears первое, что надо сделать — это
carefully inspect the ear inside. A healthy ear sink will
clean, pale pink. When in the middle there is a raid
rusty or brown shade, purulent discharge, swelling –
inflammatory process on the face.

If the disease progresses long ago, then the inspection will be complicated. because of
pain pet will shake his head and constantly scratching his ear, not giving
look into it. The animal may incline its head toward the patient.
ear. Visible signs of the disease may not appear, then you need
to smell the diseased organ. In case of inflammation will be heard
unpleasant smell.

You need to fix the dog’s head if you need to contact
for help to close people. After that, gently press on
the base of the auricle from the side of the occiput. That is, in that place
where the ear begins to grow. If the dog responds, this is the first
Otitis symptom (middle ear inflammation).

If the disease is not detected in time, run or not at all,
the pet will get big complications, deaf or die.
therefore к такой проблеме нужно отнестись со всей

Inflammation of the middle ear – otitis

As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately
seek help from a veterinary clinic. Dog owner
should know that otitis is not a harmless disease at all.

The clinic will take the tank crops from the ear to determine the degree
severity of the disease. The cause of the disease may be a bacterium or
microscopic fungal spore.

Практически всегда для treatment отитов назначают комплекс
antibiotics. Now such drugs, which are of little toxic, but
very effective. If the etiology of otitis is unknown, prescribe
�”Surolan” is a complex medical drug in the form of drops. An ear
buried twice a day (morning, evening) for at least two weeks
3-4 drops.

Ear Tick or Otodecosis

Когда собака часто трясет ears при легком надавливание у
the base of the auricle, it does not give a reaction – the cause may be
клещ внутри ear. The dog is able to pick up the parasite, not only
walking on the street. Mite quietly penetrates into the house on the shoes of a person
or on cat fur.

When inspecting the auricle, you can see the red surface, in
some places even have small bloody spots. The parasite itself
almost invisible, but due to the fact that it causes constant itching,
the dog is combing himself into the blood.

If the dog does not allow himself to be examined, you need to take a q-tip,
wet it in warm water and very carefully scroll it in
середине ear. The result will be obvious if it lives there.

Sniffing the stick can tell how long the disease is.
is progressing. The absence of any smell indicates that
that the tick parasitizes one, and the ear is not additionally infected with fungus
or infection. If bad smell is present, then without
use of antibiotics can not do.

When otodotoza apply “Amidel gel” or “Mr. Bruno plus.”
In the case of the use of antibiotics most often prescribed “Ivermek –
spray”. It is worth knowing that this tool is quite toxic and its
It is not recommended to use indoors. Need processing
hold once a week and better to do it on the street.

When a pet has a strong itch, it must be calmed down. The best
The drug is considered “Amit.” It includes components
antipruritic, antibiotic and acaricide.


Заразившись такой болезнью, собака не только часто трясет ears
but she also has tearing and running nose.
frequent sneezing. The blame is chlamydia.

The parasite can get on the animal recently or parasitize on
him a long amount of time. As soon as the immune system
weakens, chlamydia begins a stormy activity. Places her
Habitats are mucous membranes – larynx, ears, eyes and mucous membranes
genitourinary system.

Tears may appear for a short time, then disappear. But
the animal was shaking and will continue to shake ears
combing them.

This disease can manifest itself in a different way. With long
males will have frequent inflammation in chlamydia
seed plants. And the bitches will not be able to bear offspring, each
pregnancy will be interrupted.

In case of chlamydia, the ears are well treated
tetracycline ointment. Apply it with the help of ear sticks with a large
caution. In conjunction with the ointment must be taken inside
antibiotic (erythromycin or tetracycline tablets).

The treatment should last at least one week, one procedure.
will not give a positive result.

Prevention methods

It is better to prevent the disease than to treat a pet. therefore
basic hygiene rules must be followed.

Once a month the ears are cleaned. Do it with the help of
soaked cotton swabs in warm water. Then process the ear
shell hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.

Be sure to regularly treat the animal for fleas and ticks.
Два раза в году смазывать раковину уха tetracycline ointment.

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