Pluses unrequited love

Wed, Mar 19, 2014

How annoying to meet the man of your dreams and come across
wall of irresponsibility of feelings! And how would a woman not be jealous, not
tormented himself and his heart, on what tricks and tricks would not go,
it is not possible to draw the attention of the chosen one to your side …
despair, frustration, complexes, confusion – this chain
can go on forever, until the torment does not devastate

Unrequited feelings are in the life of, perhaps, every person.
But anyone, even the most unenviable situation, has positive

What are the advantages of unrequited love?

  • Reboot. A woman is beautiful not only when she is loved.
    Non-reciprocal love is a powerful incentive for self-improvement. Can
    do your image, physical and spiritual self-development. there is
    plenty of time to for advancement in career exploring
    cognitive literature, gym visits or
    the pool. You might want to change something in your character,
    acquire new qualities that will help you achieve well-being
    in future relationships.
  • Второе дыхание. Unrequited love is not a reason.
    put an end to your future and give up dreams.
    Free and independent woman, like a magnet, attracts to itself
    male attention. Change the attitude of a love slip, and the world
    around you will acquire new paint.
  • Нанодиета. Unrequited love fights best diets
    with extra pounds. Experiencing rejected feelings, woman
    experiencing stress, losing weight. The main thing is not to overdo it with
    suffering, refuse to eat and sleep at all. Tortured look not
    will give you attractiveness.
  • With a head in creativity. Unrequited feelings can
    discover your creativity. Do not hold back the spiritual
    gusts. Many masterpieces of world art created under the impression
    rejected love.
  • Свобода действий. Another plus of unrequited feelings –
    opportunity to attend any events, meet friends, not
    burdening oneself with the views and opinions of a partner. No need to adjust
    under anyone’s requirements. You are free to act and
  • Freedom of choice. Failing with one man,
    a woman can switch attention to new acquaintances. Free
    flirt, meet men, analyze their personality and
    choose from your fans the closest one you like.
  • Productive conclusions. Unrequited feelings are the most valuable
    contribution to the development of your personality. 1. You are able to love unselfishly,
    selflessly, sincerely. 2. You can adequately survive and accept
    renouncement. 3. You can build new ones from the height of your past experience.
    harmonious relationships that will be full of mutual love and
    respect. All of this is a plus for your experience.

Unrequited love is not a sentence. Therefore not worth it
to become depressed, shut off from the world and the possibility of creating
new relationships. May past love failures serve you
springboard for a serious leap into a happy future.

Text: Katerina Pchelnikova

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