Pineapple salads – the best recipes. howcorrectly and tasty to cook salads with pineapples.

Ср, 24 авг 2016 Автор: Автор: Наталья


Pineapple Salads – General Principles and Techniques

Pineapple – juicy and sweet fruit. And you can eat it not only
fresh It produces incredibly tasty salads, which
Ideal as a festive meal. It is important to note that
Pineapple is a healthy fruit. It is able to stimulate digestion,
lower blood pressure. Due to the content of vitamins
group b it helps to cope with infectious diseases
bronchitis, arthritis and pneumonia. It is also important that pineapple is able
dull the feeling of hunger and also remove excess fluid from

Pineapple Salad – Food Preparation

From canned pineapples always need to drain the liquid –
excess in the salad is not needed. Fresh pineapples should be selected by
the smell – the aroma they exude a gentle sweet. You can also slap
on its side – the sound should be deaf.

Pineapple Salads – The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Chicken and Pineapple Salad

This is an interesting version of a light salad that can be very
cook quickly. If someone wants to make the taste of the dish more
nourishing, then it is worth instead of butter to fill the salad with mayonnaise.

Ингредиенты:одно филе курицы,200 грамм
canned pineapples, one cucumber, 100 grams of olives without
seed, 5 tablespoons of olive oil, sweet red
pepper, a tablespoon of white wine vinegar, salt, a quarter of tea
spoons of curry powder.

Способ preparations:

1. Sweet pepper must be removed from the core and cut
small cubes, pineapple – in small pieces, and cucumber – thin

2. The washed chicken breast should be cut into cubes, seasoned
curry and 2 tablespoons of warmed butter will fry for 7

3. In a separate bowl, mix the sweet peppers, chicken,
pineapple, cucumber and olives. All this is filled with a mixture of vinegar and
remaining olive oil. Season to taste with pepper and
with salt.

Recipe 2: Pineapple Salad

You can put in the form of a pineapple almost any salad – on
the holiday table, it will look very beautiful. But worth
cook this with the proposed ingredients – extremely tasty
and satisfying. By the way, ham can be replaced if desired, smoked

Ингредиенты:3-4 крупных сваренных в мундире
potatoes (about 350-400 grams), 200 grams of ham, 150-200 grams
canned pineapple, 1 sour apple, 5 boiled eggs, 1 small
onion, teaspoon lemon juice, salt, mayonnaise, freshly ground
black pepper.

For the decoration will require green onions and walnuts.

Способ preparations:

1. Peeled potatoes need to grate coarsely. Eggs
порезать кубиками, ветчину – тонкой straws.

2. Peeled onions are also worth chopping. And from canned
pineapples need to drain the liquid and cut them small

3. From the washed apples should cut off the skin, grate the fruit on
grater, then – sprinkle with lemon juice.

4. Then you must separately mix with mayonnaise.
ingredients and lay them on the dish, and
oval to make a pineapple. So, the layers are arranged in such
sequences: – half potato, pepper, salt, – half
chopped onion, pepper, salt, – half of the ham, you can slightly
mayonnaise – half an apple, – half eggs, pepper, salt, – half
pineapples, – the remaining potatoes, pepper, salt, – the remaining onions,
pepper, salt, – remaining ham, mayonnaise, – remaining apple, –
the remaining pineapples – the remaining eggs, pepper, salt, pepper.

Top salad must be decorated with walnut halves, as well as
from the top edge stick the feathers of green onions. Such a salad before
Serving should be allowed to infuse.

By the way, instead of halves of nuts, you can sprinkle chopped lettuce
walnuts or canned champignons,
slices of which should be laid out a little overlap.

Recipe 3: Salad with Pineapple and Mushrooms

This salad of pineapples and fried mushrooms will be great
the addition of a festive table. And guests will appreciate its savory taste.
An important plus of salad is that it is prepared very

Ингредиенты:200 грамм куриного филе,150 грамм
mushrooms, 100 grams of pineapples, 1 onion, mayonnaise,
vegetable oil, salt.

Способ preparations:

1. Chicken fillet must be boiled and cut into small

2. Onions with mushrooms should be cut and fry in vegetable
oil And only when the mushrooms have cooled, can they be mixed with
chicken fillet and diced pineapples.

3. Salad with salt and mayonnaise. Decorate in a salad bowl
his pineapple rings and fried mushrooms. By the way, if desired,
This salad can be replaced with fried mushrooms marinated, and
add boiled eggs.

Recipe 4: Salad with pineapple and shrimp

Pineapples and shrimps – an incredibly delicious combination. Such
salad as a snack can be served to any
festive table.

Ингредиенты:150 грамм креветок,150 грамм
canned pineapples, 3 eggs, 100 grams of cheese, lettuce,
mayonnaise, a couple of tea spoons of lemon juice, salt and herbs.

Способ preparations:

1. Eggs необходимо отварить и нарезать небольшими cubes.

2. From canned pineapple should drain the liquid and
порезать их cubes.

3. For a few minutes, boiling salted water should be thrown.
shrimp, and add there bay leaf and greens.

4. Grate the cheese. Washed and dried lettuce leaves
need to expand on a plate.

5. After that, on the salad you need to put pineapples and pour them
mayonnaise. Then put the chopped eggs, which also should
слегка промазать mayonnaise. Top grated cheese sprinkles a little
mayonnaise. Then you need to put the shrimp, sprinkle them with lemon
juice (to preserve taste and color).

6. The finished salad should be beautifully decorated with shrimps, pineapples and

Pineapple salads – tips from experienced chefs

Salads with pineapples – light enough snacks. And add
extra ingredients in them are not worth it. Is that optional you can
replace some foods like vegetarians instead of chicken
can put pickled mushrooms in a salad.

And what makes the taste of pineapple salad more piquant is that
garlic clove – it is worth crushing it, mix it with lemon juice and
flavor the dish.

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