Pie on sour milk – everything ingenious is simple.Recipes пирога на кислом молоке в духовке и мультиварке

Пн, 26 сен 2016 Автор: Наталья Даньчишак

Sour milk pies are popular with

They are made from simple products and are the best fit,
when you want to please your loved ones with something tasty.


Sour milk pie – basic cooking principles

The cake can be baked as a dessert with a filling or dried fruit.
Or make pastries stuffed with vegetables, meat, fish, cheese and

In addition to sour milk, the dough contains eggs, flour, salt,
any fat and sugar. For fluffiness, baking powder is added to it or
baking soda. In some recipes, the dough is prepared with yeast. AT
In this case, he needs time to come up.

Of the above products knead a thick dough. AT него
you can add nuts or dried fruits or make a cake with
stuffed with fresh berries and fruits, as well as jam or jam.

Cake with sour milk is cooked in the oven or a slow cooker.

AT качестве ароматизатора в тесто добавляют ваниль, цедру
citrus or cinnamon.

Sweet cake is decorated with icing, fruit, nuts or

Pie without filling is perfect for making a cake with
cream The finished cake is cut into two or three thin cakes and
перемазывают cream

Recipe 1. Pie on sour milk with pears


  • sour milk – a glass;

  • two eggs;

  • two pears;

  • flour – 650 g;

  • baking soda;

  • white sugar – 250 g

Cooking method

1. AT яйца добавляем сахар и взбиваем миксером, пока на
no foam appears on the surface.

2. ATливаем во взбитые яйца кислое молоко и добавляем гашеную
soda We mix.

3. Add the flour to the mixture until the mixture turns thick.

4. My pears, wipe with a napkin. Cut one into slices
cutting the core. ATторую крошим небольшими кусочками.

5. Add finely chopped pear to the dough and mix.

6. Grease the baking dish with butter and sprinkle with flour.
We shift the dough into it, lay the pear slices on top.
Send the cake to the oven for 45 minutes. ATыпекаем при 180 С. Готовый
Take out the pie, cool slightly and cut.

Recipe 2. Pie on sour milk with nuts and blackberries


  • four eggs;

  • frozen blackberries – 100 g;

  • one and a half glasses of sugar;

  • 250 ml of sour milk;

  • 100 grams of nuts;

  • baking powder bag;

  • 500 g of wheat flour;

  • A bag of vanilla sugar.

Cooking method

1. AT чашу миксера всыпьте стакан сахара, добавьте яйца и
whisk until the mass doubles.

2. Add sour milk, salt, vanillin and
baking powder. Continue to beat at low speed until

3. Without ceasing to beat, add flour until the dough is not
get like pancakes.

4. Орехи раскрошите скалкой и добавьте в dough.

5. Place the dough in a greased form, and send the oven.
ATыпекайте пирог минут сорок при 180 С.

6. Put the blackberry in a saucepan, add half a cup of sugar and
as much purified water. Put on a slow fire and cook
from the moment of boiling up, a couple of minutes.

7. ATыньте пирог из духовки. Pour syrup and garnish with berries.

Recipe 3. Quick cake on sour milk with jam


  • 125 g of flour;

  • butter – a quarter pack;

  • jam – 250 ml;

  • sugar – 250 g;

  • sour milk – a glass;

  • soda;

  • chicken egg.

Cooking method

1. AT глубокой посуде соедините яйца с сахаром и слегка

2. Add baking soda and jam to beaten eggs,
having previously extinguished it, with lemon juice or vinegar. Stir
до homogeneity.

3. In parts, add flour into the mixture, sifting it through
sieve. Перемешивайте, пока не получится густое dough.

4. ATлейте постепенно молоко и mix it up.

5. Pour the dough into a greased, deep refractory mold.
Put the cake in the oven, heating it to 180 degrees, forty
minutes ATыньте выпечку из духовки, присыпьте пудрой, слегка остудите
and cut. Serve with cocoa or cappuccino.

Recipe 4. Dough on sour milk with cabbage


  • half a kilo of flour;

  • Art. spoon of tomato paste;

  • 20 ml of sunflower oil;

  • two eggs;

  • a piece of butter;

  • 20 g of white sugar;

  • 800 ml of sour milk;

  • sea ​​salt;

  • 250 grams of cabbage;

  • 12 g of food soda;

  • 100 g onions.

Cooking method

1. Peel the onion from the peel, wash it and finely chop it up.
ATыложите лук в казан с разогретым постным маслом и обжарьте до

2. Chop the cabbage into thin strips, wring your hands lightly
and shift it to the cauldron with the bow. Cover and simmer until
the vegetable will not become soft. Add tomato paste, season to taste
salt and spices. Continue to simmer another ten minutes without covering.
a lid.

3. Combine eggs with sour milk and whisk slightly.
Season with sugar and salt. Gradually add flour, whipping
whisk until the dough becomes a consistency like fritters. AT конце
add soda and mix again.

4. Grease the form with butter and pour two thirds of the dough into it.
ATыложите на него охлажденную тушеную капусту. Top fill
stuffing the dough.

5. ATыпекайте pie in the oven until golden brown at 180 C. Serve
baking with sour milk drinks.

Recipe 5. Chocolate cake in sour milk in a slow cooker


  • sour milk – 650 ml;

  • white sugar – 200 g;

  • high-grade flour – 150 g;

  • baking powder – bag;

  • two eggs;

  • semolina – 250 g;

  • olive oil – 50 ml;

  • cocoa – 10 g;

  • a quarter pack of butter;

  • salt;

  • vanilla sugar – 10 g.

Cooking method

1. Place the eggs in a deep bowl, and whisk, lightly
salt, until foam. Now gradually add sugar. Not
Stop beating until the weight doubles.

2. ATлейте оливковое масло и продолжайте взбивать еще пару

3. Sour milk a little warm, dissolve cocoa in it and
add a slice of butter. Stir. Connect milk
mix with beaten eggs. Add the semolina and fine
mix it up. Leave the dough for ten minutes to semolina
swelled up.

4. Combine the flour with baking powder and sift. Add it
небольшими порциями в жидкую смесь и замесите густое dough.

5. A bowl мультиварке смажьте и перелейте в нее dough. A bowl
install into the device, lower the lid and cook in the “baking” mode
сорок minutes After the allotted time, flip the cake using
steaming baskets and bake for the same amount of time
changing the mode.

Recipe 6. Pie on sour milk with cottage cheese


  • fresh or frozen berries;

  • a glass of sour milk;

  • 200 g of cottage cheese;

  • 500 g of wheat flour;

  • two eggs;

  • vanilla sugar;

  • baking soda;

  • cane sugar – 250 g

Cooking method

1. Protein gently separated from the yolks. ATсыпьте в белки сахар и
beat with a mixer in a dense foam.

2. Add sour milk, baking soda, and yolks to whipped whites
and vanilla sugar. ATзбивайте до homogeneity.

3. Gradually add flour and knead the batter without

4. Творог хорошо разотрите с berries

5. Split the parchment and lay out the parchment
curd-berry mass. Smooth. Top fill тестом и
put in preheated to 180 C oven. Pie bake forty
minutes Readiness check with a wooden toothpick. Ready Cake
украсьте berries

Recipe 7. Pie on sour milk with canned fish



  • Wheat flour;

  • sour milk – one and a half glasses;

  • sea ​​salt;

  • vinegar;

  • egg;

  • пищевая soda;

  • sunflower oil – 60 ml;

  • melted margarine – 30 g


  • canned fish in oil – jar;

  • potatoes;

  • bulb;

  • fresh greens.

Cooking method

1. Hammer the egg into a bowl, salt and whisk until whipped
no foam appears on the surface. ATлейте кислое молоко, топленый
margarine and vegetable oil. Lightly beat the ingredients.
well connected with each other.

2. Gradually add the sifted flour to the liquid mixture and knead
dough, textures like pancakes.

3. Peel the onion and finely crumble. Rinse the greens
lightly dry and chop. ATскройте рыбные консервы, переложите
the contents on a plate, add onions and herbs. Good
mix it up.

4. Peel the potatoes, wash and slice thinly.

5. ATылейте в смазанную маслом форму половину теста. Above
Put the potato plates, salt and spread the fish mixture.
Залейте stuffing the dough.

6. ATыпекайте пирог на протяжении получаса при 200 С до
ruddy Ready Cake слегка остудите, и нарежьте ломтями.
Serve with milk or kefir.

Sour milk tart – tips and tricks

  • To keep the upper crust of the cake dry, grease the finished
    baked ghee.

  • Pie on sour milk will be juicy, if you pour the finished
    baking, without taking out of the form, hot milk with sugar.

  • To bake turned out lush, be sure to sift the flour,
    preferably several times so that it is saturated with oxygen.

  • Sweet cakes before serving can pour icing or sweet
    the sauce.

  • Check the readiness of a wooden toothpick. Enough
    pierce the cake, if it is dry, baking is ready.

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