Peritonitis in cats: causes and ways of infection,first symptoms. Treatment and prevention of peritonitis in cats

Чт, 15 мар 2018 Автор: Анна Зайцева

Infectious peritonitis in cats is a dangerous disease,
which is the causative agent of Coronavirus. Chronic
or subacute. Experts distinguish three forms of the disease – wet
(exudative), dry (proliferative), asymptomatic (hidden).
Can get sick like a street animal, and domestic.

Unfortunately, the prognoses for peritonitis in cats are disappointing.
Even with the timely intervention of a competent specialist
the probability of death is extremely high. Survival among
sick cats is less than 10%.


Causes of viral peritonitis in cats

There are several causes of peritonitis in cats. According to
specialists, the greatest risk groups include:

– Animals that live in crowded conditions
(nurseries, hotels, shelters, etc.);

– Cats with a weakened immune system and / or having chronic
diseases, and also often exposed to stress;

– Young animals from 3 to 36 months and cats over 10 years old;

– Often, peritonitis occurs due to poor pet maintenance.
in unsanitary conditions.

Note! Many tend to believe that the coronavirus and
FIP is the same. In fact, these are 2 different concepts. Coronavirus
– is a virus that carries more than 80% of cats. Animal
can live with him a long and happy life without any
consequences. In the case of the FIP form, everything is much more pitiable. it
a disease that is practically not treatable and in most
cases the animal dies.

Ways of infection

The risk of airborne infection is small, but still
the probability is there. In addition, the most important routes of infection

– The use of food contaminated with the saliva of a sick animal;

– The ingestion of the feces of a sick cat into a healthy organism;

– Newborn kittens can become infected through the womb.

Note. Peritonitis may occur without contact with patients.
animals. This happens because of the mutation of the pathogen


Symptoms vary depending on the form of the disease. AT
In the case of a wet (exudative) form, the following are noted.

– Lost your appetite, resulting in a rapid loss.

– Enlarged lymph nodes and liver;

— AT большинстве случаев наблюдается аритмия;

– Violation of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea and / or constipation);

— AT случае попадания свободной жидкости в грудную клетку,
difficulty breathing. AT некоторых случаях появляется отдышка и

– The abdomen is gradually filled with free fluid (ascites);

– Body temperature rises, fever is possible;

– There is a stall in small kittens.

If the cat is dry (proliferative) form, then there is:

— Потеря аппетита и weight;

– Eyes grow turbid, sometimes there are dark blotches on

– Disruption of the central nervous system (changes
behavior, convulsions, impaired coordination);

— AT некоторых случаях, возможно, недержание мочи;

– The skin turns yellow due to liver damage (discoloration
starts with ears);

– Kidneys are affected;

– The condition of wool deteriorates, it becomes dull and

Note. This disease is not dangerous for people even
close contact with a sick pet.

Diagnosis of the disease

A presumptive diagnosis is made on the basis of:

– General inspection of the animal;

– Diagnostic indicators by PCR;

– Studies of ascitic fluid (in the case of the wet form);

– Radiography of the chest and abdominal ultrasound.

Note. Unfortunately, an accurate diagnosis can only be established.
after opening the animal, inspecting all affected internal

Treatment methods

There is no definite treatment for peritonitis. ATрач
makes appointments based on the clinical picture, based on the results
analyzes. To improve the condition of the animal can be

– Antibiotics;

– Painkillers;

— ATитамины и средства для поддержки иммунитета;

– Antimicrobial drugs;

– Often prescribed hormonal drugs;

– Funds to support the cardiovascular system;

— AT тяжёлых случаях может быть назначено переливание крови;

– In exudative form, free fluid is pumped out.
from the abdominal cavity.

ATажно! Any appointment does only
veterinarian. Dosages are calculated based on weight.
animal and his age. Self-medication is dangerous and can only
aggravate the course of the disease.


To minimize the risk of peritonitis in cats,
Experts recommend to adhere to the following rules:

– As often as possible to clean and disinfect the premises,
which are the animals;

– Provide pet balance and protect from

– More often to handle toilet trays with special

– Food should be balanced, rich in protein and

— AT случае большой скученности животных в помещении, установить
more trays for a toilet (1 tray for 2–3 pets);

– To reduce the risk of disease pregnant cat as well
subsequently newborn kittens, it is necessary to isolate it from
other animals.

ATакцина против вирусного перитонита у кошек только одна —
�Primucell FIP. Accurate data on this drug is not, therefore, about
its effectiveness is difficult to judge. Some experts believe that
subject to the rules of the correct animals, the vaccine may
become an additional preventive measure.

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