Pasta with vegetables

Pasta with vegetables — блюдо для тех, кто сидит на диете. If you want to
lose weight, then carbohydrates (pasta) can not be combined with fats, that is,
fatty sauces, as is traditionally done in Italian cuisine.

Today we will cook spaghetti with vegetables – zucchini and carrots.
Vegetables we will stew in olive oil, but after readiness
wet them with a napkin and the amount of fat in the dish will be minimal,
especially when compared to regular spaghetti carbonara.


Ингредиенты для 2- порций:

• 1 цукини небольшой • 1 морковь средняя •
150-200 гр. тонких макарон спагетти •
1 зубок чеснока • молотый перец •
морская соль



1. Shred thin beautiful stripes of zucchini and


2. Boil in lightly salted water spaghetti to the state of “al
al dente ”- almost to readiness. Pasta on top is soft, and
inside a little hard. Warning: the finished pasta butter is not
fill up


3. In a pan with olive / vegetable oil almost instantly
fry finely chopped garlic. Wet with a napkin to
absorbed oil.

On the grill or in the oven, strip strips of zucchini and carrots in
for 5 minutes.


4. Mix spaghetti with roasted vegetables and garlic. Salt and
pepper if you want.


5. Serve the dish hot. Your dietary lunch can
Look like this: vegetable salad, light diet soup and pasta with


This recipe from the category

Vegetarian, Lunch

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