Partner past – reason for jealousy? And Howcope with jealousy of your partner’s past?

Пт, 22 июн 2018 Автор: Алёна Рассабина

Are there people who have never experienced
feeling jealous? Probably not. And this is not surprising, because we want
to be the only ones to fully control your partner
relationship without experiencing betrayal.

But what if jealousy arises in relation to the past
loved one and how this feeling is justified?


Jealousy for the past of your partner: what is

Jealousy, whatever it is, is always the result.
low self-esteem, self-doubt and mistrust to the world.
The jealous, without knowing it, doom themselves to long and painful
suffering. But if jealousy of the present can be understood and eliminated,
then jealousy of the partner’s past is confusing.

Such a feeling often has no ground under it.
Jealous men will not provide evidence and will not explain their reason
negative emotions. Often, they fantasize and invent
his partner’s colorful and happy past
disappeared with the advent of the new passion.

Jealousy to the past is a much more complex feeling than jealousy.
to the present. The man is immersed in his fantasies, inventions,
most constantly exposing yourself to stress and dark thoughts. Not worth it
forget about the fate of a partner whose past is the cause of all
trouble in a relationship Often, a loved one considers jealousy of his
the past is nonsense. He is annoyed, he does not like,
that his past after a certain amount of time again
flashes in life.

Feeling jealous of your partner’s past is necessary
work on yourself, otherwise relationships will fail, because not everyone
man is ready to deal with cockroaches in your head and tolerate
eternal claims.

Why there is jealousy about the past partner: the main
the reasons

To start working on a problem and forget about it once
forever, you need to find out the reason and get rid of its negative
influence. So jealousy of your partner’s past can
provoke the following factors:

• Psychological trauma

It often happens that one of the partners suddenly breaks
relationship and returns to the former lover. Such stories are not
rarity and jealous of the past can be well heard about them.
Moreover, with high probability – they are victims of such a situation.
Having survived the betrayal of a loved one in the name of the past,
such people have a fear of repeating it.

• Problems with self-esteem

Low self-esteem gives rise to self-doubt. People,
who do not like themselves, believe that the former partner of the beloved
surpasses them in many ways. They try to figure out as much as possible.
details, and later engaged in rethinking the resulting
information and self-flagellation, more and more pounding itself into
jealousy of the past.

• Good relationship with former sweethearts

Yes, there are those who keep in touch with their ex
sweethearts. Such people are provoked by their partner.
jealous of the past. What in this situation remains for those who
jealous? To think and draw conclusions, that’s all. Such communication
very often is an indicator of emotional attachment.

Как cope with jealousy of your partner’s past?

To cope with the jealousy of your partner’s past is pretty
difficult as it requires not only greater desire but also
tremendous and difficult work on their own self-esteem. Should
note that the way to get rid of this problem is better to start with
by a psychologist, because an incorrect action plan for
Achievement of the goal will entail a series of failures which, as a result,
will reduce enthusiasm and kill faith in yourself.

First you need to understand: why are you jealous of your past?
partner? The most common cause is insecurity and
low self-esteem. Over this and need to work.

You need to rethink yourself, work on the external image,
gain new experiences and only then, with a sense of new life
begin to correct their self-esteem. Understand that you –
unique despite the flaws. Analyze the quality of your
character: what needs to be eliminated, which to emphasize, and maybe
there are those that, being objective defects, can become
subjective merits.

Do not forget about the present. Think about the fact that if your
partner is now with you, then between the past and the present – he chose
last thing. A loved one may leave you, in some cases,
he is even able to return parts of his past lifestyle, but,
despite this, he remains in league with you and, for sure, pleased.
Realize that you are happy and the past does not entail the second

Learn to respect your partner’s past. Think about the reason
hate what was in the life of a loved one. Very important
understand that the past has created the one you love so much now. Be
maybe in a former relationship he learned to listen and hear, or gained
some important quality personality. Understand that your partner,
his qualities and features formed the very thing that you hated
past. Learn to thank the past of a loved one and with
worth taking its fruit.

Try to control yourself, because it is important. Experiencing
negative emotions or suppressing negative feelings, you only
provoke the development of various diseases of the nervous system,
break emotional background. Must be able to correctly express
your feelings and emotions, otherwise when diseases appear,
quality of life will be affected, the occurrence of depressive and
frustration states, the prevalence of pessimistic evaluation
surrounding events. In the case when such manifestations already have
place to be, you need to contact a specialist.

Thus, we found that jealousy of his past
partner lies in the personal problems of the jealous man, who must
promptly decide.

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