Parasites in cats: classification and signs.Effective rid of a cat from parasites

Ср, 14 мар 2018 Автор: Ксения Напалкова

Any cat, even one that has never been on the street, can
to become infected with internal or external parasites. In order to
to rid the pet of these organisms, it is important to detect in time


What parasites can live in a cat’s body:

All feline parasites are divided into three groups: internal, subcutaneous
and external (skin). They can get infected with their favorite
from home, for example, from a dog that goes for a walk on the street, or
through the street shoes, on which the helminth eggs remain.

The internal parasites include all types of protozoa and

• Roundworms (nematodes). This group includes toxocars,
toxascarides, uncinaries, hookworms, crenosomes, spirocerci,
dirofilaria, trichocephalus (whipworms), trichinae.

• Flatworms (tapeworms and flukes). These include
trematode, tapeworm, cucumber tapeworm (another name –
Dipilidium), mezotsestoides, strobilotserkus, echinococcus.

• The simplest (unicellular parasites). These includeся
Toxoplasma, Giardia, Trichomonas, Amoeba, Cryptosporidia.

To subcutaneous parasites of cats include:

• Sarcoptes (lead to the development of sarcoptosis or scabies);

• iron mites or demodexes (cause development

To external or skin parasites include:

• ixodic ticks;

• fleas and lice;

• otic and itch mites (cause the development of otodectes).

Signs of cat infection with internal parasites

Most often, cats are infected with round worms. They feed
blood, parasites in the small intestine, can move into
internal organs. With active reproduction, the small intestine and bile
ducts are blocked by worms, leading to a strong
intoxication, the development of allergies.

Animals, in the body of which parasitic worms quickly
lose weight even with good appetite, often lick anal
hole (worried about itching in the anus). Cat can
sick of worms, and with a large number of parasites violated

Infection with protozoa can be recognized by other symptoms:

1. When cats have toxoplasmosis, the temperature rises dramatically (up to
41 degrees), appetite disappears, conjunctivitis develops. Stomach
painful, there is vomiting and diarrhea, mucous membranes turn pale. Sometimes
convulsions appear.

2. Giardiasis can be recognized by fetid liquid diarrhea.

3. Trichomoniasis in cats appears periodically
diarrhea In feces visible inclusions of mucus and blood. Stomachное не
loses appetite, does not lose weight.

4. When amebiasis in cats, lymph nodes are enlarged, partially
Wool falls, eczema appears on the skin. Stomachное чешется,
suffers from bloody diarrhea.

5. When cryptosporidiosis in fluffy pet there is diarrhea,
feces watery. Stomachное худеет, лимфоузлы воспаляются и
are increasing.

How do external and subcutaneous parasites in cats

External or external parasites are the easiest to detect.
A cat infected with fleas or lice is constantly itchy and worried,
something bites out of wool. Scratches appear on the skin, red
spots and dots, and with flea dermatitis the coat is sometimes
falls out.

Fleas can be easily detected, it is enough to examine more tender ones.
skin areas: head, ears, stomach, inside of the paws. These
parasites move quickly, have a dark body color, great
jump. Lice, unlike fleas, are light, almost white, and cannot

Ixodic mites stick to delicate areas of cat skin and
disappear on their own after they are saturated with blood. These
parasites are flat, dark in color, but replete representatives
inflated to the size of a pea and change color to
greyish green.

When sarcoptosis in the skin of the cat bite sarcoptes mites.
Parasites multiply and bubbles appear on the animal’s face.
which burst, and in their place formed korostochki. With time
foci of inflammation spread throughout the body, wool
falls out, there are deep non-healing ulcers. Such a disease
very contagious.

Demodecosis is similar in manifestation to sarcoptosis, but sick cats
Do not infect other animals.

Ear tick causes otodecosis development. In this case, in the ears
cats appear smelling dark dark, forming
the crust. The skin is inflamed, covered with wounds. Pet is experiencing
severe itching, combing the auricle and very worried.

What methods can rid the cat of parasites

You can get rid of worms in one way –
de-worming. For therapeutic purposes, the drug is given twice.
with a break of 10 days, as a preventive measure – once every
3-5 months.

There are drops that relieve cats immediately and from worms,
and from external parasites:

• Stronghold;

• Bars Forte;

• Lawyer;

• Inspector.

If you need to destroy the worms, you can use
Canivantel tablets, Milbemaks, Drontal, Prazitel suspension and
other antiparasitic drugs. Cat infected
protozoa, treated with Metronidazole, Tinidazole and other
antiprotozoal in combination with probiotics.

Subcutaneous parasites destroy drugs: Neostomosan,
Akaromectin, Ivermek, Milbemycin, Butoks. For supporting
immunity apply Gamavit, Immunol. Also animal regularly
bathe with medicated shampoos.

Ear tick in cats is successfully treated with Acaromectin. Him
put on the inner side of the ear according to the instructions. Crusts
gently soak and remove with a cotton pad.

Regular preventive measures will help protect the fluffy
pet from both external and internal parasites. Cat
should periodically anthelmintic, and apply to the skin preparations from
ticks, lice and fleas.

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