Papules on the skin of the face and body: types, sizes andways of deliverance

Papules on the skin of the face and body: types, sizes andways of deliverancePearlescent papules are a pathology that affects mostly male population. In women, they also occur, but much less frequently. Small painful papules are not a venereal disease. and are not sexually transmitted, but the cause of the disease is still exactly medicine is not installed. Medical scientists suggest that individual predisposition of the organism. How to treat papules and how to recognize in time, we learn more.


What are papules?

A skin rash on the head, face, back and other parts of the body, which localized on the surface layers of the dermis, called papule (bundle). Papules are formed by the reaction of the immune system. for any inflammation in the body. Under the influence of external factors there is a blockage of sebum in the hair follicles that leads to the formation of microcysts.

The size of a single element varies from the head of the pin to nail size. If the papule exceeds the size of the nail, then it is already called a plaque. Papule-pustular rash is red, brown, purple and pink. It is the skin color element determines the presence of skin disease, manifested rash formation. The shape of the papules also varies from hemisphere to round or oval disc. They can be inflammatory. character, and not inflammatory, for example, flat youthful acne.

Severe erythematous rash is rare, but after may remain on the skin scars that do not pass. If a person has rash formed, it is better to go to a good dermatologist who will help remove the papules correctly. Self-treatment at home conditions, if done incorrectly, can leave a memory of disease in the form of scars or scars.


Causes of rash

Papules on the skin of the face and body: types, sizes andways of deliverance

Dense to the touch papules are most often activated due to reproduction of microbes that feed on sebum. Usually, it happens because of the activation of staphylococcal bacteria, causing skin inflammatory processes in certain factors:

  1. Change hormonal levels. Occurs due to availability diseases, age restructuring of the body, psycho-emotional environmental or climatic conditions.
  2. Blockage of the sebaceous glands. It happens when the exchange is broken substances at high humidity or air pollution, deposition of cholesterol in the dermis.
  3. Malfunctions in the functioning of the digestive tract. Occur at various diseases of the internal organs, with irregular or irregular nutrition.
  4. Frequent stress. Lack of a normal daily routine can lead to nervous shock, insomnia and, as a rule, to stress.

Types of papules < / h2>

To know how to get rid of papules, you need to be able to distinguish between them. To date, two types have been observed:

  • Inflammatory < / strong>. They differ in that when they are present, some areas of the skin swell, the vessels increase, which is characteristic of the presence of infiltration in the dermis. If you press on such a papule, it will become pale, but it will not disappear. Such formations quickly dissolve on their own without visible traces. < / Li>
  • Non-inflammatory < / strong>. Characterized by the growth of dermal tissue (papilloma) or the epidermis (wart). Also, with non-inflammatory papules, deposits of pathological products (xanthoma) are possible in the dermis layer. This type of skin neoplasm must be treated. < / Li> < / ul>

    Types of papules < / h2>

    Classify papules and form. Depending on the type of neoplasm, doctors diagnose this or that skin disease:

    1. Flat elements in purple or red. They grow on the periphery and itch much. Such papules are flat red lichen, manifested in the form of skin epidermo-dermal lesions (allergic papules). < / Li>
    2. Hemispheric elements. Their nodules have a diameter of 3-5 mm and the shape of a regular truncated cone. Located in the form of garlands, arcs, rings and are symptoms of papular lenticular syphilide (psoriatic weeping papules). < / Li>
    3. Hemispherical papules with a crust. They bleed, itch and are constantly increasing in size. Such formations are a type of cancer of the lower layer of the epidermis (fibrous papules). < / Li> < / ol>

      Diagnostics < / h2>

      In most cases, an experienced specialist needs only a visual inspection to diagnose papules. Independently correct diagnosis of a rash can not be put, because some dermatological problems have identical symptoms. For example, follicular pustules differ from papules only in that they have upper suppuration.

      Sometimes the pustules and papules on the face occur simultaneously, forming an inflammatory rash called acne vulgaris. In this case, the manta reaction is carried out in order to check the rate of human anti-tuberculosis immunity. |

      Treatment of papules on the skin < / h2>

      To begin treatment for any skin rash should only be in the office of a dermatologist. Remove papules from palm, hand, neck and other places. folk methods are extremely difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. The doctor will identify the cause of the occurrence, prescribe the most effective therapy, tell you how much the rash passes.

      If papules appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth, cheeks, tongue, lip or palate, then intramuscular injections of highly active steroids, antibiotics, antihistamine medications, vitamin therapy will be prescribed. If after the removal of papules scars remain, then you need to find a good cosmetologist who will perform biorevitalization – the newest method for transforming the structure of the skin, which is performed using hyaluronic acid.

      It is possible to reduce the size of papules on your own, if several times a day you can lubricate the inflamed nodules or cysts with iodine solution or with the special solution Retasol, which is designed for the treatment of acne. If a pearl papule has arisen for a man on the penis, then the following mixture will help to make it less noticeable: buy mummy tablets in a pharmacy (1 g), squeeze aloe juice (1 tsp), mix with 50 ml of honey and sea buckthorn oil (1 tbsp.). Apply the finished ointment to the place of rash at night. < P>


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