Pancakes with cheese – pancakes with a delicate creamyby taste. The best recipes for pancakes with cheese: potato, zucchini,rice, etc.

Вт, 13 сен 2016 Автор: Наталья Даньчишак

Draniki at least once in their lives each mistress prepared.

Fragrant, crispy vegetable fritters have long been won
popularity. Try adding grated cheese to the dough and you’ll see
how much more interesting will be the taste of a traditional dish.


Pancakes with cheese – the basic principles of cooking

Traditional pancakes are made from potatoes. However there is
many recipes for this dish from other vegetables. Their
peeled, washed and crushed into large chips. Then
vegetable mass squeeze carefully, combine with eggs and flour.
By the way, flour can be used wheat, but also oatmeal or
buckwheat. Flour can also replace the decoy. Dough seasoned
spicy herbs and salt.

Cheese coarsely rubbed, add to the dough and mix. Cream Cheese
can be used as a filling.

Pancakes with cheese are tender and juicy. Cooked
spread the dough with a spoon into the hot oil and fry with both
sides until appetizing crust.

Serve draniki with garlic, cheese or tomato sauce.

Recipe 1. Potato pancakes with cheese


  • potatoes – six tubers;

  • vegetable oil;

  • cheese – 100 g;

  • cooking salt and spices;

  • egg;

  • medium onion;

  • flour – 100 g;

  • fresh greens.

Cooking method

1. Peel the potatoes. Wash it and rub on medium
grater. Transfer the potato paste to the juice stack. Then
squeeze and transfer to a bowl.

2. Очищенную головку лука, ополосните и измельчите на grater.
Add onions to grated potatoes. Sprinkle with flour and season
spices, salt and chopped greens.

3. Coarsely rub the cheese and add it to the vegetable mixture. Beat in
egg and knead the mass until homogeneous.

4. Spread potato-cheese mass with a spoon in a frying pan with
hot oil. Roast until the edges are browned. Then
turn the shovel over to the other side and continue frying until
ruddy Put the prepared pancakes on a plate, laid
paper towel. Serve with garlic or tomato
the sauce

Recipe 2. Squash pancakes with cheese


  • four zucchini;

  • sea ​​salt;

  • three cloves of garlic;

  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;

  • egg;

  • 100 g of wheat flour;

  • 200 g Dutch cheese.

Cooking method

1. Очистите кабачки от кожицы и измельчите их на крупной grater.
Salt copiously and fold the squash into a colander. Leave
for half an hour to squash gave juice.

2. Тем временем очистите чеснок и натрите его на мелкой grater.
Add an egg to it and beat well with a fork.

3. chop the cheese into large chips.

4. Squash the squash using a spoon. Pressed
put the squash into a bowl, add the grated cheese, flour
and pour in the beaten egg with garlic. Knead everything thoroughly with a spoon.

5. Put the pan on medium heat and heat in it.
vegetable oil. Spoon spread zucchini cheese and mass
fry on both sides, four minutes each. Serve
pancakes on a slice of homemade bread.

Recipe 3. Pancakes with vegetables and chicken fillet with cheese


  • six potatoes;

  • table salt;

  • 75 ml of vegetable oil;

  • spice;

  • 80 ml of flour;

  • two tomatoes;

  • one chicken breast;

  • 100 grams of cheese;

  • small onion;

  • pod pepper Bulgarian.

Cooking method

1. Peel the potatoes. Wash the vegetable and chop it into a large
shavings. Well squeeze the potato mass and shift into a deep
the dishes. Add flour, egg, season with spices and salt.
Вымесите тесто ложкой до homogeneity.

2. Spoon the potato mixture into the pan with
heated sunflower oil. Fry to an appetizing crust with
both sides.

3. Chop the onion into cubes. Rinse the chicken fillet,
wet it with napkins. Rinse the pod of the bell pepper, remove
stem and clean the seeds. Tomatoes, chicken fillet and pepper
chop the same as onions.

4. Fry the onions in hot oil until transparent. Add to
Chicken fillet and continue frying until the meat is covered
golden crust. Now sprinkle pepper, pepper, salt and
fry for another three minutes. Add crushed tomatoes and stew for minutes

5. Put the pancakes tightly together on a baking tray
pre-lubricated with oil. Spread the filling out from above.
chicken and vegetables. Sprinkle all the cheese chips and bake five.
minutes at a temperature of 200 C. Put the pancakes with a spatula on the plates and
подавайте с the sauce.

Recipe 4. Pancakes with cheese and sausage


  • 600 g potatoes;

  • sunflower oil;

  • 100 grams of cheese;

  • a couple of spoons of flour

  • 100 g boiled sausage;

  • black pepper;

  • egg;

  • salt;

  • greens – a small bunch.

Cooking method

1. Измельчите сыр в крупную shavings.

2. Remove the thin film from the sausage and chop it as far as possible.

3. Peel and wash the potatoes. Coarsely rub it and well
wring out.

4. Combine the potato mass with the cheese and sausage. Beat in

5. Rinse fresh greens lightly. dry and crumble.
Add it to the bowl of potatoes.

6. Send flour and spice it up with black pepper and
with salt. Carefully knead the dough for dranikov spoon to

7. Heat the sunflower oil in a pan. Potato
Spread the dough with a spoon, forming round pancakes. Fry pancakes
about three minutes on medium heat. Then переверните и продолжайте жарить
still the same time. Serve драники с сыром с томатным или
чесночным the sauce.

Recipe 5. Pancakes with Cheese, Herbs and Ham


  • bulb;

  • vegetable oil;

  • six potatoes;

  • black pepper;

  • ham – 200 g;

  • поваренная salt;

  • 200 grams of cheese;

  • flour – 100 g;

  • eggs – two pcs .;

  • fresh dill

Cooking method

1. Peel and wash the potatoes and onions. Ham free from
film. Овощи и колбасные изделия измельчите в крупную shavings.
Finely crumble the dill. Combine everything in a deep bowl.
Pepper and salt. Beat in яйца, всыпьте муку и добавьте тертый
cheese. Тщательно перемешайте ложкой до homogeneity.

2. Spread the mass of the spoon in the heated oil, forming
round cake. Обжарьте с обеих sides until appetizing crust.
Put the prepared pancakes on a napkin-covered plate to
get rid of excess fat.

Recipe 6. Rice pancakes with melted cheese


  • 80 g of flour;

  • a kilo of potatoes;

  • sunflower oil;

  • поваренная salt;

  • blue onion head;

  • garlic;

  • bunch of green onions;

  • two eggs;

  • two processed cheese;

  • a cup of cooked rice.

Cooking method

1. Wash, dry, and chop the peeled potatoes.
grater. Potato mass do not squeeze!

2. Rinse the rice in several waters and boil, adhering to
recommendations on the packaging. Flip the boiled rice into a colander and
cool it down Combine the rice with the potato mass.

3. Clean the head of the blue onion. Green and blue onion finely
crumble. Add it to the potato and rice mass. Here also beat
Eggs and add flour. Вымесите тесто ложкой до homogeneity.

4. Put the resulting mass in a frying pan with red-hot
oil Place a piece of melted cheese in the middle. Above
Put another spoonful of potato masses. Roast until ruddy,
затем переверните и готовьте еще минут five. Serve драники с
cheese, watering sour cream.

Recipe 7. Pancakes with cheese and minced meat


  • one and a half kilograms of potatoes;

  • sunflower oil;

  • egg;

  • baking soda;

  • 200 g sour cream;

  • a piece of butter;

  • 150 g of flour;

  • bulb;

  • поваренная salt;

  • carrot;

  • black pepper;

  • Half a kilo of ground beef;

  • marjoram;

  • garlic – six cloves.

Cooking method

1. Peel and wash carrots and onions. Chop onions
cubes. Finely grate the carrot.

2. Fry minced meat on the hot oil, stirring intensively,
so that it does not gather into lumps. Then добавьте лук и морковь.
Season with salt and pepper. Continue frying for another ten minutes.

3. Peel potatoes and grate finely. In potato mass
add sour cream, egg, soda, squeezed garlic through a press and
flour Season with salt and marjoram. Mix everything well.
ложкой до homogeneity.

4. Put the pan on the fire, pour in the oil and pour it well.
warm up Spoon the potato dough, forming round
cakes. Fry the pancakes on both sides, five minutes for

5. Grease the heat-resistant form with a piece of butter.
Put ready-made pancakes into it, overlapping each other. Above
Spread roasted mince with vegetables. Pour sour cream and plenty
sprinkle with grated cheese.

6. Place the pancake with the pancakes in the oven for 20 minutes.
Bake at 200 ° C. Sprinkle the dish before serving.
rings of green onions.

Cheese pancakes – tips and tricks

  • For dranik take potatoes with high content

  • Do not use new potatoes for cooking.

  • In the dough, you can add sour cream, kefir, mayonnaise or milk.

  • In potato mass для драников добавляют тертый сыр твердых
    varieties, and for the filling you can use fused and soft
    сливочный cheese.

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