Overview of antiviral drugs against coldsand flu. Top Effective and Cheap Virus Productsdiseases

Пн, 09 июл 2018 Автор: Элла Борисюк

Viruses are very common in every life
person Colds have different names, but at the base
there is only one root cause – infection of various parts of the body.
Most often affects the upper respiratory tract. Diseases treat
must be promptly in order not to provoke complications. For
This is the best antiviral



The drug is released in powder form. It is used for
cure ARVI, and more often the flu. Apply remedy in the form
solution. Before taking the powder must be dissolved in warm
water. It is recommended to drink the drug after contacting with
infected person. Continue to use the remedy until
until the risk of infection is eliminated.

Before use, open the vial, fill it with liquid and strongly
shake After dissolving the powder, instill 5 drops in
every nasal passage. Session to hold twice a day.

If a person has already become infected, then it is necessary to carry out
therapeutic action, and already treat the disease. Efficiency
medication will be higher if you start therapy earlier. For лечения
bury 5 drops in each nasal passage up to five times a day.
Greater results can be expected from the introduction of the drug in the form
inhalation. This remedy is also indicated for viral


The active ingredient of the drug is dry extract of seed crops.
alder The active ingredients inhibit the activity of the virus.
the flu. In addition, the drug has a negative effect.
on a wide range of bacteria.

If using the means to carry out prevention, then use
2 tablets twice a day. Capsule slowly dissolve. With
therapy dissolve 2 tablets four times a day. Duration
Therapy is 7 days.

Do not use the drug when excessive
чувствительности к компонентам в составе facilities. In this case,
external reactions may occur in the patient. Not recommended
use when carrying a baby and breastfeeding.


This drug is related to non-narcotic analgesics.
It has the following actions:

– anesthetic;

– antipyretic;

– antiphlogistic;

– interferonogenic.

With излечении гриппа либо ОРATИ препарат используется трижды в
day. Course duration is up to seven days. Is forbidden
use medication when carrying a baby in the first 12 weeks.
Also it is impossible to apply in case of personal intolerance of the components in
composition, especially to iodine preparations. After taking can
manifest such side reactions as a bitter taste in the mouth,
excessive salivation, slight swelling of the mucous.


This is the best antiviral medication that is related to
homeopathic medicines. Characterized by bright
antiviral effect. Only one appointment is assigned at a time.
tablet that should be absorbed. Withнимать трижды в день
before eating food. In case of acute onset of the disease
you will need to dissolve the tablet every quarter of an hour for
two hours. После употреблять трижды в day. By recommendation

For того чтобы предупредить прогрессирование ОРATИ необходимо
use one tablet twice a day for a month.
Along with the use of the drug may be allergic
reaction. With вынашивании малыша и кормлении грудью принимать под
strict medical supervision.


The mechanism of the drug is to oppress
multiplication of the virus, which is observed due to violation
shell formation of the virus itself. The drug is released in the form of
tablets and powder.

For medicinal purposes, use two tablets three times a day in
первый day. In the next two days, drink 2 tablets twice a day.
day. ATо все последующие дни по две таблетки один аз в day. AT
quality prevention use on a tablet once a day for
two weeks.

Usually the drug is very well tolerated, but in
in rare cases, there are side reactions such as disorders
stool, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, insomnia, tremor,
drowsiness, increased arousal. With extreme caution
use the remedy for epilepsy and in case of severe ailments
liver and kidney.


This is the best antiviral agent that is produced in the form
pills. Также средство может использоваться при ОРATИ и гриппе.
The dosage and duration of therapy is determined by the attending physician

Is forbidden использовать медикамент, в случае личной
непереносимости компонент в составе facilities. Also not worth it
use when carrying a baby and breastfeeding. Due to reception
patients experience adverse reactions such as
body temperature, nausea. Allergies are extremely rare


The drug is characterized by interferon-inducing activity.
In addition, the drug improves the immunity of cells. Thanks
to this significantly increases the body’s resistance to

With профилактике препарат может приниматься в минимальной
дозировке до two weeks. With излечении заболевания употреблять по
0,2 грамма четырежды в day. The course of therapy continues for
three days.

Is forbidden использовать медикамент в случае личной
непереносимости компонент в составе facilities. Also impossible
use with concomitant somatic pathology. Out side
reactions can be noted allergic reactions with personal
hypersensitivity to the components in the composition.


This remedy is related to combination drugs,
which in the composition have alpha interferon. Actively used when
treatment and prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory
viral infections. Intranasally administered with three drops.
into every nostril every three hours. Is forbidden использовать при
nurturing the baby and personal intolerance component in

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