Othello was exactly Scorpio. The most jealoushusbands by zodiac sign

Othello was exactly Scorpio. The most jealous husbands by zodiac sign

When there is jealousy – it is very difficult to build happy
relationship based on mutual love and trust. So who from
zodiac signs the most jealous?


Top 5 most jealous men in the zodiac


They are jealous to distraction, can be principled
the owners and even during the beginning of the relationship already roll up
scenes of jealousy.

Jealousy of such a husband does not mean that he is you
He loves, he just decided that everything should be in his territory, like
he wants.

Jealousy can cause not only his wife’s communication with others.
men, but also with friends, with relatives, with colleagues. To such
it is very difficult for a man to explain that you are entitled to a personal


These men are very angry, they can throw a scandal even from
simple communication with classmates because they saw in him a threat
to save the family.

They watch over their wives, constantly trying
find out, but where did you go, where did you go, what

Such a husband can even be jealous of the thoughts of a woman, not to mention
her actions, therefore – do not give him reason to doubt your
loyalty Then everything will be calm in the house.


Such husbands do not pretend for a long time that

They can protect their life companion from all adversity, build
plans for the future and constantly look back.

It seems to them that their beloved can at any moment escape with
another man and it drives them into a stupor.

How is that? Beloved woman thinks, remembers someone other than
him But such a husband will be silent for a long time and only when
his patience will not – he will begin to express his


Such men are more often not self-confident, therefore they suspect
their wives in the possibility of treason. They do not consider themselves so
good, so that the wife did not find herself another.

Such thoughts often torment the men of this zodiac sign, and they
begin to be offended and upset, their wives are perplexed, because it was
everything is wonderful, why suddenly my husband all of a sudden begins
nervous and worry, ask stupid questions? So something
is bad going?

Just doubts and jealousy make a man look for


Such husbands are jealous, but their zeal is controlled and tried
Do not spoil the doubts of privacy.

They are often upset if they fail to spend the weekend at
noisy company with friends if they try all the time
talk to his wife, but they do not come out.

As soon as the house begins to reign silence, such husbands
it seems that something is happening behind their back.

Then jealousy appears, but it does not last long. Soon they
understand that everything is really great.

But what about the rest?


Such husbands love that everything goes according to their scenario. To
the wife was always beautiful and well-groomed, but only for them or for
someone else.

They can’t stand the friends of their wife, who can
somewhere to walk, to gossip about something and constantly change

But the wife will not see bright scenes of jealousy, the whole disaster will be
take place inside such a man.


Their jealousy comes suddenly and blows everything down
of the way.

It’s just impossible to do anything, everything crashes and
breaks until jealousy passes.

At the same time, the man himself can change and not give the form. And what
The longer he himself changes, the more claims he has to

They say that she herself is to blame, she is not there all the time, she is something else
busy To establish the cause of jealousy of such a man is sometimes very
difficult, but possible.


Such men check their women in secret. They may even
watch them, call them from other numbers and check, take
do those tube. And if they take it, they will be very offended.

Can read messages and check whether
of the specified number the girl writes, whether he hid there
the man.

Perhaps there it is. If they suspect something, they will find
the evidence will not say anything, they will simply leave with great resentment


They are jealous only when they are assured of themselves and
it is almost impossible to convince them.

They will be nervous, worry and prove partner
what, no, she did change.

Convince them of the opposite impossible almost. Therefore,
try to avoid such conversations and not support them


Such men love with all their hearts and can forgive even treason
but after a period of thinking about the situation.

They themselves are not nervous if someone renders signs of attention
their women, because they understand that if she does not want – treason
will not be.

Will not try to become better if she realizes that her sweetheart
Are there any other options. Just be watching the situation.


Their jealousy is positive. They are extremely happy when a partner
begins to be jealous of them, it seems to them that this is a manifestation of her

If they are jealous themselves, then they are ready to watch for hours afterwards
his beloved so she calmed down and not

Such a game for yourself. But not everyone will like it. Someone
just stop communicating with such a man because it gets tired of
feigned jealousy.


Such a man of the relationship does not find out and convince him simply
is impossible. He drives something very extraordinary and
starts talking about it to everyone. He comes up with a lot and can even
make up a love affair with another man and not at all
take offense, just accept it as a reality.

Women find it difficult to understand that such a man in

How exactly does he think and is jealous at all.

Those women who love vivid expressions of emotion –
such men are not needed, they are not so interesting, rather even nothing
incomprehensible and a bit scary. Well, what will you do? Such here

There is nothing wrong with constructive jealousy, like
that your other half is concerned that you don’t
have changed. But when jealousy becomes persecution – this
getting scared. Life in this situation is not one. Partner
just does not allow normal development. But, there are always exceptions.
of the rules, therefore, not worth it in advance
get upset

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