Ordinary weeds are for the benefit of man. As forwhat weeds can use: burdock, gruel, plantain,coltsfoot and others

Пт, 08 июн 2018 BUTвтор: Юлия Буренкова

Nature has always helped man. Even ordinary
weeds are unique medicines, let’s remember
how to use them.



Everyone remembers their childhood, games in the yard and, of course, bruises,
falls, broken knees. But go home with bleeding wounds –
means to stay at home. Parents are not allowed into the yard, so
Normally, the children broke the plantain, dribbling, applied to
injured place, and the need to run home fell away by itself. BUT
all thanks to the medicinal properties of plantain.

A little weed can be seen along roads, vacant lots, in yards,
but the benefits are enormous, because the leaves contain vitamins,
phytoncides, pectins and other substances that stop
bleeding. But not only fresh leaves are used to stop
blood. Dry leaves, seeds or juice can be used as an external
means. Moreover, the plant helps if the wounds are both fresh and already
festering ulcers and dermatitis, cracked and start
bleed nipples.

Applying to sore spots leaves just plucked or
make a kashis-like mixture, grinding the plant. Such gruel
sometimes boil and after that apply to the patient
site – wound, boil, furuncula, losing, eczema. Helps and
put on top compress.


When bleeding and not hesitating wounds comes to the rescue
sagebrush. For this plant to use, use its infusion, and in
the form of lotions and compresses applied to cuts, bruises, ulcers,
places of insect bites.

Helps and свежий сок полыни или ее толченые листья. There are and
This means: 1 part of the plant is mixed with 4 parts of fat and
applied to the wound.


The whitehead is a white porridge, but better known as
yarrow It can be recognized by the small white flowers growing in
complex inflorescences, the leaves look like feathers, they are juicy, and in color

Yarrow has a complex composition: it has up to 12 useful
flavonoid compounds, vitamins, tannins, essential
oil that has a complex composition. And because the properties of the plant
invaluable. It can stop bleeding, has
anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, and not only
wounds heals, but also relieves pain.

Conducting experiments, doctors found that the infusion
yarrow and its juice can increase blood clotting to
80%, but blood clots will not form. With ordinary wounds
or festering ulcers, burns, make poultices from grass or chop
fresh leaves and applied to the affected areas. But also
decoctions, juice, yarrow, ointment from it are the same
effective means.

An excellent remedy for healing scratches and wounds – powder from
nettle leaves and whitehead in equal proportions.


Celandine большой имеет и другие названия — бородавник, молочай
yellow. But whatever you call it, its positive properties are not
diminish. In fact, it is a weed, and it grows in the most shady
places along the banks of streams. But popular with many
summer residents: planted celandine near the houses and on the homestead
plots. The celandine has many useful qualities, and all because
It has many alkaloids, essential oil, vitamins, organic
acids and a variety of other beneficial substances. Therefore, use
a plant when it is necessary to heal a cut, bruise. Successfully applied
celandine in the treatment of eczema, ulcers and chronic skin diseases.
Rescues a strong decoction in the form of lotions and compresses. Do celandine
Life-giving milky sap that helps to quickly cure
damaged areas, if the skin is severely cracked, use
gruel, grinding raw leaves. You can make and powder, sprinkle
im wound. The treatment will be more effective if you add to the powder
small amount of fat. Sometimes the leaves are boiled in milk and
make a poultice. They especially help with boils. 10 days
the juice of celandine can bring a young wart.


Clover лекарственный можно встретить вдоль дорог, в сорных
places. But in medicine, it is beneficial because it contains in its
Ingredients resinous substances, flavonoids, tannin, vitamins.

It soothes and heals purulent wounds, abscesses and many lesions.
skin. Usually used in the form of ointment, infusion, making it
compress, use the bath or wash the wound.


Coltsfoot имеет уникальные свойства обволакивать рану,
снимать боль, останавливать bleeding. Decoction and baths
used in many skin diseases, when wounds appeared,
especially infected, boils, burns, ulcers. Best help
whole leaves or leaves that are boiled in milk.

And some more natural remedies …

Неоценимо влияние меда на раны. it
no wonder, this is a healing substance donated by nature and
bees, contains antioxidants and vitamins, antibacterial
substances that can kill many viruses. In addition, compresses
using honey help wounds Faster, almost not
leaving scars.

Чайное дерево давно перестало быть экзотическим
plant, and its peculiar smell has ceased to repel, healing
his actions are indisputable. If there are wounds or cuts on the body,
tea tree oil will help out, tightening the wound,
disinfecting and removing pain.

Many useful plants and natural remedies are completely
near and ready to help in case of illness of a person. And to
be able to help yourself and others in time, remember that
use in difficult times.

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