Ointment Stellanin – reviews and effectivenessof application

Ointment Stellanin - reviews and effectivenessof applicationStellanin ointment is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug наружного of application, улучшающий регенерацию тканей. Medicine popular among the population, because even a small household wound can develop into a serious infectious disease. Important right away properly handle the damaged area, and the best help is деле предоставит мазь Stellanin.


Форма выпуска и состав мази Stellanin

Produce STELLANIN in aluminum tubes of 20 g and cardboard boxes, each of which contains instructions for use. Состав мази Stellanin содержит активное вещество diethylbenzimidazole triiodide. It has a regenerative action, quickly restoring the affected skin. Excipients:

  • Povidone;
  • dimexide;
  • polyethylene oxide. 

Механизм фармалокологической активности мази Stellanin is to effectively fight infectious diseases, in as a result, even postoperative sutures disappear. Together with antibacterial effect of the drug has an osmotic potential, which is important in the treatment of purulent wounds, as this contributes to the rapid evacuation of purulent discharge. Even with damaged skin lacks systemic absorption of active active ingredient.


Indications for use

A wide range of antibacterial activity allows использовать мазь Stellanin для лечения пролежней, трофических язв, 1 and 2 degree burns, from acne, which is caused by bites insects. The ointment effectively heals the surgical wounds (after coagulation, excision, episiotomy). Также Stellanin мазь показана in the following cases:

  • Purulent acute processes: carbuncles, furcules, abscesses, phlegmon, hydroadenitis.
  • Abrasions scratches, cuts, scratches, skin cracks covers.
  • Chronic tonsillitis.
  • Acute pharyngitis. 

Способ of application и дозировка

Use the ointment must be strictly according to the instructions: apply thin a layer of 1.5 mm on the wound surface, and then apply sterile gauze bandage. Допускается еще один способ of application: препарат applied directly to the dressing, and then apply damage. On the circumference the layer of ointment should be more circumference of the wound by 5 mm. When getting rid of hemorrhoids gauze Turunda soaked in ointment, injected into the anal passage. Presence blood can reduce the bactericidal effect of the drug. Frequency of application зависит от локализации заболевания.

Cavities of purulent wounds are filled with swabs with the drug, but first they are treated with an alcohol solution. If the wound is located in an awkward place, it is permissible to use an adhesive bandage or adhesive plaster. The dressing is changed 1-2 times a day, but суточная доза мази Stellanin не должна превышать 10 грамм. AT the average course of treatment is from 5 to 15 days. With minor wounds and household shallow cuts ointment applied 2 times a day to complete deliverance from the problem.

Contraindications and side effects < / h2>

It is necessary to use the medicine with caution for people prone to allergic reactions. Если после of application препарата на коже возникли покраснения или зуд, следует прекратить прием препарата. Ointment can not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy, so as not to harm the fetus. AT последующих триместрах прием должен производиться под строгим присмотром специалиста.

Contraindications for use are diagnoses: thyroid adenoma, renal failure, thyrotoxicosis. Нельзя проводить одновременную терапию мазью Stellanin и радиоактивным йодом, детям до 18 лет, в период лактации и при гиперчувствительности к компонентам препарата. Cases of drug overdose are not described. Запрещается мазь Stellanin принимать внутрь.

Special instructions < / h2>

Если случайно мазь Stellanin попала на слизистые оболочки, возможно появление рвоты, тошноты, диареи, повышенной температуры. AT этом случае надо промыть желудок, затем обратиться к врачу. If the drug gets into the eyes, they should be immediately rinsed with water. Мазь Stellanin не применяют в комплексе с лекарствами, которые в составе содержат ртуть, щелочь, окислители, катионные поверхностно-активные химические соединения, так как они не взаимодействуют.

Price < / h2>

Сколько стоит мазь Stellanin? Today it is easy to find where to buy the drug, as it is a popular, effective and inexpensive means available to every customer. Приблизительная стоимость препарата в аптеках России от 350 до 450 рублей за тубу 20 г. AT интернет-магазинах цена на мазь и капли Stellanin существенно не отличается.

Аналоги мази Stellanin

  1. Betadine. Является дешевым аналогом Stellaninа, который показан при грибковых и бактериальных кожных инфекциях, трофических язвах, ожогах, инфекционных дерматитах и прочих повреждениях кожи.
  2. Bepanten. Применяется для профилактики сухости кожи и при нарушении целостности ее covers. Ideal for baby skin care (diaper dermatitis, diaper rash) < / li>
  3. Yodopirone. High-quality antiseptic. Assign for the treatment of boils, acute purulent diseases of the first stage of injury, fistula, postoperative wounds, assists with post-injection abscess. < / Li> < / ol> |

    Reviews and Performance < / h2>

    Oksana, 34 years old : < / strong> After the operation my husband developed bedsores, which were treated with silver medications and folk remedies – nothing helped. Когда пошла уже третья стадия – отчаялись, но начитавшись отзывов в интернете о эффективности, купили Stellanin. The bedsores began to disappear before our eyes! Very effective drug – I advise.

    Татьяна, 28 лет: Купила мазь Stellanin, когда лечила гнойный фурункул на лице. I used it for about 14 days, but the pain remained, the wound did not heal, only the pus was gone. I believe that the ointment does not cope with its purpose – no effect. If you look at the photos before and after treatment, there is no difference. I am disappointed – money is wasted, and most importantly, time is wasted.

    Mikhail, 42 years < / strong> : I’m constantly rubbing on my feet with new shoes, there is no escape: the corns burst and it hurts to walk. I tried a bunch of different drugs – the effect is one-time. По совету жены купил Stellanin, накладывал на ночь под бинт, потом под пластырь днем, а к вечеру раны затянулись. After 2 days, completely got rid of corns. I apply ointment directly on the wound, at first it burns a little, and then there is no pain.


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