Locoid ointment is anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, wound healing, antibacterial drug for external use. Medicinal The remedy is effective in treating skin diseases that are not complicated by infections. Synthetic corticosteroid does not contain halogen, so the risk of adverse reactions when taking it very low.
Locoid мазь — гормональная или нет?
Locoid является гормональным препаратом. Under influence butyric acid glucocorticoid hormone becomes active, whereby its therapeutic effect is enhanced. Main component of the drug has a strong anti-inflammatory action, therefore swelling, peeling, itching and other skin symptoms go away quickly. The modified glucocorticoid has big plus: the body does not get used to it. After applying the ointment in systemic blood flow is absorbed by a small portion of the medication, after what medication is recycled in the liver.
Форма выпуска и состав мази Locoid
Выпускается Locoid в алюминиевых тубах по 30 грамм, packed in a cardboard box, each of which is attached instructions for use. The ointment is a fat, soft, white to light gray translucent blend. Active substance – 1 mg of hydrocortisone 17-butyrate at a concentration of 0.1%. Auxiliary components in the composition:
liquid paraffin 95%;
polyethylene 5%.
Препарат Locoid имеет и другие формы выпуска: крем и emulsion.
pharmachologic effect
Мазь Locoid – это синтетическое негалогенизированно hormonal means of local action. Pharmacological properties cause a minimal chance of the formation of side reactions, as there is no effect on the performance of cortisol in the blood. Medicinal средство оказывает на коже иммунодепрессивные effects, slowing down the keratinocin division process. В основе Locoidа lipids are present that reduce the entry of microorganisms and allergens, reduce water loss by the body, hinder the development xerosis
What helps ointment: indications for use
Мазь Locoid назначают для лечения поверхностных слоев кожи. Ее используют для терапии у взрослых и детей неинфицированных superficial diseases of the skin. The drug helps to remove redness and itching after insect bites, as well as to remove the presence the following symptoms:
Different dermatitis.
Dry skin
Red flat lichen.
Dosing and Administration
Согласно инструкции по применению, мазь Locoid рекомендуется apply a thin layer 1-3 times a day to the entire area affected plots with light massaging movements for better penetration. If the dynamics is positive, then the number применений препарата снижают до 2-3 раз в неделю. When weeping violations of the epidermis occlusive dressing is not used.
If there is no effect on psoriatic plaques, Locoid используют под асептическую повязку в виде компресса. A weekly dose of the drug should not exceed 30-60 grams. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually. okay
Use during pregnancy and lactation < / h2>
Pregnancy and lactation are contraindications to the use of ointment, if there is no threat to the life of the mother. Active вещество через плацентарный барьер проникает быстро, поэтому воздействие на плод выражено. How much hydrocortisone is in breast milk is unknown, so use of the drug should be avoided during breastfeeding.
Contraindications and side effects < / h2>
Locoid нежелательно использовать для лечения грибковых, паразитарных, бактериальных, вирусных и туберкулезных инфекций кожи. Do not treat rosacea, acne, chicken pox, perioral dermatitis, syphilitic lesions, malignant or benign tumors. The absolute contraindications also include the violation of the integrity of the epidermis (wounds, ulcers). Care should be taken to treat the surface of the skin in pediatric dermatitis, so that there is no overdose (controlling the growth and body weight of the child).
Что касается побочных эффектов, то многочисленные отзывы о мази Locoid показывают, что возникают они при индивидуальной непереносимости компонентов или в случаях передозировки. The drug can cause local skin reactions inherent in steroid therapy: irritation, redness, itching. And systemic, arising from the long-term use of hormonal agents: weight gain, change in the menstrual cycle, increased bone fragility, swelling, mood swings. < P
Special instructions < / h2>
Locoid нельзя наносить в области вокруг глаз, чтобы не спровоцировать глаукому (глазное давление). In case of contact with mucous membranes, they should be washed with water. It is not recommended to apply the tool on the face, genitals, on the scalp, skin folds and in the presence of atrophic skin changes. Если кожные поражения расположены в этих местах, то рекомендуется использовать другие формы Locoidа.
It is allowed to use the ointment for children after 6 month of age. Для достижения терапевтического эффекта используйте минимальное количество Locoidа, чтобы не развивалось подавление функции коры надпочечников. If a child or an adult does not improve after 14 days, the use of the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor to adjust the treatment. Judging by the reviews of doctors, the drug interacts with other drugs without side effects. P
Price < / h2>
Сколько стоит Locoid мазь? This is a hormonal drug, so it is not cheap. The average price in pharmacies in Russia for a 30 gram tube is 300 rubles. Отпускается препарат без рецепта, хранится 5 лет при температуре +25 С. В интернет-аптеках цена на мазь Locoid существенно не отличается.
Аналоги Locoid мази
Hydrocortisone. It helps with allergic skin diseases, rheumatism, arthritis, bursitis, bronchial asthma. < / Li>
Latikort. Близкий аналог Locoidа, используется в качестве лекарства от дерматитов (себорейный, атопический, контактный, аллергический), псориаза, экземы, фотодерматоза и прочих чувствительных к глюкокортикоидам кожных болезней.< / li>
Corteid It is indicated for skin rashes, itching, psoriasis, irritation after contact with plants, insect bites, the use of household chemicals, wearing jewelry. < / li> < / ol> |
Reviews < / h2>
Olga, 25 years : < / strong> I don’t welcome self-treatment, so for several years I occasionally go to a consultation with a dermatologist for the treatment of chronic neurodermatitis. По моему диагному уже несколько лет врач прописывает мазь Locoid, несмотря на то, что существует множество других препаратов на основе гидрокортизола. This drug is the most effective for me.
Татьяна, 48 лет: Locoid избавил моего сына от себорейного дерматита. The pediatrician appointed him after unsuccessful attempts to get rid of the misfortune by other means that do not contain hormones. After the first application, the inflammatory processes (red spots) on the body turned white, and after 3 days they completely disappeared. The course of treatment was completed in 10 days.
Faith. 53 года: Несколько лет подряд спасаюсь от аллергии на руках только Locoid. If you do not spread your hands in time, then small red spots turn into itchy plaques of enormous size. The ointment is always with you, as it not only helps to get rid of allergies immediately after the first two applications, but also fights dry skin.