Ointment Hondroksid – for what is used?

Ointment Hondroksid - for what is used?Chondroxide An ointment is a drug created for outdoor use. use with anti-inflammatory action that improves regeneration of cartilage tissue. Joint pain occurs in different ways. reasons: due to connective tissue diseases and injuries musculoskeletal, infectious diseases. But the most osteochondrosis is a common cause of pathologies – progressive a chronic disease that causes a deterioration in the quality of life, often leads to disability or even disability. Справиться с проблемой помогает Chondroxide мазь.


Byказания к применению мази Chondroxide

According to the instructions, Chondroxide is actively involved in building cartilage and bone tissue. It affects metabolic processes, helping to reduce the development of degenerative processes. Thanks to the ointment, in the cartilage tissue increases the production intraarticular fluid, cartilage surfaces are restored joints. Byказания к применению Chondroxide мази:

  • Arthrosis
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Osteoarthritis of the peripheral joints.
  • The postoperative period.
  • Intra-joint fractures.

As for the pharmacological action of the drug, then, getting into the body, the drug enters the blood stream and accumulates in полости joints. After this, the recovery process begins. cartilage tissue, slows down the process of destruction, improves metabolism substances of phosphorus and calcium ions. The second important factor for what применяется Chondroxide мазь, является противовоспалительное action for the joints, so with long-term use of the drug their mobility is restored, puffiness and frequency decreases exacerbations.

The composition of the ointment

The main active component of the ointment is chondroitin sulfate. it natural substance derived from cartilage of cattle. Chondroitin is a high molecular weight polysaccharide that slows down bone loss calcium normalizing process phosphoric-calcium metabolism, stimulating the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. The second active substance is dimethyl sulfoxide, contributing to better penetration of the main component tissues. В состав Chondroxideа входят следующие вспомогательные Components:

  • stearate monohydrate;
  • magnesium carbonate (water);
  • crospovidone;
  • Povidone K 30;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • purified water. 


Instructions for use and dosage

The instructions for the drug reported that the ointment is intended for external use only. It is applied on the affected plots with light massaging movements until completely absorbed 2 times daily. The course of treatment is on average 14-20 days. By necessary, it can be extended after a short break, but treatment regimen must appoint a doctor. The curative effect is not apparent. immediately, therefore during seasonal exacerbations of joint diseases It is recommended to take the ointment in advance. Effectively carry out treatment together with taking pills or injections of chondroprotectors.

Contraindications and side effects

Если Chondroxide мазь применять в рекомендуемой производителем dose, then side effects, judging by the reviews of patients, will not be observed. Sometimes allergic skin reactions occur due to individual intolerance to the components of the ointment. In this case should consult a doctor to adjust treatment or drug replacement. There are contraindications to the use of Chondroxideа. it беременность, период кормления грудью ребенка (lactation), child age, the patient’s tendency to bleed, thrombophlebitis. В остальных случаях мазь Chondroxide помогает relieve the condition of patients without side effects.

Special instructions < / h2>

The drug helps to reduce pain in the lesions, the rapid formation of callus, so it is actively used for bruises or fractures of varying severity. Also, regular use of the ointment for diseases of the dental-toothed tissues, when bone or cartilage tissue of both jaws suffers, reduces pathological changes in the tissues and removes pain. If blood-thinning medications are used simultaneously with an ointment, then you should be under the supervision of a physician to monitor blood clotting. You should also avoid getting ointment on open wounds and mucous membranes.

Price of the drug < / h2>

Сколько же стоит Chondroxide мазь? The drug is easy to find at any pharmacy. You can buy the ointment in the online store, but this does not particularly affect the cost. The average price of the drug is 5% in a package with an aluminum tube of 30 g – from 300 to 500 rubles, depending on the policy of the outlet. The manufacturer of the drug is the Russian enterprise JSC NIZHFARM.

Дешевые аналоги Chondroxide мази

  1. Mukosat. It belongs to the group of chondroprotectors. It is used to treat degenerative or degenerative changes in the joints, for fractures and periodontal diseases. < / Li>
  2. Artrin. Byлный аналог мази Chondroxide с активным веществом хондроитин сульфат натрия, стимулирующим регенерацию суставных хрящей и блокирующим действие destructive enzymes. < / li>
  3. Beatrin. Combined preparation, which contains a complex derived from the trachea and the brain of ducklings. Byказан при заболеваниях позвоночного столба.

Что лучше Chondroxide мазь или гель?

The differences between the ointment and the gel are insignificant: lanolin, vaseline, monoglycerides are used as auxiliary substances in the ointment, and ethanol, propylene glycol and chemical compounds that help to make a gel form are used for the gel. In all other respects, indications and contraindications of the gel and ointment are absolutely identical. The gel does not require rubbing, and after application it is quickly absorbed, leaving no residue on clothing. The ointment has a dense oily structure and is more suitable for compresses and massage treatments. Both drugs equally quickly penetrate the cell membranes, reaching damaged cartilage. |

Reviews of the effectiveness of the drug < / h2>

Natalia, 27 years old: < / strong> My knees unexpectedly got sick last spring. That only I have not tried, starting with folk remedies, ending with antibiotics. To the doctor, as usual, she went when all the methods had already been tried. Облегчение пришло неожиданно в виде прописанного Chondroxideа – боли полностью прошли через 10 дней ежедневного втирания.

Валерия, 35 лет: Мазь Chondroxide обладает высокой обезболивающей функцией, проста в применении и для меня просто незаменима, так как страдаю от остеохондроза. For six months of use I want to note the unambiguous mobility of the joints, there is no inhibition and crunch. The possibility of restoring cartilage is in doubt, but it will be noticeable with time.

Ruslana, 41 years old < / strong>: The joints on her fingers were very painful, and various medicines did not bring relief. Спас от болей только Chondroxide. The duration of treatment at the moment is 2 weeks, and there is almost no pain. The ointment clearly has the ability to anesthetize the area of joint damage, so I will continue to use it for prophylaxis.


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