Oh, what a man! Russian men andforeign: what’s the difference?

Mon, Dec 19, 2016

Wisdom comes with experience. And experience – over the years. Therefore, closer to
thirty image of the beautiful prince is replaced by another, and this time in
He is just a beautiful man. Such, as in films about
true love – gentle, loyal, beautiful, kind, caring … and
184 more positive qualities. Here are just to find such among
compatriots difficult. Very hard. Almost impossible. For where
never mind – everyone is either married or not married for a reason. And drawn
then the look of the Russian woman in the distance, where the horizon
looming ideal portraits of the inhabitants of overseas countries.

Although not. Not always and not all overseas – in the “wish lists” in
most of them are Europeans and Americans. Less common Australians. And already
very rarely ladies seek happiness on the continent of deserts and jungles. But
Why are men so attractive from abroad? They really
differ in something from ours, or language barrier and the difference in
mentality is prevented from seeing what is what? About this and talk.

Attitude to alcohol and cigarettes

Traditionally, it is believed that all foreigners are polls
healthy lifestyle, that is, do not smoke, do not drink, chew for breakfast
carrot and run in the park. But Russian only give a reason, and then
you will see the reverse course of evolution. In fact, those and others
consume alcohol and smoke in roughly equal quantities, just
abroad somehow it is not accepted to sit with a bottle of vodka near
sandboxes, or puff smoke in the face of a person standing next to
the apron. At best, they will be fined for this, at worst,
taste breech soup. And already тем более никто не ложится спать
under the fence. So here the principle of “the eyes do not see –
heart does not hurt.

Attitude towards the weaker sex

The gallantry of the Germans, the British and their ilk battles the Russians
on the spot. And the truth is, even if one of them peacefully dines with the lady in
restaurant and for no reason at all will drop a piece of fatty on his knees
steak, it would never say “b *!”. And if a wife instead
the grocery set for the month will buy a tenth pair of shoes, a foreigner
Do not allow yourself to raise her voice. And he will not raise his hand. AT
Overall, a dream, not a man. But не обольщайтесь – он не вас как
a woman respects herself as a person. Yes, and does not want to violate the laws
(and oh how hard they are). Hence, good manners and the habit of deciding
conflicts in court.

Attitude to their appearance

AT то время как русские мужчины в большинстве своем могут
called real men (in confirmation of the famous
sayings about monkeys), people from Europe are always washed, shaved,
pressed and smell beautiful. Even if their work is closely related to
mud, then no trace of it under the nails remains. And they
massively buy passes to the gym and bring physical fitness to
perfection. With this you can not argue, this is an obvious plus. But и у нас
There are already signs of improvement. ATлияние Запада, наверно.

You can compare the incomparable to infinity. But остановимся на
this, because no matter how different men are, everything depends on their
identity, not citizenship.

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