Oats – a general description
Oats — однолетнее растение травянистого вида,
belonging to the family of cereals. It can reach a meter height.
It has a straight, bushy stem and oblong leaves. Oat blossoms
in late May or early June. The inflorescence of this cereal is
a whisk, consisting of large spikelets. Plant Fruit –
Oats are grown everywhere as an agricultural
culture. Medicinal properties of oats are well known, because it is no wonder that
Latin name means to be healthy. Oat grain used
и в качестве фуражной culture. They supplement the diet of horses and
other farm animals used as
pigeon strength Paper is made from the straw of this plant.
Oats – types and places of growth
Homeland oats are North China and Mongolia. Especially he
distributed in the temperate zone. Grow it later steel barley and
wheat, but now it is cultivated in both hemispheres. With longtime
since oat time in Russia is one of the most important agricultural
cultures. It is not for nothing that the most extensive crops of grass are considered
are in Russia and in Canada. Widespread oats received
in Belarus, Poland and Finland.
Oats – medicinal properties
Oats are used as a diuretic, diaphoretic,
antidiabetic and antipyretic. With his help
cure many diseases: rheumatism, gout, sciatica, ulcers
stomach, skin diseases.
In oats there is an enzyme that promotes the absorption of carbohydrates.
It helps the gastrointestinal tract. Magnesium,
contained in cereal, helps the heart muscle. Magnesium
positive effect on metabolism and the nervous system. Oats
used in depression and other nervous disorders. Besides
In addition, oats increase immunity, therefore, in the initial stages
hypertension is indispensable. Healthy musculoskeletal system and
clean, strong vessels – the result of the balance of silicon in the
body, which is achieved using oats. And heal the disease
kidney and heart will help phosphorus with potassium, which is also rich in this
cereal. Oat oil is used for urolithiasis.
Oats – лекарственные формы
Shortly before the onset of full flowering of oats, harvested or
elevated parts of the plant, or its tops. In order to
medicinal raw materials have not deteriorated, it must be dried quickly. Make
this is either on the air or using dryers. Temperature
drying – 40 ° C.
WITHолому же, которая тоже востребована в medicine, заготавливают
when the grain harvest is already gathered. Dried straw on the air. From
oat straw and from the whole plant prepare broths, make
tinctures and infusions. Broth straw is added to the bath. From seed
plants get oat oil. To do this, use the method
low-temperature extraction. Even from fresh green oats
squeeze the juice.
Oats – рецепты
For erosions and ulcers, traditional medicine recommends using
oat oil. This product contains substances that promote
improvement of vision and removal of kidney stones. Oil facilitates
condition of the patient with convulsions and is used as
Oats помогает избавиться от курения. It should take 50 grams
oats, millet, rye and barley. A mixture of cereals poured two cups
water. Boil 10 minutes. The resulting broth must be poured into a thermos,
which leave alone for 12 hours. Ready infusion in the filtered
form of drink 100 ml 3 times a day. The end of treatment comes then,
when the craving for smoking is replaced by disgust.
Oats способствует излечению от гриппа. A glass of oat grains
хорошенько промыть и залить литром water. The mixture is left overnight. WITH
In the morning, the mixture should be cooked until the oats are halved. Received by
strain the broth and drink in the form of heat throughout the day.
Green oat grass helps with urolithiasis. Required
take a half-liter jar and fill the minced meat
grass, then pour vodka, leave in the dark for 20 days.
The tincture needs to be shaken. Strained tincture is used for 20-30
капель, разбавляя столовой ложкой water. Drink the solution three times a day.
before meals.
For arthritis, oatmeal wraps can help. In enamel
2/3 pot should be filled with oat straw, pine twigs and
hay dust. All components used in equal proportions.
Pour water and boil for half an hour. Insist broth 20 minutes. In broth
wet sheets, socks and pieces of cloth for hands and neck. WITHлегка
squeeze the cloth and quickly wrap the patient in it. Bed sheet
we wind up to the armpits, the fabric is on the neck and hands, we wear socks
on foot. The patient needs to go to bed and wrap up with a blanket. Lie down
two hours. Daily repeat the procedure from one to two
Oats – противопоказания
Exceeding the recommended dose when using infusions and
tinctures of oats leads to headaches. Long
using oat oil can cause acne and rashes. It is impossible
allow oil to enter the eye. Inhalation of oatmeal vapors
may cause irritation of the mucous membranes and dizziness.
Rita 05/02/2016 And since childhood I have heard about wonderful properties
oats. My grandmother watered me, she harvested him. And children
my watering, so we have no one ever sick of! Us and cold not
They took, and I only know by hearsay where I am. So that –
All this is true, about oats. Tina 05/02/2016 About oats butter, I generally
the first time I’ve heard. To begin with, I think to try to drink infusion, decoction.
To support immunity. I, recently, have often become
popping barley. The doctor said that this immunity is weakened. Here is
and we will strengthen)) Iraida 02.05.2016 Yes, I am also a little surprised,
such strong properties of this plant. And nerves heals, and stomach
helps, and a bunch of organs at the same time. After such information
it’s even stupid to take pills somehow … The only thing to drink is
probably not very nice … Maria 05/02/2016 Well, everything is just there
in this cereal, and magnesium, and potassium, and phosphorus, and various enzymes.
Правда – читаешь и не верится, что из-за приема oats. can
cure many diseases. I already decided to try it
a healing plant, it will not be worse)) Annie 05/02/2016 I already
I learned so much new that I’m afraid and I don’t remember half!)) Even that
the fact that oat straw turns out to make paper! I knew
only that they treat the stomach with oats. My father drank it too. is he
even pain relieves gastric.