Can I eat and lose weight at the same time? Of course, the important thing is that
is and in what quantities. The topic of our article is whether oats are good for
losing weight! So if you are a fan of the English tradition of breakfast
oatmeal, the information outlined below will be helpful.
Porridge, sir?
The oatmeal diet proudly marches around the world and is famous for its
efficiency and benefit to the body. The thing is that cereal
helps to cleanse the body of toxins and slags, the level
cholesterol is reduced, free radicals are derived. Even people
suffering from diseases of the stomach, can easily sit on oatmeal
diet Weight decreases, and with it improves health, and even
skin looks fresher and healthier.
But get ready to show strength and endurance, as this
mono-diet, that is, will have to eat only oatmeal, and
no English tea.
Dossier diets on oats—
The diet lasts about a week, maybe a little more. Eat only
oatmeal and other products, of course, from oats. Cook porridge on
water. You can eat only freshly baked porridge. But you can
also fill the flakes with water at room temperature, and after 12
hours without any additional manipulations have a mush. Nutritionists
argue that it is even more useful.
If the water is not at all inspiring, stock up on milk. Porridge can
cook from crushed flakes. Choose to your taste. For breakfast
for variety, add dried fruits, but in small quantities.
Choose prunes, so you can solve the problem with constipation,
which sometimes occurs with an oatmeal diet. Forget the salt and
sugar. Your credo is just porridge!
Oats for weight loss – an excellent tool, but it suggests
drinking plenty of fluids: this is tea in all its
manifestations and, of course, water. However, you can drink only during the breaks.
between meals.
Eat as much as you can. The effect of losing weight will still be
awesome, even if portions of porridge are big!
Oats broth for weight loss
BUT, before stuffing “oats,” it is worth cleansing the body. For
This is perfect oats decoction, for losing weight just a thing
irreplaceable. So, we write down the recipe:
- – for the night 4 tablespoons of oatmeal are poured cold
water in a volume of 1 liter. In the morning oatmeal boil until it turns out
jelly-like mass (approximately within an hour). After taking
decoction is not recommended to have the next 5 hours, but after
this term overeat also should not be.
A decoction of oats will help cleanse the body and lose weight!
Let’s sum up
What is good about the described diet is that there is a benefit to
the whole body. The soul of a woman will generally remain indescribable
delighted with a wonderful waist and slim legs! Yes, and is it bad that
the body will strengthen, and the tone will increase.
Plus, this diet should pay attention to those individuals,
who have already tried many diets, but none have been able to
give a positive effect. Try and make sure that the oats
able to work wonders!
Where to begin?
But do not rush to buy a whole warehouse of oats. Firstly
need to consult with a specialist who can
objectively evaluate the benefits of the oatmeal diet for your body.
It is likely that for you all the advantages described are not
act. After all, you do not want to harm your health?
The ideal figure of Sherlock Holmes
Remember the old movies about Sherlock Holmes. Tell me, are you
Did he notice folds of fat and a bulging tummy? Why all?
Maybe it’s bunting, which the famous detective ate with pleasure.
Well, do not forget about the outstanding deductive abilities of Sherlock,
Yes, and he did not complain about health … Ladies, where are you? I smell
oatmeal Well, bon appetit and diet!