Oat kvass – gives freshness, vigor, reducesweight! Kvass from oats at home: the benefits and harm дляof the body

Ср, 06 июл 2016 Автор: Марина ATыходцева

Oat kvass differs from bread drink not only in taste and
composition of trace elements. The drink is considered useful, attributed to him
a lot of healing properties and is recommended to use from different

AT чем скрывается польза овсяного кваса и как его
to cook?


Oat kvass – the general principles of cooking

Many housewives prefer oatmeal kvass because
reusable grain Single leaven
lasts for 3-4 months, the drink continues to ferment well and not
taste is affected. You just need to make sure that the brew is not
peroxide. If this happens, a small part of the grain is separated and
mixed with a fresh portion of washed oats. Or in the new grain
add a little sour kvass, which will help activate

To make a quality leaven that will last all summer,
choose a good, clean grain. Immediately sort out empty and
damaged oats. Cereal carefully washed, in some recipes
it needs to be soaked. Follow the given technology.


Be sure to add sugar to kvass. Without it, fermentation will not be
can. Sometimes instead of sugar put honey, syrups. Add
unclaimed jam. AT таком случае вкус напитка изменится.
Of particular importance is the addition of raisins. Dried grapes also
enhance fermentation and have a positive effect on taste

ATся сила в воде

Notизменным составляющим является жидкость. Notжелательно
use plumbing water that contains chlorine. Sometimes
the basis of the drink is made by various broths cooked in home
conditions. AT идеале квас ставится на родниковой воде. Can take
bottled or self-filtered liquid.

Recipe 1: Classic Oat Kvass

Recipe natural oat kvass, in which, in addition to sugar and
grains in the water nothing more is added. Need to strictly abide by
technology to start the fermentation process and drink
turned out.


• 0.3 kg of oats;

• 4 + 4 spoons of sugar.


1. Take a three-liter jar and launder thoroughly. Kvass will
wander in it.

2. Enumerating the grain, thoroughly washing and laying in

3. Add prescription sugar in the amount of four spoons.

4. ATливаем теплую воду, но не до самого верха. Reserve
a few centimeters for lifting the drink during fermentation.

5. Fold the gauze 4 times and cover the jar. Set aside in
warm for 3-4 days. The drink should ferment and sour from him

6. Not нужно радоваться раньше времени. ATесь напиток сливаем, так
as it is unsuitable and has an earthy taste.

7. AT забродивший овес добавляем чистую воду и еще четыре ложки
Sahara. Cover again with gauze and set in heat.

8. After 3 days you get a hearty kvass. If the grain is low
qualities and the earthy taste is still present, then the procedure with
merge repeat once again.

Recipe 2: Oat kvass at home with honey and

ATариант более ароматного и насыщенного кваса из овса в домашних
conditions. It will need bee honey and any raisins. Variety
the size and color of the grapes do not matter. Calculation of ingredients on
одну трехлитровую банку drink.


• 2 tbsp. l honey;

• 50 grams of raisins;

• 30 grams of sugar;

• 250 grams of oats.


1. ATымачиваем овес около двух часов, предварительно зерно
we are going over. You can change the water several times.

2. AT литре теплой воды разводим сахар и заливаем овес. Reserve
for 4 days.

3. ATсю жидкость сливаем.

4. Add honey diluted in water.

5. We wash the raisins, you can soak a little and also send to
jar of oats.

6. Fill the bank with so much water so that it does not reach the top
about three fingers.

7. Reserve банку для брожения в теплом месте, можно поставить
in the sun. After 2-3 days, we begin to try.

Recipe 3: Oatmeal Kvass with Apple Peel

Recipe kvass from oats with the addition of apple peel. She can
stay after cooking pie, jam or other dishes. Corky
give the drink a very pleasant taste, make it fragrant and unusual.
If apples are used red, then kvass will get darker.


• peel 5 apples;

• 0.2 kg of oats;

• 8 tablespoons of sugar;

• 4 liters of water.


1. Pour a liter of water into the washed oats, add three spoons
sugar and kept in a warm place for three days.

2. Then all the liquid is drained, rinsed oats.

3. Prepare a compote of three liters of water and apple peel,
Add sugar immediately. Boil all together for at least 10 minutes. Give
настояться под крышкой несколько hours

4. As soon as the compote becomes warm, it must be drained.

5. Combine apple broth and oats. Stir well and
cover with gauze napkin.

6. Put the drink for 3-4 days in a warm place.

7. Bottled and cooled.

Recipe 4: Oatmeal Cereal

For cooking oat kvass, you can use not only
whole grain, but flakes “Hercules.” Soой напиток тоже пользуется
popular with the people and considered useful. To activate the process
fermentation will need some raw yeast.


• 0.14 kg of oat flakes;

• 5 grams of yeast;

• 85 grams of sugar.


1. Pour out dry flakes in a three-liter jar. Flush
Hercules do not need to sort and remove damaged items

2. In warm water we part sugar together with yeast.

3. Pour to the oatmeal, quite a jar not

4. Tie neck with gauze, folded in two layers.

5. Put kvass in the sun for fermentation. Two days later
appreciate the taste of the young drink.

6. Kvass filter, flakes re-pour sweetened
water Yeast can no longer be added.

Recipe 5: Kvass from oats at home for weight loss

Vigorous drink not only improves the tone and gives vigor, but also
helps to lose weight. The technology of making such kvass from oats in
home environment is slightly different from the traditional scheme and
requires cooking of cereal.


• 1 cup oats;

• 3 liters of water;

• 1 slice of rye bread;

• 2 spoons of sugar.


1. Oats are thoroughly washed and soaked in water about two
hours The fluid is drained.

2. Add prescription water to the oats and set it on fire. Give
boil quickly, then lower the heat. Cook at low boil
about ten minutes.

3. Cool, strain. It will turn out to be a muddy, slimy liquid.
similar to jelly. It should be so.

4. We take 1.5 liters of oat broth, it should be warm.
Add two spoons of sugar and stir well.

5. We throw in the prepared mixture a small piece of rye bread,
You can lightly fry it in a dry frying pan or in the oven.

6. Cover and leave to wander in heat for three days. Regularly
check the drink, do not give peroxide.

7. Then kvass for weight loss must be filtered. Use it three
once a day, half an hour before meals.

Kvass from oats at home: the benefits and harm

The people have long believed that oat kvass is useful for
organism and has a positive effect on its functioning.
Drink prescribed a lot of healing properties, it is used
inward, used for compresses, lotions, in hair care and
skin. It is believed that kvass lowers blood pressure and cleans blood vessels. So
Is it really?

The benefits of kvass made from oats:

• contains a variety of vitamins and minerals;

• inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora in the gastrointestinal

• improves appetite and speeds up digestion;

• strengthens tooth enamel;

• improves mood and vitality;

• lowers cholesterol and fights the onset of

• accelerates metabolic processes.

Unfortunately, in oat kvass there is not only
Drink is bad for people with medical conditions.
digestive system, including gastritis, ulcers, increased
gas formation, bloating, flatulence.

The benefits and harm of oat kvass for children

In general, any kvass, including bread, is much more useful.
purchased lemonades with dubious compositions and a bunch of EEshek. Exactly
therefore, parents often offer a drink to their favorite child. Child
quenches thirst, children’s body receives vitamins and minerals

But not everything is so rosy. The drink is a fermented product.
Thoughtless use can adversely affect the fragile
digestive system and lead to disastrous consequences. Not
It is recommended to introduce the drink in the diet to children under 5 years. Notкоторые
Experts recommend to postpone the use of kvass to 7 years.

The benefits and harms of oat kvass for pregnant women

During pregnancy, kvass should be consumed with extreme caution. AT
depending on the recipe and the amount of sugar, the drink can
contain up to 1.5% alcohol. Therefore, in large quantities
it should not be used. Soже овсяный квас может вызывать
bloating, which in turn can lead to uterine tone and threat
miscarriage. A single portion of kvass pregnant women should not
exceed 150 ml. ATо время грудного вскармливания напиток

The benefits and harms of oat kvass while losing weight

Calorie kvass depends on the amount of sugar in the drink,
degree of fermentation, type of additives. Energy value can
vary from 28 to 200 kcal. With reasonable use of kvass
You can not worry about weight gain. You can even lose some weight.
The drink speeds up the metabolism, has a slight diuretic effect,
improves digestion. It can be safely used in the diet, but
preferably until 17 pm, as in the evening use
carbohydrate is undesirable.

The benefits and harms of homemade kvass are obvious.
The drink has a positive effect on the human body, but
need to use it within reasonable limits. Especially neat
to offer kvass to children, pregnant and lactating women.

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