New unexpected side effect of smoking

Fri, 11 Nov 2016

As it turned out, to an endless list of harmful effects of smoking
a new item has been added – it is one of the strongest factors
the risk of baldness in men.

Thai scientists have concluded that smoking makes you lose
hair even the most persistent – Asian men who are genetically
significantly less prone to baldness than representatives

The study involved 740 Thai men. The subjects,
smoked over 20 cigarettes a day, there was an obvious
the tendency to thinning hair, although the onset of baldness is not
matched the age criteria.

According to scientists, nicotine destroys the hair follicle.
(follicle) containing the hair root. Adjoins the follicle
excretory duct of the sebaceous gland. Long or frequent smoking
disrupts blood circulation and increases the production of a female hormone
estrogen. The sum of these causes and leads to early baldness.

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