Nectarine preserves – the aromatic taste of summer.Recipes приготовления варенья из нектарина: традиционное, с кофе,vanilla, cinnamon

Чт, 25 авг 2016 Автор: Наталья Даньчишак

The name of the fruit was due to the high content
Sahara. Nectarines are rich in vitamins and trace elements. Useful
Nectarine seed kernels also have properties. They are
sweet and bitter. Sweet add to jam or just eat
and bitters are used in the preparation of alcoholic beverages.


Nectarine preserves – basic cooking principles

For jam, take only ripe fruit. Unripe Nectarines
can spoil the taste of jam.

Selected nectarines are washed under the tap. The skin is not removed. Then
remove the bones, and cut the flesh into slices. Sliced ​​Nectarines
shift in a suitable dish and pour sugar.
Stir and leave in the refrigerator for several hours.

Nectarine preserves are boiled in two or three doses. Capacity with
peaches put on the fire and bring to a boil, remove the foam and
Cook for about five minutes. Then его полностью охлаждают и варят еще

For piquancy and aroma, spices are added to the jam,
citrus, vanilla and even coffee.

Hot jam packed in half-liter sterile
jars and tightly sealed. Wrap and leave to
preservation is completely cold.

Nectarine jam is suitable not only for tea drinking, but also in
as a filling for pies.

Recipe 1. Traditional nectarine jam


  • nectarine – two kg;

  • granulated sugar – 1000 grams;

  • vanilla sugar – bag.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the fruits of nectarines under the tap. Remove rotted and
overripe fruits. Remove the bones from the peaches. Pulp cut

2. Put the peaches in a bowl and add sugar. Good
stir and leave in the refrigerator for several hours.

3. Stir again, add vanilla sugar and set
bowl with fruit on a slow fire. Bring the jam to a boil and
cook for a quarter of an hour. Set aside for a few hours.

4. Wash half-liter jars with detergent and thoroughly
rinse them. Sterilize the glass container convenient for you.
in a way.

5. Send a bowl of jam to a slow fire and cook another 15
minutes since boiling up.

6. Spread hot jam in a glass container and tightly
cork the lids. Turn over, wrap and cool completely.

Recipe 2. Nectarine jam with saffron


  • kilogram of nectarine;

  • a pinch of citric acid;

  • 1.2 kg of sugar;

  • drinking water – a glass;

  • a pinch of saffron.

Cooking method

1. Nectarine wash thoroughly. Divide in half and remove

2. Dilute citric acid in water and lower into five
minutes half nectarine.

3. Drain the water and put the peaches in an enamel bowl.

4. Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour a glass of drinking water and
Boil the syrup over low heat, stirring constantly.

5. Pour the nectarine pulp with syrup and leave for a day to
fruit soaked with syrup.

6. After the allotted time, drain the syrup with the released juice in
pot, put on the fire and boil. Again pour it
peaches Infuse nectarines for another day.

7. Put the pelvis on medium heat and bring to a boil, removing
the foam. Then уменьшить огонь и варить минут 15. В конце добавить
saffron and citric acid. The jam is completely cool and spread
in sterile dry jars. Throat close parchment and
tie up with string. Keep refrigerated.

Recipe 3. Nectarine jam with oranges


  • kilogram of sugar;

  • nectarines – kilogram;

  • lemons – half a kilo;

  • oranges – a kilogram.

Cooking method

1. Wash nectarines under running water. Выньте bones.
Pulp cut одинаковыми тонкими дольками, обрезая поврежденные

2. Transfer the sliced ​​fruit to a stainless steel bowl. Go to sleep
sugar and mix. Leave for forty minutes until
juice will stand out.

3. Wash lemons and oranges, pour boiling water and remove sharp
knife peel. Cut the citrus slices and add them to

4. Put the pelvis on low heat and cook jam, constantly
stirring. To check drip the mixture on the saucer, if it is not
spreads, then jam is ready.

5. Banks wash, rinse well and put in the oven for 15
minutes sterilized.

6. Spread hot jam in jars and roll up. Cool down
wrapped in a warm blanket, and sent to storage in the pantry.

Recipe 4. Transparent nectarine jam


  • nectarines – kilogram;

  • drinking water – a glass;

  • granulated sugar – a kilogram;

  • lemon juice – 60 ml.

Cooking method

1. Wash nectarines and cut them into beautiful small slices.

2. In a glass of water, add two glasses of sugar and put the mixture on
slow fire Boil the syrup until the sugar crystals are completely
dissolve. Then снимаем посуду с сиропом с огня, слегка
cool and add freshly squeezed lemon juice.

3. Immerse the nectarine slices in the hot syrup and leave on
night covered with a clean cloth.

4. Then ставим посуду с персиками на слабый огонь и варим
about three minutes the moment of boiling up. Remove from heat and leave to
in the morning

5. Return the fruit mixture to the fire again and cook for minutes.

6. Clean jars are sterilized and dried. Decomposed by
prepared glass containers hot jam, and hermetically
roll up

Recipe 5. Nectarine jam with almonds and cinnamon


  • nectarines – half a kilo;

  • almonds – 150 g;

  • ground cinnamon – 5 grams;

  • sugar – 2.5 cups.

Cooking method

1. Wash nectarines under the tap. Boil the fruit and
remove thin skin. Remove bones, slice peaches
in thin slices and put in a stainless steel basin. Leave to steam
hours, nectarines covered with sugar, and mixed.

2. Put on fire and, as soon as boils, boil a quarter
hours Осторожно снимите the foam. Set aside, cover clean
cloth and leave overnight.

3. Remove the skin from the almond and finely crumble it. Dishes with
put the jam on the fire and, as soon as it boils, add
cinnamon and ground almonds. Cook at low boiling minutes.
ten. Do not forget to stir constantly, so that the jam is not

4. Arrange the jars in jars. Cork tightly
Turn it over, wrap it in a warm blanket and cool completely.

Recipe 6. Nectarine jam with coffee


  • nectarines – two kilograms;

  • granulated sugar – two kilograms;

  • natural ground coffee – 30 g.

Cooking method

1. Make a small bag out of thick fabric.

2. Nectarines wash under water. Вынимаем bones. Pulp
the fruit is cut into small slices.

3. Put the sliced ​​peach pulp in the enamel basin and
we fall asleep with sugar. Mix and leave for a few hours
for fruit to produce juice.

4. Pour coffee into the bag and tie it tightly. Taz set
on fire and drop a bag of coffee in it. We need him
gave his flavor, but the color of the jam has not changed. Cook with
boiling point, seven minutes. Then снимаем с огня и вынимаем
a bag of coffee.

5. Hot jam prepackaged in half-liter jars and
roll up We wrap up the old jacket and leave it to jam
completely cooled.

Recipe 7. Nectarine jam with walnuts


  • kilogram of sugar;

  • walnuts – 100 g;

  • kilogram of nectarines.

Cooking method

1. Kernels of walnuts soaked for five minutes in boiling water. Then
water is drained and soaked again for ten minutes.

2. Nectarines wash by crane, drain and cut into slices, removing

3. We transfer the peaches into enameled dishes and fall asleep
sugar. Stir and leave for three hours to nectarines
let the juice. Add walnuts to peaches and mix.

4. Send the fruit mixture to a low heat and cook until
готовности, постоянно stirring. Снимаем the foam. As soon as jam
starts to bubble, remove it from the heat and pack it in
sterile, dry glass containers.

Recipe 7. Nectarine preserves with zhelfix


  • granulated sugar – 1 kg 100 g;

  • nectarine – four kilograms;

  • jelfix – two packs;

  • drinking water – 60 ml.

Cooking method

1. Промываем под краном нектарины и вынимаем bones. Bless
fruit with boiling water and remove the thin peel. Pulp нарезаем небольшими
slices and shift in a pot for cooking jam.

2. Add 100 g of sugar to the gelfix and mix. Received
add the mixture to the peaches and mix. Reserve for a couple

3. Dishes with персиками ставим на слабый огонь, вливаем кипяченую
water and mix. Water is needed so that the jam does not burn.

4. When the fruit mixture begins to boil, add the rest.
sugar and mix. Варим минут семь, постоянно stirring.

5. Pour hot jam into sterile dry jars and
we cork. Cover with warm cloth and leave for a day.

Nectarine preserves – tips and tricks

  • For jam, take ripe nectarines with dense flesh.

  • Solid varieties blanch four minutes in boiling water, after
    then dip into cold water.

  • To prevent the fruits from bursting, pin them in several places.

  • Stone, ingrown into the flesh is convenient to remove with a spoon.

  • Adjust the amount of sugar depending on the sweetness.

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